2019 domestic animation observation: 65 works are online, and IP adaptation accounts for 70%

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The last quarter of 2019 has begun, and the Q4 animation lists of various platforms have been announced.

reliable editorial department (ID : KpACGN) compiled the 48 domestic animations that were launched on each platform in the first three quarters of 2019 and the 17 domestic animations that will be broadcast in Q4, a total of 65 works. By analyzing the types of works, the preferences of each platform, audience ratings, There are many aspects such as the monetization model that has been fruitful, trying to show you the trend of the entire domestic animation industry in 2019.

2019 domestic animation observation: 65 works are online, and IP adaptation accounts for 70% - Lujuba

In general, the industry dynamics presented by the data are as follows:

1, IP adaptation and series sequel Mainstream, it’s harder to make originals from 0.

2. The platform has a strong participation in the production. Station B likes to play and instant noodles. Tencent Video loves novel changes and comic changes. Iqiyi’s self-made novel adaptations.

3, from the score See, instant noodle short films are more popular. Most of the IP adaptations are quite satisfactory, but they can also be polarized. The scores of works with insufficient reduction or obvious bugs have repeatedly hit historical lows.

4. Realization is still an animation problem, but because of the platform Participating in the development of the entire industry chain of investment and IP, the entire industry is no longer overly anxious about the realization of the problem. Authorization, derivative, games, etc., the direction of each trial is different and the initial results have been seen.

Next, the reliable editorial department ( ID: kpACGN) Enumerate the data for detailed analysis.

//Statistics description:

1, animation works count non-younger, non-dynamic comics, non-specially produced domestic animation works, the multilingual version only counts the main push version.

2, involving all platforms , But Mango, Youku, Station A, etc. did not have independent broadcasts and joint productions in non-younger animations, so no key analysis is made.

3, the producer, the producer, etc. are organized according to the work Staff and public information. The type of work is bubbled After going to OP/ED, the feature film set is all works within 5 minutes.

4. The scores are displayed on the work score statistics page. Some works are on the same album in multiple seasons, so the entire album score is calculated.

Type: The proportion of adaptations increases, the series continues Of the 65 domestic animation works with stable output

within the statistical scope, 16 works were launched on Q1, 13 on Q2, 19 on Q3, and 17 on Q4.

2019 domestic animation observation: 65 works are online, and IP adaptation accounts for 70% - Lujuba

Among them, 46 works are adapted works, 19 These works are original works. Adapted works account for more than 70% of all works, an increase from 2018. IP sources are relatively rich, with 16 novel adaptations, 17 comics adaptations, 12 game adaptations and 1 song adaptation.

2019 domestic animation observation: 65 works are online, and IP adaptation accounts for 70% - Lujuba

IP The proportion of adapted works has risen

, partly because the platform is strongly involved in the creation, and the animation company has received orders from the platform IP joint development The situation has increased. Another part of the reason is that the industry's low temperature counteracts original companies, making original animation more expensive and more difficult.

Correspondingly, whether it is original or adapted, IP sequels that have accumulated a certain number of fans are good choices for animation development. Among the 65 works, 33 works are the sequels of domestic animations that have been online.

has attracted much attention, such as Q4's upcoming season 2 of "Soul Street", season 2 of "Assassin's Five Six Seven", season 3 of "Under One", etc.; it has been launched in the first three quarters and achieved good results Word of mouth includes the third season of "Bump World" and "Please Eat Red Beans!" "The second season and the biography, "The Master of the Demon Dao" Xianyun chapter, etc.

platform: Dominates content strongly, each has different preferences

Starting from the second half of 2018, the video platform is strongly involved in domestic animation content. From the initial investment as a purchasing agent, it has gradually developed into a joint development by purchasing copyright IP and an animation production company.

