Ranking of top ten domestic horror movies, there is always one shadow of your childhood!

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No. 10: "Misted Night"; it is obvious that Chen Guo won the horror period, the drama is more intense, the dialogue between the crooked face Shao Yinyin and the rich lady is wonderful, the story advances layer by layer, and the content becomes richer. Is the best clip. The first two stories are too flat and straightforward, and the two movie kings cannot be saved. The director's level is too important.

Ranking of top ten domestic horror movies, there is always one shadow of your childhood! - Lujuba

No. 9: "Victoria One"; Hong Kong actually has this level of cult film. Combining the refreshingness of a killing movie and the heavy reality of the theme, it is a killing scene that directly enters the theme. While killing, it interjects the protagonist’s past experience. On the one hand, it is the visual stimulation of extreme pornography, and on the other it is the extremely depressed psychological state. With alternate appearances, the degree of stimulation and the degree of depression are further enhanced, explaining how far a city can drive a person crazy. Whether it's the picture or the theme, the scale is so big, the director has worked hard to do something big.

Ranking of top ten domestic horror movies, there is always one shadow of your childhood! - Lujuba

​​No. 8: "Double Pupils"; very exciting, dressed in the shell of a crime film, actually starting with folk religious elements to render the mysterious supernatural. The overall structure is compact, the character image is successfully established, the typified narrative skills are very skillfully used, the illusion nesting is amazing, the building massacre is a hell, a few political metaphors are also in place, and the horror films that are cleverly combined with reality are more interesting. The theme of "love" at the end is not a cliché sublimation, but an important factor that affects the plot at a key point.

Ranking of top ten domestic horror movies, there is always one shadow of your childhood! - Lujuba

No. 7: "There are ghosts in the office"; a segmented ghost story, the first half of Karen Mok was still scared. The follow-up ghost story still feels a bit educational. I watched it on the plane in the first half of the period, and I will always think about it when I go to the hotel. My sister can't sleep at night. I watched it during the second half of the run. The meaning of the movie is also that the ghost is purely scaring itself. It seems that the logic is straightened out.

No. 6: "Return to the Soul Night"; Stephen Chow can be a god, especially like Karen Mok's appearance. The fusion of horror and funny is perfect. When I watch it, I don’t feel horrible. The more I think about it, the more I get scared. Unlike traditional horror movies, which blindly talk about causal reincarnation, Zhou Xingchi’s movies are good-looking. All the stars are classics, Karen Mok It's the peak, looks good.

No. 5: "Alien Space"; at the beginning, the effect was not very good. I kept looking for the source of the film and found that each one was like this. After watching carefully, the film in 2002, no wonder, to be honest, I didn't think How terrifying, compared to those in Little Japan, what is this? I don’t know if it’s all a gimmick, but everyone says that this is Leslie Cheung’s posthumous work. We miss the people in the past and look forward to the people in the future.

No. 4: "Ghosts and Cannibals"; the plot is very routine, mainly the shooting technique, and the atmosphere is still very sensible now, which shows how scary it was at that time. Thriller Chengdu should still look pretty good at the time. The performances of old dramas in it still seem to be very exciting. I miss the Hong Kong movies in the 90s and they are all worth seeing.

3rd place: "I am at your side on the road between Yin and Yang"; it seems that there is a very good episode, but it is a bit cold after being matched in the movie. Although full of loopholes, it is a hundred times better than the "ghost films" made in China. The past horror films not only brought "unforgettable" pictures, but also attacked human nature on the side, "people are doing, the sky is watching".

​​No. 2: "Zombies"; it's obviously a very ordinary story, I don't know why I see my scalp tingling. The horror atmosphere is well rendered. There is the human heart. There are good people and evil people, this sentence is correct. The most outstanding feeling is that the image of Taoist priest is both good and evil. He killed Uncle Yan in order to compile the news. Knowing that Aunt Mei's house was in danger, he even put Xiaobai in. Human hearts are far scarier than ghosts and zombies. But the ending still shows that everything is an illusion of the protagonist, otherwise how could it be broadcast?

No. 1: "Mountain Village Corpse"; it can be said that it is the most successful IP of domestic horror. Both the design of the series and the atmosphere of the show have reached the peak, and its subsequent sequels have not been able to surpass it. The first work is very successful and classic! The term old corpse in the mountain village has also become a nightmare and psychological shadow for countless people, which is still very good.

Ranking of top ten domestic horror movies, there is always one shadow of your childhood!

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