"The Moment of the Sun" director An Lan: This is a war film that impresses the audience with characters|Interview

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'The Moment of the Sun' director An Lan: This is a war film that impresses the audience with characters|Interview - Lujuba'The Moment of the Sun' director An Lan: This is a war film that impresses the audience with characters|Interview - Lujuba

"Although this is a war movie, I focus on showing people in war, people in war." Director An Lan, who is good at shooting war-themed films and televisions, talked about his new movie "Sunrise" in an interview. "The Moment of Rising" says so.

Today, this film directed by An Lan, starring Ren Shuai, Lan Feiyang, Shi Chenwei, Ma Ziluo, Lu Chen, and joined by powerful actors such as Tang Guoqiang, Liu Jin, Liu Zhibing, Jiang Feng, and Liu Tengyuan, landed in the National Academy. line. In An Lan's mind, "The Moment of Sun Rising" is a war film centered on characters. "Only when the personal emotions of each person in the film are connected with each battle, can it be possible to touch the softest part of the audience."

has made most of his life war films, and why

made the "Battle of Hengbao" this time. ?

'The Moment of the Sun' director An Lan: This is a war film that impresses the audience with characters|Interview - Lujuba

Anlan studio work photo

"'Battle of Hengbao' is a large-scale battle across the founding ceremony, so "The Moment of Sun Rising" is a war film dedicated to the founding ceremony." I have filmed "The Great Master" and "Induction" On the special day of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China this year, An Lan, who made films such as "Wolf" and "Dawn of the East", has been dealing with war films for most of his life. "The Moment" couldn't be more appropriate. In an interview with

, An Lan talked about this period of history. He introduced that in 1949, the Kuomintang attempted to rule the river and split the motherland. The People's Liberation Army launched a battle to cross the river. The Kuomintang army retreated steadily. Chiang Kai-shek pinned his hopes on the last elite force-the "little Zhuge" Bai Chongxi. Department of the army. The Party Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong instructed the Fourth Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to actively prepare for war. On the eve of the founding of New China, Chen Bing, the two armies of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, launched a decisive battle between China and South Africa. In the 34 days from September 13th to October 16th, 1949, the soldiers fought bloody and annihilated the main force of Bai Chongxi's Gui army. This large-scale battle was called the "Battle of Hengbao."

"In 1949, when Chairman Mao announced the founding of the People's Republic of China at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, there was a group of heroes in the southwest of my country who fought blood for the liberation of the whole of China." An Lan said, using such a war movie to present the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. It has a special meaning, and fortunately, the "Battle of Hengbao" did not have many films and TV works before.

In addition, although the historical "Battle of Hengbao" ended in the People's Liberation Army victory, it was a very tragic battle. This is another reason why An Lan aimed the lens at it.

In his opinion, the cruelty of this battle reflects the hard-won of New China, which is exactly what Anlan and his generation want to tell the young people.

from the point of view of the movie, as a war blockbuster, the fierce battle also provides rich material for creators. "There is a tank battle in the film. We designed tanks that use explosive packs, Molotov cocktails, etc. to deal with the enemy." While increasing the viewing experience, An Lan arranged this battle of "man and steel" to express the PLA soldiers. Bloody and responsible.

aimed the camera at the young soldier "thousands of miles away"

When filming "The Time of the Sun", An Lan did not use too much pen and ink on the "strategy" between the top commanders of the Chinese and Communist armies. More shots were placed on ordinary PLA soldiers "thousands away."

An Lan believes that focusing the story on the soldiers of the Fourth Field Army and telling them about the thrilling moments of their charge and the daily life of training in the troops can make the audience more sympathetic. "Current audiences, especially young audiences, are more concerned about what the young people think and do in that era." It is precisely this point that An Lan said "The Moment of Sun Rising" is a show of young people. War films for young people. "A group of energetic young people, for the sake of ideals and beliefs, abandon the comfort they have gained, and rush to the battlefield on the front line of life and death. This is an exciting and exciting war movie."

is grasping the situation of real historical events. Next, An Lan made up many fictitious images of young people in the film. Among them are gunmen from Orion, high school students with glasses, honest and stubborn machine gunners, suonas under 20 years old, and a female war correspondent.

An Lan told reporters that these characters have different origins and personalities, each possesses unique skills, but each has its own shortcomings. "These people through this battle, from meeting, to acquaintance and acquaintance. The film focuses on showing that they are on the battlefieldThe family affection, friendship, and love on the world show what can make them dare to sacrifice their young and precious lives. "

" The upper-level leadership is important for the decision-making of the entire battle, but it is not the focus of the film, because these are not closely related to the current young people and it is difficult to resonate. "In An Lan's heart, he wants to use the historical background of the "Battle of Hengbao" as the stage, and the lively young soldiers are the real protagonists.

"To shoot such a film is not about war for the sake of war, we are To shape the characters, to shape the'people in war, people in war'. When the personal emotions of each person in the film are connected with each battle, it is possible to touch the softest part of the audience. "An Lan said.

has different eras and different dreams,

but there is always resonance among young people

In Anlan's view, young people in each era have different ideals and pursuits, but they are all positive. Having dreams, realizing self-worth is A topic common to every generation of young people. The young fighters in the film gradually grow and mature through joining the army and fighting. The complete liberation and reunification of New China has also become their common ideal. Although the young people are living in an age of peace, but You must also be clear about your dreams and how to reflect your self-worth.

"In the film, I deliberately avoided slogan-like expressions. I used the emotions and actions of the characters to reflect the theme of the film. The purpose is to make the audience more profound. Experience. "An Lan believes that no matter what era they are in, the responsibilities and responsibilities of young people to the family and the country have not changed. At the same time, he also hopes that young people will remember that the Republic comes from a film like "The Moment of the Sun". It is not easy, because even when the founding ceremony was going on, the world was still not peaceful, and there were soldiers who shed blood and sacrifice for the new China.

-article reprinted from China Film News

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