Internationally recognized as the top ten gangster movies, "The Godfather" only ranked fourth

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10. "Despicable Street"

Many people think that gangsters are loyal, but "Despicable Street" tells us that we should not talk about friendship when we come out, or we will die miserably.

Internationally recognized as the top ten gangster movies, 'The Godfather' only ranked fourth - Lujuba

Actually, there is no so-called loyalty to gangsters. Most of them are for profit. It may be that the film is too real. Many people think that if the male protagonist is not handsome, this is a street gangster movie, but the reality is that gangsters are just big It's just a bit of a mess. Director

did not live up to Bingdou's instructions, and filmed the so-called gang spirit: cruel, brutal, betrayal, conspiracy, and sinister. When the actor kills his first boss, he is doomed to follow the ending: things are gathered together and people are divided into groups.

Internationally recognized as the top ten gangster movies, 'The Godfather' only ranked fourth - Lujuba

9. "Hot-blooded High School"

"Hot-blooded High School" itself is not a gangster, but the spirit and morality of this film can generally be attributed to the scope of the gang. The passion and violence are not inferior to the conventional gangster film

director Takashi Miike's favorite theme is violence. Violence is perfectly displayed in this film.

Internationally recognized as the top ten gangster movies, 'The Godfather' only ranked fourth - Lujuba

In order not to affect the viewing experience, I will not talk about the plot of the movie. The whole film is a cool one. It is highly recommended that students who have not seen it take a look at the passionate youth!

8. "Yellow Sea"

This movie is believed to have been watched by many people, even if the classmates who have not watched it have also experienced the "Bone Hammer Man" of Yanbian Lao Mian. If this film is summed up in two words, it is " Vigorous"! The two main protagonists of this film, Yanbian pure men! Absolute vigor! Directly, men in Yanbian, Northeast!

shoots with a large number of hand-cranked cameras, quite vigorous editing, fierce and good chaotic shots, directly showing the path of escape and attack of a desperate killer, and the extreme mentality of a desperate dog. The tone of the entire film is in the context of helplessness, betrayal, conspiracy, lies, violence, and madness. If you don’t say much, you will be done!

The biggest attraction of this film is "Big Bang Bang Bang", who is also a Korean ethnicity. The people born and raised in our socialist slashing province are all tough guys with fighting power, while those in the Bangzi country are eroded by the decadent capitalist culture. All five scums!

7. "The True Colors of Heroes"

is a gangster series with a bright theme, emphasizing feelings and loyalty throughout the film. My life is brothers. I want to take it away at any time. This kind of thinking seems particularly silly to most young people now. In those days, that was the ultimate belief of most young men!

​​Xiao Ma’s classic quotation: I don’t want to be trampled underfoot forever, you think I’m a beggar, I waited for three years, just to wait I want to fight for an opportunity, not to prove that I am great; I want to tell others that I must take back what I lost!

6. "City of God"

Directed by Fernando Merrills in 2002, "City of God" is the most dangerous slum in Rio de Janeiro, and even JC is reluctant to get involved easily.

The "City of God" is hopeless. In this sunny city, there are shadows cast by the sun everywhere. Crime is a way of survival, and life is an adventure.

If you can choose, no one will be willing to live this precarious and dangerous life. The film caused a sensation as soon as it was released. Although the Oscars were not collected, it does not prevent it from becoming a handed down in history.

People in the past only knew crime and had no bottom line, and the new generation could not get rid of it. There is no governance environment, no fair and just legal provisions, and no convincing law enforcement capabilities. The city of God is always just a fantasy, here will always be the city of demons of reincarnation.

5. "Once Upon a Time in America" ​​

"Once Upon a Time in America" ​​is directed by Sergio Leon. Unlike ordinary gangster movies, when we watch movies, we get more than just sensory excitement and boring emotions. In a larger context, this film shows the history of the United States from the 30s to the 60s. It can be said to be a typical American dream movie.

At the end of the film, Max committed suicide because of guilt. The camera came to the dimly lit opium hall, the noodles lay on the bed, took a few mouthfuls of opium, and showed a playful smile at the camera...

Many people think that this is another ending arranged by the director. : 30 years later, what happened when Noodles returned to New York was just a dream of him. In order to make himself feel better, he turned Max into a planner in the dream and threw the burden on him. In fact,Max did die, indeed because of his own whistleblower who killed a group of friends.

4. "The Godfather"

really has nothing to say about the godfather. It is difficult for those who watch the sea to be the water, and those who swim in the holy gate cannot speak for themselves.

It is like the Redology. It is repeatedly studied every day to tap its potential. It has been consumed for decades, which can only prove its greatness.

​​The new godfather Mike is adhering to the values ​​of the supremacy of the father’s family, but the changes of the times have made his family values ​​unsustainable, and he lacks affinity for his own cronies like his father. This makes both enemies and cronies right. The fear in his heart also made him fall into loneliness and paranoia, which is confirming the five flavors of the phrase "It is easy to fight the country, but it is difficult to keep the country." The viewer is himself.

3. "The Emperor of Shanghai"

Du Yuesheng's status in the history of Chinese gangs is not comparable to that of other underworld figures, and his legendary experience is also rare in the underworld. McDonald mentioned such a figure of "the godfather of the underworld". The ambition is not small. The

film inevitably adds some commercial adaptations in order to enhance the viewability, but it does not flatter or vilify the character of Du Yuesheng. It is very pertinent. It can be regarded as an objective biographical film and is also the most suitable character in this film. A way of telling.

2. "American Gangsters"

Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe starred together. Based on the true story of Frank Lucas, the big black American drug lord in the 1970s, Denzel Washington has a natural aura as a gangster. It is not difficult to explain why he only played a villain once and won an Oscar.

This film is not an anti-drug film with gangster gimmicks, but a gangster film in the orthodox sense. It faces the cruel and humanistic realistic images with a low and rich picture style. The characters are full of personalities and details are real, not only delicate. The revelation of family feelings and the dark side of humanity is a rare film!

1. "Infernal Affairs"

Many people may have objections to "Infernal Affairs" ranking first, but in the hearts of me and thousands of movie fans, he is the first! I can’t understand why Americans can shamelessly remake "Infernal Affairs" into a bad film and win an Oscar, but they are unwilling to rectify the name of this film? It should be like this!" In fact, there is no right or wrong in this world, and there are different levels of moral bottom line and goodness in everyone's heart. The Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs" does not mean that we see "good for good and evil for evil". Because of this, "Infernal Affairs" tends to be more real.

is just like the Tiantai sentence: "I'm sorry, I want to be a good person" The finishing touch of this film, do the bad guys want to be bad all the time?

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