Tencent Video and Station B are undoubtedly the largest investment and broadcast platforms in the domestic animation industry, while iQiyi continues to produce works mainly through self-made content. Judging from current data, in 2019, Tencent Video will launch 36 domestic animations, station B will launch 31 domestic animations, and iQiyi will launch 18 domestic animations.

On the whole, solo broadcasting is still the first request of the video platform when investing in works. However, since the B station reached a strategic cooperation with Tencent in October 2018 to "open up each other's film libraries under conditional permission", some bidsThere are solo broadcasts, but the actual online platform is also relatively vague.

However, the current head works such as "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" and "Dao Dao Zu Shi" are still guarantees to obtain traffic, so they are not in the category of mutually open film libraries.

The VIP paid play mode has attracted much attention in the past few years, and it has become one of the expectations of the animation realization mode. However, as the entire network enters the era of paid viewing, users have developed the habit of VIP viewing first. Therefore, most of the films this year were launched in the VIP payment model, which basically formed a stable recycling trend. However, the reliable editorial department of

(ID: kpACGN) has learned that from the perspective of the share ratio and traffic volume, even if the

head animation works are broadcast on a single platform, the income per quarter can only reach millions. There is still a long way to cover the production cost

. According to specific analysis of

, the preferences of each platform are slightly different. Among the 31 works played by bilibili, there are a total of 9 game adaptations. Including NetEase game "Onmyoji" derivative animation "Hundred Ghost Kindergarten Second Season", "The Unpromising Onmyoji Family", "Onmyoji: Ping An Monogatari Second Season", and NetEase game "Decisive Battle Peace Beijing", "Fantasy Westward Journey", Mihayou "Benghui 3", Mica group "Girls Frontline", Xishanju "Jian Wang 3" game adaptation animation.

In addition, the short and crisp instant noodles are also the favorite type of station B. In 2019, a total of 15 instant noodles were launched on bilibili, involving original works, comic works and game adaptation works. For example, "Bump School", "Gon's Marmot" Season 3, "Hyakki Kindergarten" Season 2 etc.

However, these works are rarely broadcasted independently. Most of them are simultaneously launched on iQiyi, Youku, etc., and will be distributed on short video platforms as appropriate.

Tencent video broadcasts more long-running dramas, especially 3D animation. Backed by Tencent's ecology, with a novel IP library for reading, Tencent Animation's comic IP library and IEG's multiple games, Tencent Video's animation types are also relatively rich. Of the 36 works in 2019, 11 are novel adaptations, 12 are comics, 3 game adaptations and 10 original works. The most representative novel adaptations of

are "The Master of the Demon Road, Xianyun Pian" and the third season of "Fights Break the Sphere". The more representative works of comic modification are "The Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker Bamboo Industry Chapter" and "Xi Jong Ji Zhi "Assembly" etc., game adaptations include "Crossing the Line of Fire: Phantom Project", etc. Original works include the second season of "Nine Songs of the Sky", "Heavens Coming of Heroes Company" and so on.

​​IQIYI's self-made animation is mainly based on novel adaptations. The types of works on the iQIYI animation channel are relatively rich. Except for self-made animation, there are not many solo works.

"The Evil King Chasing His Wife", the third season of "Eternal Sphere", "The Great Master" and other novel adaptations are all the main works produced by iQiyi this year.

rating: instant noodle short stories are popular, and the IP-adapted double-edged sword

reliable editorial department (ID: kpACGN) also sorted out the score distribution of domestic animation works played on Tencent Video and Station B.

Among them,

B station scores are polarized

, and 14 of the 24 open-point works have a score of 9.0 or more. The short story of instant noodles is especially popular among users, "Please Eat Red Beans!" Ten instant noodles, including Gaiden and Gon's Marmot Season 3, have scored 9 points, and only "Sinicified Diary", "Bump World Season 3", and "Fight Diva!" The four parts of "Season Two" and "Ling Cage" are over 9 points.

will give super-high scores to works that he particularly likes, and young people in this session are also merciless about works that are not approved. For example, the comic animation work "Country of Picking Up", although one of the directors is Naruto Animation director Date Yuto, the original comics are serialized in the electronic version of "Weekly Shonen JUMP", but the adapted animation only won 4.3 points rating.

