14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project!

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Recently, the ethylene project of Sinopec's 1 million tons/year ethylene refining and chemical integration project in Yueyang area conducted an environmental impact assessment. An overview of the

project is as follows.



建设内容:本项目新建100万吨/年乙烯装置及下游共14套装置,包括乙烯装置、EVA装置HDPE装置LLDPE装置、芳烃制苯装置、丁二烯抽提装置、MTBE/丁烯-1装置、裂解汽油加氢装置、芳烃抽提装置, styrene extraction device, C5 separation device, CHPPO device , ​​ phenol / acetone device, bisphenol A device , ​​at the same time supporting the construction of necessary storage and transportation projects, public works, auxiliary facilities and off-site projects .

Construction location: In Hunan Yueyang Green Chemical High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Yueyang City, Hunan Province It has been carried out in many places across the country, and the total production capacity exceeds 10 million tons.


Hainan Yangpu Hainan Refining and Chemical’s 1 million tons of ethylene refining expansion project

On November 13, Hainan Refining and Chemical’s 1 million tons/year ethylene and oil refining equipment reconstruction and expansion project with a high standard of 1 million tons of ethylene and oil refining equipment The completion of and CCCC marks that the device has entered the critical stage of feeding and testing.

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba

Ceremony site of handover

Hainan Refining & ChemicalThe 1 million tons/year ethylene and refining expansion project is one of the key projects of the national petrochemical industry planning, and also a key project of Hainan Province and Sinopec, with a total investment of more than 28 billion yuan. After the project is completed and put into production, it is expected to directly stimulate the downstream industry of over 100 billion yuan and become a new engine for Hainan's future development.

The ethylene plant started construction on January 10, 2021 and completed the CCCC, which is the first high-standard CCCC after the pre-test run in the Sinopec system, which lasted 22 months. It is reported that the ethylene plant plans to start feeding on December 25.

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba



河南洛阳 洛阳石化百万吨乙烯项目

该乙烯项目位于洛阳市孟津区先进制造业开发区石化园区,规划占地面积约280.92公顷。 Mainly construct 13 sets of process devices including 1 million tons/year steam cracking device, including 1 million tons/year steam cracking device and follow-up high-performance metallocene polyethylene m-LLDPE, Full Density Polyethylene, High Performance Multimodal High Density Polyethylene, High Performance Copolymer Polypropylene, High Impact Polypropylene, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Polymer EVA, Ethylene Oxide, Acrylonitrile , propylene nitrile-butadiene-styrene ABS, hydrogenated styrene-butadiene block copolymer SEBS and other devices and supporting public works. The total investment of the project is 26.02 billion yuan, and it is planned to be completed and put into production in 2025. After completion and operation, the estimated annual operating income is 20 billion yuan and the tax revenue is 1.8 billion yuan.

Latest progress: On October 19, the feasibility study report of the ethylene project was comprehensively evaluated and demonstrated .

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba


福建漳州 古雷炼化一体化二期150万吨/年乙烯

福建古雷炼化一体化工程二期项目包括1600万吨/年炼油、150万吨/年乙烯、320万吨/年Aromatics complex, 600,000 tons/year caprolactam and supporting refining and chemical integration downstream production units and public engineering systems and auxiliary facilities, supporting wharves and wharf storage areas, etc.

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba

Gulei Refining and Chemical Integration Project is the largest petrochemical joint venture between mainland China and Taiwan. Fujian Gulei Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is jointly established by Fujian Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd. and Xuteng Investment Co., Ltd. each hold 50% The company is responsible for the implementation. The first phase of the Gulei refining and chemical integration project has officially started construction on December 26, 2017. It will be completed and put into operation on August 20, 2021.

The latest progress: On September 23, the investment agreement for the second phase project of Fujian Gulei Refining and Chemical Integration Project with a total investment of over 70 billion yuan was formally signed. On September 2, the pre-examination of land use and site selection opinions for the second phase project was publicized. The Natural Resources Bureau of Zhangzhou Gulei Port Economic Development Zone plans to approve the project land area of ​​401.2178 hectares. It is reported that the total area of ​​the project is 697.3 hectares.

