What a pity! Because of this last ten minutes, there is another name in the domestic unfinished suspense drama

movie 456℃

Domestic dramas, especially domestic suspenseful crime dramas, the villain absolutely cannot have a good end. If you don’t die, you have to accept legal sanctions. Justice must be promoted. As a new audience, we can understand this. .

But many dramas are always perfunctory at the end, and the pits are not filled, and I don’t know if the budget is limited or something. The more difficult it is to polish at the end, the tiger head and leopard are equipped with a snake tail. With a good opportunity, I played law popularization education abruptly.

is far from mentioning, let's give two examples.

"Ice Breaking Action"

This is a very popular crime-solving drama in the first half of the year. It is adapted from real cases. The themes and scenes are not said. It also invited old drama players such as Ren Dahua, Wu Gang and Wang Jinsong to endorse it. Unfortunately, Douban scores from The 8.5 at the beginning of the broadcast dropped all the way to 6.9. Of course, more of the reason was due to the problem of the heroine, but the handling at the end of the play really made people vomit.

What a pity! Because of this last ten minutes, there is another name in the domestic unfinished suspense drama - Lujuba

Of course, we know the embarrassment of the role of Uncle Liang. He has been walking on the fringe and even the gray area in Hong Kong. In order to find the murderer of his wife and help his son solve the case, he did a lot of illegal and criminal things. And if Zhao Jialiang is alive, the son will try his father, which may be abusive, which is not conducive to public opinion propaganda. Can

arrange a more reasonable method of death? For example, in a gun battle, why do you want to give away your son’s gun? Obviously Lin Yaodong can't escape! Even if you don't do anything, just hide for a few minutes. After decades of fighting, isn't it just for father and son to recognize each other?

"The Twelve Hours of Chang'an"

Similarly, this drama can be said to be a hit this year, it can be called a drama, but the ending is still bad!

What a pity! Because of this last ten minutes, there is another name in the domestic unfinished suspense drama - Lujuba

One is the sudden change of Long Bo. Of course Long Bo must die, but he didn't complete any task. He killed so many innocents and trapped so many brothers in vain. If he hung the flag out, and then went out to protect the flag, and then he was hacked to death by a knife, would Tang Jun cut off his country's army flag by himself?

What a pity! Because of this last ten minutes, there is another name in the domestic unfinished suspense drama - Lujuba

The second is Tanqi IQ offline. Before this, Tan Qi was possessed by a female Zhuge, who was courageous and conspiring, but when he saved the emperor, he gave up his command and gave it to the villain? Is it just to make Long Bo die more tragic?

Three is Xu Bin's self-conceit. I won't talk about this, it is not the focus of this article, and friends who have read it all feel it.

In fact, we also understand that Long Bo will not die, he will not pass the trial, and he will not die tragically. He does not deserve the identity of the villain, but can the design be more reasonable?

Let’s look at "The End of the Counterfeit". The production of

is not as good as Changan and Icebreaker, and the cast is incomparable. Except for Hao Ping, Zhang Chenguang and Wang Ting, many of them are plain faces.

​​is really good, the plot is compact, the logic is reasonable, and it is not procrastinated. If it is not for the last ten minutes, I would give 5 stars. What happened in the last ten minutes of


Since the Tang and Song Dynasties were found to be "bone cancer", in order to save more money for the family, they embarked on the road of printing counterfeit banknotes and printed more than one billion. Later, I discovered that I was misdiagnosed, and I was determined to live, walking a tightrope between the police and other gangs, controlling the whole situation, not missing a single detail, and staying forever until the end. In order to eliminate the evidence,

sent a ruthless Tang and Song dynasty to take people out of their mouths, not even letting go of their previous innocent female students, and killed several in one night.

Unfortunately, when confronted by the police sister-in-law, her IQ suddenly went offline, and she explained it all.

Originally, the author watched this drama, but I always felt that I had to read more books and learn more craftsmanship. It was useful at critical moments. Now it is popularized. What should

normal people do at this time?

didn’t admit it, the evidence is gone, and the physical evidence does not form a chain of evidence. The previous play was so good and the nonsense was so slippery, but it collapsed in the end. You said it was annoying and not annoying? The worst, you can still leave the country in Tang and Song Dynasties, anyway, it is very convenient to come and go.

Under the existing review mechanism, people like Tang, Song and Xia Yan must be punished by the law. No matter how high their IQ is, no matter how exhaustive measures are taken, it is not easy to use them. Then can you polish it in more detail to make the transition even better? Smooth, make the logic more coherent?

Take this play as an example. Since Tang and Song Dynasty wants to stay in Jiangyuan until the next day, they can confess to Tang and Song after the police catch Jiang Yuan. Tang and Song must try to escape in order to survive, and finally engage in a family relationship. Trip, caught at the border, not good? What are the urgent issues for the director and screenwriter

? Must tell the story in 24 episodes?

plays one more episode, at least 1 point is added to the score!

What a pity the theme and script!

The sequel of "The Pursuit of Murder in the White Night" has not been filmed, and it is estimated that it cannot solve the problem of ending and scale.

Actually, it really doesn’t need famous actors and traffic stars to make a suspense drama, let alone spend a lot of money to persuade the Tao, tell the story well, and the logic is reasonable. This audience is not demanding!

It is precisely this point of storytelling that has stumped many people! I think that investment is small and the effect is quick, and I rarely calm down and tell stories.

We are very passionate about every good work, such as "Dark Man", "Remaining Sin", "White Night Chase", "Undocumented Crime" and so on.

(picture from the Internet)

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