GEM Shell Resources: New Demon Dragon Head, Dragon Hunting Technique Demon Dao-Come Back?

movie 1752℃

beasts are always lonely, but the sheep are willing to get together! Focus on the operation of leading and demon stocks, and only do the leading demon stocks!

The strong is always strong, neither the dragon nor the demon do it, simple and rude hard work! Do it! 2019 is destined to be an extraordinary year!

Market Core Standards: ArcherMind (8 boards in 9 days), OneNet (7+4 boards)

How can a person who can't swim dare to jump into the sea? Stock trading can't be successful by full of passion, it requires 99% hard work and 1% talent!

Therefore, I am willing to devote 99% of my efforts to make myself better!

At present, there are only two core targets in the market: ArcherMind Technology and OneNet One. [Funding-oriented Baotuan Hype]

combined with weekend news, next week’s theme speculation may be this direction: GEM resources

We are no strangers to this theme. There has been a hype at the end of June, and it is not a new subject. Whether it can be hyped, whether there is a big monster to start, we need to continue to observe, so let's take a look at these GEM shell resources in June?

Statistics of GEM resource stocks on the 2nd board on June 24 (of which Baode shares are high 4 boards):

GEM Shell Resources: New Demon Dragon Head, Dragon Hunting Technique Demon Dao-Come Back? - Lujuba

Statistics of GEM resource stocks on the 3rd board on June 25 (where Baode shares are high 5 boards):

Statistics of GEM resource stocks on the 4th board on the 26th (of which Baode shares are at the height of the 6th board):

Statistics on the GEM resource stocks on the 5th board on June 27 (the last two Huizhong Technology and Senyuan shares that came out) The daily strategy plan of

will be announced in advance, please refer to the stock pick: the pre-market plan of looking for the dragon.

This log may be updated in the disk, to receive update reminders, please pay attention to Dragon Hunting Demon Road.

Disclaimer The author of

holds the stocks mentioned in the article.

This article only represents the author's point of view, not the position of Xuanbaobao. Views are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice.

*Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice

*Risk warning: the stock market is risky, you need to be cautious when entering the market

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