The rating range of Tencent Video is relatively concentrated, and the scores of 28 open-point works are evenly distributed between 7-9 points. Among them, the high scores are basically the hottest works in the industry, such as Xuanji Technology’s "Nine Songs of the Sky", the "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" series produced by Huimeng, and the "Magic Dao Zushi" series produced by Shimei.

On the whole, the IP adaptation works have a large scoring span. Although they can attract fans of the original at the beginning of the broadcast and avoid cold starts, if the adaptation is not sufficiently restored or lower than fan expectations, the reputation will be broken.The cliff fell. Original works also have the opportunity to become a hit, and are highly praised by fans. However, most original works, especially long ones, are not easy to create, and the ratings are relatively satisfactory.

monetization: after risk sharing, anxiety is reduced, and multi-channel attempts are underway to monetize

. On the one hand, there are many IP adaptation works, most of which are developed in the whole industry chain with platform participation; on the other hand, there are many IP sequels, even if they are original The work has also launched a preliminary attempt for downstream development, so the realization anxiety of the entire

industry is not as serious as

in the previous two years.

For game adaptation works, the production cost of several million is not high as a brand promotion budget, and there is not much demand for recycling. For example, many derivative animations of the game "Onmyoji", derivative animations of "Bangbai 3", "Crossing Fire", etc., will not be too concerned about the realization of the animation works themselves. The original comics of

comics are the main projects of various platforms. Backed by platform resources, there are relatively rich attempts in payment and downstream development. For example, Tencent Animation's "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" and "Under One" have all received game version numbers this year.

derivatives are also under continuous development. According to statistics, more than ten SKUs have been developed for the "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" only in the hand-made category, including three Japanese hand-made hand-made products such as GSC and high-quality domestic hand-made ones such as ACtoys. Vendor. The second phase of the "Under One" series of derivative products, "Human Ling", has been on sale recently.

And the animation industry has paid more attention to IP+Cultural Tourism in recent years, Tencent Animation has also made many attempts on these two IPs. For example, on September 16, Tencent Animation signed a contract with Hangzhou Hongyi Investment Group to build the first domestic theme tourist attraction centered on National Comic IP based on "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" in the future.

Previously, "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" also carried out pure love theme activities as an image messenger in Hangzhou and Xiamen. "Under One Person" also visited the sacred place of Longhu Mountain, filming documentaries; and carried out a journey to search for 炁 in Qingcheng Mountain. The

novel adaptation works platform has a large number of participations, a large user base, and a high probability of explosion. The business resources through the platform have also been explored in brand cooperation and derivative development. For example, "The Master of the Devil" has reached strategic cooperation with consumer goods Kudos for two consecutive episodes, and "Fights Break Sphere" has successively launched a number of mobile games since the animation was launched. The original works of

are still being produced. Either the market performance of the works is relatively good, derivatives, games, etc. are expected, such as "Bump World", "Tian Xing Jiu Ge", etc.; or the company itself has a relatively complete process And creative ability, got a new round of investment in the platform, such as the "Xiong Bing Lian" series produced by Chaoshen Pictures, which received investment from Tencent, and "Please Eat Red Beans!" ”Series; either the company’s own business is relatively rich, with long-term stable cash flow for blood animation development, such as "Fight!" "Singer" series, "Gon's Marmot" series of twelve cultures.

​​Judging from the overall feedback of domestic animation works in 2019, the industry is developing towards a relatively stable trend. However, the production capacity is still insufficient. Compared with the number of 80 or 90 new fans launched each year in 2017 and 2018, there is a significant decrease. Next, high-quality animation works and companies with high-quality production capacity will continue to be the darlings of the industry.

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