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba


广东湛江 中科炼化二期120万吨/年乙烯

中石化的中科炼化一体化项目位于东海岛石化产业园内,园区总规划面积37平方公里。 The first phase of the project has a refining capacity of 10 million tons/year and an ethylene production capacity of 800,000 tons/year. The second phase of the project includes 15 million tons/year oil refining and 1.2 million tons/year ethylene project, including 700,000 tons/year polypropylene and 450,000 tons/year polyethylene.

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba

The localization rate of Zhongke Refining & Chemical has exceeded 95%, and the advanced refining and chemical production equipment technology independently developed in China has been widely used in the project. This project is of great significance for Sinopec to accelerate the construction of Maozhan base, increase the stock with increment, and promote the optimization and adjustment of refining structure.



天津石化南港120万吨/年乙烯及下游高端新材料产业集群项目是推进京津冀协同发展国家战略的重大工程,于2021年5 month officially launched. The

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba

project cluster consists of 11 projects, including Tianjin NangangEthylene and downstream high-end new material industry clusters, Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry pilot test base, Great Wall lubricating oil , catalyst production base, LNG expansion, scientific experiment base of Academy of Stone Sciences, achievement transformation center of Academy of Engineering, photovoltaic new energy, Petrochemical e-trade platform and other key projects.

As the leader of the project cluster, Nangang Ethylene Project takes the 1.2 million tons/year ethylene plant as the leader, aiming at leading the world, filling the domestic gap, replacing imports, extending the industrial chain building ultra-high molecular weight, α-olefins, ALL-PE , ABS, POE, HDPE and other 12 sets of high-end new material devices. It is understood that Nangang Ethylene is expected to be completed in 2023, and the project cluster is expected to be completed in 2025.

Latest progress: On December 7, 2022, INEOS signed a new cooperation agreement with Sinopec, INEOS will acquire a 50% stake in Sinopec’s Tianjin Nangang ethylene project. The project is currently under construction with a 1.2 million-ton ethylene cracking unit and a downstream high-end new material derivative product unit, which are expected to be put into operation by the end of 2023.


Xinjiang Kuqa Tahe Refining 1 million tons of ethylene project

The construction site of the main unit is located in Kuqa Economic and Technological Development Zone, Kuchechang County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 8 kilometers east of Tahe Refinery

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba

Construct 10 sets of chemical plants with 1 million tons/year of ethylene as the leader, and the other 9 sets are 450,000 tons/year HDPE plant, 400,000 tons/year LLDPE plant, 200,000 tons/year LDPE plant, 200,000 tons /year 1PP unit, 300,000 tons/year 2PP unit, 140,000 tons/year butadiene extraction unit, 10/40,000 tons/year MTBE/butene-1 unit, 650,000 tons/year pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation unit , 350,000 tons/year aromatics extraction unit.


Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Refining 38 million tons of oil and 2.2 million tons of ethylene

Zhenhai Refining & Chemical is one of the largest petrochemical bases in my country. It has already started, and the total investment of the project is 50 billion yuan. After completion, Zhenhai Refining & Chemical will form an annual refining capacity of 38 million tons/year and 2.2 million tons/year of ethylene, becoming the world's top five refining and chemical production bases.

14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba



14 sets! EIA of Sinopec's million tons of ethylene refining and chemical integration project ethylene project! - Lujuba

南京扬子石油化工有限责任公司轻烃综合利用与新材料改造项目将新建100万吨/年蒸汽裂解制乙烯装置、35 万吨/年HDPE device, 300,000 tons/year LLDPE device, 400,000 tons/year PP device, etc. The project is planned to start construction before March 30, 2022, and the third phase of the project will be completed and put into operation in December 2027.

Source: People’s Government of Yunxi District, Yueyang City, Process Industry

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