"Postpartum Care Center" | "How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!"

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'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

I was chasing a new Korean drama in my free time late at night called "Postpartum Treatment Institute".

really did not expect a production parenting film to be a zombie film, suspense film feeling, nervous, exciting, crying and funny.

Although some of the plots are slightly exaggerated, as a person who has passed by, Xiao Nuan said with a deep heart that it is the first time that has seen such a real baby film. The screenwriter of is simply a female "roundworm in the belly", and all the details that he will experience during childbirth and confinement have been photographed.

I promise you will slap your thighs while watching, crying inwardly: "Did the screenwriter install a camera in my house!"

And those friends who have not yet become mothers, after watching you, you will feel that you are good at giving birth. Those things are far from enough.

come~ come~ come~ Let's go to the large-scale earthly truth scene together!

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

The five stages of childbirth that every mother will go through

When giving birth, how many women seem to have gone through a ghost.

The heroine Wu Xianzhen in "Postpartum Care Institute" was a company executive before her mother. As a ruthless person in the workplace, he has struggled and overcome all obstacles to reach the top position. Although he is pregnant at an advanced age, he still cannot give up this hard-won position.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

red lips, fitted skirts, stilettos, except for the more bulging belly, the heroine is no different from before pregnancy, still playing desperate Saburo in the workplace.

Until the moment when the amniotic fluid broke, she was still working with the ball for orders, racing all the way to the airport to intercept foreign customers.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

, but as strong as a hostess, in the delivery room, he still can't escape the fate of being abused, and has gone through the five stages of giving birth to all mothers.

The first stage: the humiliation period

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Before the water broke, Wu Xianzhen was beautiful and satiated. As soon as he entered the ward, he was put into the ward and was put into the ward with an enema, shaved, and Jimei who had given birth to a baby understood.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Most of the hospitals here do not require enema, but it is very likely that poo will come out during delivery, which is super embarrassing. Of course, maybe you at that time, it is possible that you have no time to be embarrassed. After

was "tortured" like this, Wu Xianzhen ushered in "internal inspections" again and again. Waves of male doctors came to conduct internal checks on her. Several interns took turns to check. One said three fingers and the other four fingers. The ward instantly changed to the teaching site, and the hostess said: " Are you holding an academic conference?"

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

At this moment, there is still a strong heroine, and soon entered another stage of gorgeous Lidi.

The second stage: the animal stage

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

At this time, we understand that humiliation is a very extravagant emotion that humans can feel.

has basically reached this stage, and the mothers-to-be have been crying and begging for mercy from the "human" retreat. The heroine

was beaten by waves of pain. When the pain was so painful that she doubted her life, she just wanted to pinch her husband’s neck and demand no pain. After the painless injection of

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

, the heroine entered the next stage. Unfortunately, not every mother will go through this stage. For various reasons and unfounded concerns, many women cannot "enjoy" painless benefits. right, thisIt is indeed "enjoy".

The third stage: Painless heavenly period

Painless, it is the light of mankind, let the mother of one second of heaven. The heroine

finally changed from "beast" to "human." She can read books, reply to emails, and even worry about whether her husband is hungry.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

But this light only stays in the world for a short time. Soon, the mothers will usher in the next journey.

The fourth stage: crazy party period

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

The heroine is about to give birth in 30 minutes. At this time, she ushered in a storm of pain.

still remembers howling in the delivery room when Tongtong was born, "Help me!", "Quickly cut me off!", "Please!"...Various voices one after another. Therefore, seeing the hostess lying on the bed crying and begging for mercy from the doctor is not too familiar.

In the past, there were many texts trying to accurately describe the extreme pain during labor. I think it is not as vivid as this film. The heroine

said that the pain was like a large-scale animal migration. Thousands of wildebeests and rhinos slam on your stomach and heart. The

lens constantly switches between the distorted face of the heroine soaked in sweat and the scene of the great migration of the grassland, which makes the outsiders on the screen unconsciously feel a little pain. The section of

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

on the delivery bed is so true~actual~ I dare not go and watch it a second time! The hostess is already doing her best, but the doctor is still saying that she is not doing the right thing; the hostess gritted her teeth and suffocated her breath, but the doctor hurriedly reminded her not to clench her teeth, they would bite her teeth; the hostess had to grin. He opened his mouth and barked his teeth, got up again and again, and tried hard...

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

The heroine tried too hard, almost fainted. During

, for a short while, she went to fight with the messenger of the underworld and pulled herself back from the edge of life and death.

experienced rounds of forceful pushes and the doctor's belly. Finally, the baby was born.

Next, the mothers entered the final stage of childbirth.

The fifth stage: must be happy period

I don’t know how you feel when you see your baby at first sight after giving birth?

Anyway, when the baby was held by my side, what I had was not a kind of maternal intimacy, but a sense of strangeness.

is like the heroine in the film. She thought that the moment she saw her baby, her heart would be full of touch and joy, but she didn’t expect her inner os to be: "Why is the skin so red? Is this beautiful?"

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

However, postpartum Unexpected things, this is just the beginning.

