"BLEACH Realm" is a manga created by Kubo Taito and serialized in Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump" in 2001. As one of the three major migrant manga comics dubbed "Sea of Dead Fire" by fans ("BLEACH Realm", "Naruto", "One Piece"), the comics have a circulation of over 100 million, and the animation has been broadcast for eight years before being discontinued in 2012. After 10 years of silence, the final chapter of "BLEACH Realm" "New Chapter of Realm" is updated again! The domestic exclusive broadcast platform Youku will be updated and broadcast simultaneously with Japan. It has now been updated to the third episode.
"The New Chapter of the Realm" ("BLEACH: The Millennium Blood War") is the final chapter of the "Bleach Realm" series, which tells the fierce battle between the god of death and the quencher. Youhabach, who had been sleeping for thousands of years, was resurrected. For the revenge of the Quincy, he established an invisible empire. After occupying the virtual circle, he declared war on the god of death. The entire spiritual world ushered in a thousand-year bloody battle.
"The New Chapter of Realm" is being broadcast on Youku, and the global popularity has reached the top!
"The New Chapter of Realm" ("BLEACH: Thousand Years of Blood War") launched on October 10, the world's top trend on Twitter, the seventeenth on Weibo's hot search list, and the fourth on Douyin's hot search list. Domestic Foreign popularity both exploded. The animation information website "Anime Corner" has dominated the 2022 fall/October animation hot list for two consecutive weeks, surpassing popular new shows such as "Spy Playing the House" and "Chainsaw Man", successfully reaching the top in the world in terms of popularity, and scoring the first in the world one! "The Realm: A New Chapter" ("BLEACH: The Millennium Blood War") scored as high as 9.7 points on Douban. It has been listed in the top 10 of Douban's global word-of-mouth drama list for three consecutive weeks.
This is the power of the three migrant workers! Who hasn't caught up with "BLEACH Realm" in their youth? After waiting for ten years, it was finally updated again. Fans called "Ye Qing Hui" one after another, saying that the final chapter of the "BLEACH Realm" series "New Chapter of Realm" must be supported!