Inventory: Seven unpopular Marvel movies

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Superhero movies adapted from Marvel Comics have become the most profitable commercial movies in Hollywood today.

Among many Marvel movies, the most well-known ones are the "Marvel Universe Series" created by Disney and the "X-Men" and "Fantastic Four" movies produced by 20th Century Fox.

In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned works that are already familiar. Hollywood has also filmed many niche, unpopular Marvel movies, such as the following seven films, even Marvel fans may not be guaranteed to have seen them all.

"The Punisher" series

"The Punisher" Frank Custer has no special powers, but he is famous in the Marvel world, because he is the "tenth-level agent" appointed by SHIELD and represents the combat power of human beings. The highest level, can be called the first soldier in the Marvel world.

Punishers were killed by gangsters because of their wives and children, and have since embarked on the road of punishing the offenders. The difference between the Punisher and other superheroes is that he has no moral concerns about killing. He has always adhered to the creed that "the offender must die". There is basically no way for a criminal to survive in his hands.

Inventory: Seven unpopular Marvel movies - Lujuba

"The Punisher" stills

may be precisely because of the more extreme thoughts of the Punisher, he has not been able to appear in the Marvel Universe movie. After all, the hero's methods of acting are not in the right way with other members of the reunion.

"The Punisher" has been shot in two single-player films, both of which are R-rated. The first film has a good reputation and box office. However, the sequel is too long due to the time lapse and the disadvantage of changing the lead role , And ultimately failed to get the ideal box office. Since then, the series has been shelved, and it was not until last year that a drama was released. Although the ratings were good, it did not make Marvel determined to restart the movie version of The Punisher. Johnny Blazer, the protagonist of the

"Chariot of Souls" series

"Chariot of Souls", signed a contract with the devil for revenge, and has since become a "Ghost Rider". The "Evil Rider" in the

movie was starred by Nicholas Cage. The first film of the series achieved a box office record of more than $100 million when it was released in 2007, breaking the historical box office record in North America in February.

However, although the film was well received by the audience at the time, North American film critics criticized the film a lot. Some even thought that the film was the beginning of Nicholas Cage's degeneration as the "king of bad films". The film has a terrible reputation. It seems to have laid the groundwork for the failure of the sequel.

Inventory: Seven unpopular Marvel movies - Lujuba

"Chariot of Souls" stills

In 2011, "Chariot of Souls" launched a sequel, but at this time Nicholas Cage has appeared in a number of bad films, and the quality of the sequel is indeed different from the previous one, which eventually led to The film failed both at the box office and word of mouth, and the series ended.

"Blade Warrior" series

Many people know that "Blade Warrior" is a vampire-related movie, but few people know that the series also comes from the Marvel world. Most of the "vampires" in the Marvel universe are set as villains. The protagonist of Blade Warrior is a half-human blood and half-vampire-blood hybrid. This makes him not only possess the power of a vampire, but also not afraid of sunlight. Although the

Blade Warrior has vampire blood, but he has no good feelings about the same kind, he specializes in hunting vampires in the film.

's three "Blade Warriors" have achieved good box office results, which can be called a model of R-rated superhero movies. Marvel fans who have not seen the film must find opportunities to make up.

Inventory: Seven unpopular Marvel movies - Lujuba

"Blade Warrior" stills

"Dare Man" (also known as "Dare Demon")

Marvel and DC have two superheroes in the two major series of actors, one is Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool and Green Lantern), the other is Ben Affleck (Batman and Daredevil)!

Daredevil is blind, but he has a sense of touch, hearing, and smell beyond ordinary people. He is A lawyer, the night becomes a brave man to punish criminals.

Ben Affleck’s "Dare to Fight" was frankly a failed adaptation. The box office and word-of-mouth after its release were not as good as expected, which also led to the abortion of the series' sequel plan.

Nowadays, Daredevil's movie is a failure, but the two episodes of Netflix's "Daredevil" series have good ratings. At present, the drama has been renewed for the third season and will be broadcast this year.

"The Daredevil" stills


Since it comes to the brave man, I can’t help but mention his girlfriend Erica.

Erica’s story involves two organizations, the Sacred Society and the Shouhehui. Erika is a killer trained by the Sacred Warriors (He also trained the brave man), and the Shouhehui is Ai Rika's mortal enemy. The role of

Erica appeared in "Dare to the Dare" and was one of the few highlights in that failed movie. Because of this, the producer independently developed the "Erica" ​​movie, but the final result was that the reputation and box office of this "Erica" ​​were worse than that of "Dare to Fight."

"Erica" ​​stills

"King of the Sea" series

"King of the Sea" This character has never appeared in the Marvel universe. He is only the personal work of a contracted cartoonist under Marvel Comics, but considering that the copyright of the original work also belongs to Marvel, he can barely count as a Marvel movie.

This series is a different kind of superhero movie. The plot follows the R-rated comedy route. It tells how a waste otaku who is obsessed with "Super British" became a real superhero step by step. In the film, both pros and cons There is no superpower, but the bloody action scenes do not lose any superhero movie. Fans who have watched this film will surely be fans of the "violent little loli" in the film!

"Bian King" stills

"Heaven's Soldiers"

film is also called "Howard's Crow", the protagonist of the movie is an alien duck, yes this duck is also a superhero, and he is still in "Guardians of the Galaxy" Appeared.

has the figure of Howard's crow in the first egg of "Silver Guard". This role was actually made in a single-player movie as early as 1986. The

movie tells about the invention of a "black technology" by earth scientists to attract the invasion of alien monsters, while the Howard crow, who was accidentally attracted, became the hero who saved the earth.

Among the many Marvel movies, this "Heavenly Fallen Soldier" is probably the most unpopular, even if it is an iron fan, it must be the first time I have heard of it!

"Heavenly Fallen Soldier" stills

above is the editor's summary Unpopular Marvel movies, how many have you watched?

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