A new life has begun; and the heroine's life as "Wu Xianzhen" is over.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

After giving birth, what mothers get are children, and what do they lose? Wu Xianzhen, who had finished giving birth to

, returned to the ward.

Husband and in-laws were all around the baby from ear to ear. The hostess collapsed on the bed feebly, saying "water" and "water" weakly, but her voice was drowned in the joy of the family. Husband

felt that his wife was working too hard, but the mother-in-law retorted: "The baby came out in one day. It was a promissory child. No matter how hard it is, as long as you see the child's face, you will forget everything, this is the mother!"

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

"successful delivery"? Isn't it painful enough? The crime the hostess had just suffered was so easily wiped out by these two words.

is still the truth about the mother of the heroine:

"What about normal birth? How can there be normal birth in the world? My child has gone through nine deaths!"

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Yes, it seems that women are so easy to unload. But those women who don't feel strong pain and have a short period of labor, all of them saved the universe in their previous life, but they can't meet them.

Most women go through such and other twists and turns during childbirth. Even if the pain is a common thing, after N hours, they are transferred to the cesarean, and the oxytocin vomits up and down. Many people are there. Needless to say, it is not necessary to say that the caesarean section is given. The risks explained by the doctor before the operation are already frightening.

And those pains and sufferings were finally left in that scar, sewn into the heart, and gradually faded as the years passed.

Don't believe those "just give birth to a child" and the like, just look at the women in "Postpartum Care Center"!

After giving birth, the belly still looks like seven months; those who haven't urinated for a few hours will be intubated; the discomfort caused by the side cut makes them be careful even when they sit down; and annoying Leaking urine or sneezing may cause urinary incontinence.

More importantly, after "surviving" mothers will completely lose the most important thing in life: freedom.

or to be more precise, the word has disappeared from the mothers’ dictionary of life the moment they became pregnant.

Sometimes, what they lose is the freedom to drink a glass of ice American. The heroine of

, Wu Xianzhen, never thought that ordering a cup of ice American in a cafe every day is like eating three meals, but it became so difficult after she became pregnant.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Her increasingly prominent belly, so that the cafe staff and customers take turns to "educate" her, not to order coffee, to replace it with juice. Every time

ordered, she looked around like a child who had done something wrong and was afraid of being caught, quietly asking the clerk to help her reduce her caffeine concentration, and in the end she had to completely switch to kiwi juice.

She thought it would be fine to endure her birth, but she didn't expect to say "how can a pregnant woman drink ice" to crush her wish.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Sometimes, what they lose is the freedom to eat.

After giving birth to a child, mothers’ three meals are basically inseparable from the word “milk”, and all kinds of salt-free greasy soups and water make you feel sick. Just like in the movie, a mother in confinement center orders a fried chicken takeaway, acting as cautiously as a drug deal, lest she be discovered by others.

Basically, it doesn't matter what mothers like to eat, the important thing is whether to urge breastfeeding, and whether it is good for the child.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Sometimes, what they lose is the freedom to be themselves.

Every mother who gave birth to a baby has the name erased. In the film, in the confinement center, every woman there is called "Mother XX" and no one cares about your real name.

And no one cares about which bullish company you were in before childbirth, and what kind of admirable position you were doing. What everyone cares about is which hospital you gave birth in, whether you gave birth by normal or cesarean section, and what do you have Without milk, has all breast milk been achieved?

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Just like the heroine Wu Xianzhen said in the play, after giving birth to her, she became half a half mother.

Because of the unfamiliar feeling of being a mother for the first time, she made her all sorts of fuss. She felt that she was not a good mother. But the excellent Wu Xianzhen who used to fight in the workplace can never go back.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

She has no idea who she is.

After giving birth to a child, women who used to be chic and glamorous are all faded by the aura of small lives. The contest between mothers depends on how much you sacrifice for the child and whether you are great enough.

is a confinement center full of "Versailles literature" and moral kidnapping:

can only say that is a prelude in production. The cry of the baby

opened the mothers’ Pandora’s box.

The female protagonist Wu Xianzhen was admitted to the advanced postpartum nursing home, which is what we commonly call the confinement center. She thought she would spend a lot of money to live in paradise to buy a comfortable one, but how could she have accidentally strayed into the rivers and lakes. The various chains of contempt between mothers revealed humanity, class, and comparisons.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

In the mother country, there is a new set of systems and rules. is divided into first-class and last-class seats like that Snow Country train.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

can sit in first-class seats, mothers whose motherhood is recognized. And motherhood means how much mothers can sacrifice for their children.

raises multiple births at the same time, does not fight and endures the painless "natural childbirth", breastfeeds for two years... The mother who can meet these conditions at the same time is naturally the queen here.

They are admired and favored by other mothers because they have the most precious parenting experience, tips, and the most advanced parenting information.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

mothers who stay in the last seat are older, have little experience in the first child, have no breast milk or have very little milk, and are working mothers. Like the female protagonist Wu Xianzhen, they are in compliance with all the rules. They naturally have no position and right to speak in the confinement center, and they will be secretly despised and ridiculed by other mothers.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

In the confinement center of the film, "Versailles Literature" :

"My child is too sticky to me, and he is thinking about breast milk every day when he is more than two years old." My mother has been breastfeeding for more than two years.

"Oh, my baby, mother's milk has sprayed too much on you, and mother is really sorry for you and can't let you eat comfortably." The implication is that my own milk has been blown out, and the amount of other people's milk is small It can only be a snack for children.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

want to escape the last seat of the mother train, the only weapon is: breast milk. Moms in the confinement, in order to achieve full breast milk, do everything they want. The female protagonist

has flat nipples and poor breast conditions. In addition, she is not proficient in being a mother for the first time, so every time she feeds, she will cry her baby, and breast milk has been particularly unsatisfactory.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

In order to let the child latch on to breasts obediently, the aunts in the confinement club used "magic milk" to exchange posts. First, let the child eat the bottle, and then quickly pull out the nipple and replace it with the mother's breast when he is eating well.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

people who have never given birth to a baby or whose breast milk is particularly smooth may think this is exaggerated, but the women who have experienced it in the barrage are so real that they cannot be real. They all said that this seemingly absurd trick was used in the confinement.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

talked about this film with a girlfriend. She said that when she watched this passage, she remembered how she could not hold her baby in that confinement.

baby has all kinds of discomfort, irritability and crying in her arms, every time she feedsThe milk is anxious to get angry. Although I read the baby-holding postures on the Internet over and over again, jot down the movements and essentials, and practiced again and again with a pillow while the baby was asleep, it always seemed to be a bit close.

's desire to be a good mother made her feel extremely anxious.

She watched her baby sleep peacefully and comfortably in the arms of her mother, mother-in-law, and even her husband. Seeing her cousin who came to visit her at home so easily held her baby for a walk in the house, she really felt too shit. Such a simple and natural thing, why is it so difficult when it comes to her.

Maybe, she will never be a qualified mother. She thought this way, becoming more anxious. And the more anxious, the less smooth the milk, and every day of the confinement will be very mournful.

The first time she succeeded in real feeding was one day and night. She leaned in a dazed chair and took a nap. When she woke up, she found that the posture of holding the baby was not standard at all, but the baby was very behaving, not noisy, and ate sweetly. At the moment

, she understood that the secret of 's success was not in posture and movement, but in her relaxation of body and mind.

is like Wu Xianzhen in the play, she silently observes how the mothers around her breastfeed. They all looked so peaceful, petting the baby from the heart, and talking to them full of love.

But she herself is so stiff, so frustrated, so nervous every time, she can't say anything nice to the baby.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

When Wu Xianzhen vomited the pressure in her heart to the sisters in the confinement club, the sisters stood up and took her to a good place to release.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

When the camera turned, the two mothers came to the nursery.

across the glass window, watching the small hairs in the crib being cleaned up and each pore exuding the fragrance of milk, like a sweet sleep, Wu Xianzhen's tight heart relaxed.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

It turned out that the good place the sisters said is here! Wu Xianzhen smiled. Sisters

said: “When you see your mother smile, you feel that the child will be happy, because the child likes to see the mother’s smile.”

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

Just like that, in a very relaxed and natural atmosphere, Wu Xianzhen said to the baby. After a lot of words, the phrase "I love you" spontaneously blurted out. She finally found out that she can be a good mother, and it's so simple to say loving words to her children!

Seeing this scene, my tears flowed out all of a sudden. Yes, mother is happy, baby is also happy.

Mothers need self-care to build a better connection with their children. She must learn to love herself before she can bring love to her children; she must learn to accept herself before she can interpret that new life.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

I think the reason why this film is attractive is precisely because it is real enough. Let these truths be seen, and tell everyone in the population of things that are taken for granted to have a child and things that mothers have to accept for granted, with laughter and tears.

did not beautify the process of women becoming mothers, and did not use "greatness" as a filter to treat mothers, and did not encourage self-sacrifice as a moral kidnapping of mothers.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

At the same time, this film is also gentle. While letting mothers be themselves, she didn't let them abandon the social role of mothers.

It's just that allows moms to make mistakes and grow.

's love for your baby comes naturally, and blindly complete sacrifice is unnecessary.

You don’t have to be scared by the reality of the film, because the plot is still full of funny.

For example, when a mother is discharged from the hospital, feelThere are bacteria everywhere, for fear that the baby will get sick, like a trip to Busan that avoids zombies; for example, dads who have been so distressed by the hormones and pressure after their wives give birth, they have formed a strange relationship. The hilarious "confinement friendship" is a decompression "dessert" that mothers should not miss.

'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

After all, it is not easy to be a mother. You need gag and black humor to laugh at the difficulties of life.

are both mothers, don't kidnap morally, don't embarrass each other. We are all doing our best to do the role of "mother", but the path may be different. It is great to see and understand others more, and to impose fewer standards and harshness on others, and allow everyone to become their unique self.

In this world, there is not so much "patience" as it should be, and in the matter of motherhood, we have actually paid a lot.


'Postpartum Care Center' | 'How can there be a so-called normal childbirth, every mother has a baby in nine deaths!' - Lujuba

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