Korean drama Alice Episode 11 Diversity plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 572℃

Korean drama Alice episode 11 diversity plot introduction

High detective is a time traveler Shi Wuyuan is a teacher

   The police rushed to the scene, and Park Zhenqian found the team leader, Interpol’s car, hurriedly pulled his colleagues away and went to check the situation alone. Park Zhenqian found a suspicious door, and when he opened the door, he found the master police officer Gao, who pretended to be dispatched, and gave Shi Wuyuan's work card to Park Zhenqian. Park Zhenqian has begun to suspect the senior detective, looking for clues in the house.

   At the police station, when the police were discussing the case of Shi Wuyuan, Park Jinqian kept paying attention to the senior detective. Yin Taiyi went to Park Jinqian with the surveillance video and told him that the high detective was the murderer of Lee Sehun's case. Park Jinqian remembered that he had thrown things away, and was surprised when he saw the evidence again, and asked Yin Taiyi to give him. The detective said angrily that he would not give him the video material because of Park Jinqian's relics at this time.

   Yoon Tae Yi asked Doyan to meet at a coffee shop. Yoon Tae Yi went to learn that Park Jin Qian’s mother died three days after Park Jin Qian was released. Yoon Tae Yi was very surprised. After returning home, Yin Taiyi accidentally found that the senior detective was at Park Jinqian's house. The senior detective asked her if she had any memories of her childhood, but Yin Taiyi still couldn't remember. Yin Taiyi asked the wound on the back of the senior detective's ear, where he felt he had seen it. The senior detective was about to act on Yin Taiyi. Park Zhenqian returned and the senior detective immediately smiled.

   The high detective told Park Jinqian about his resignation, and he wanted to resign and travel with his wife, saying that he would leave the police station after finding Shi Wuyuan. When Park Jinqian did not believe that Shi Wuyuan could come back alive, his colleague Park Jinqian called to inform him of Shi Wuyuan’s return. Shi Wuyuan took Park Zhenqian and the high detective to the place where he was imprisoned, but did not confess the high detective. Shi Wuyuan said that he hadn't seen the prisoner and he didn't know who it was. After that, he turned to the senior criminal police officer, which made Park Zhenqian more suspicious of senior criminal police officer.

   In Alice, Wu Shiying reported to the manager that as long as the monitor near the hotel where Li Shixun was killed finds the murderer of Li Shixun, he should be able to find the person who killed Yin Taiyi. Liu Min Hyuk’s men reported to him that Park Jinqian had obtained evidence that the high criminal police killed Li Sehun, but Park Jinqian had no intention of arresting him. Liu Minhyuk hurried to look for Park Jinqian. But I met Yoon Tae-il at his door. Liu Min-hyuk bluntly said that he was here to help Park Jin-qian and did not want to kill him. He also said that he would not show up with Park Jin-qian after he solved the matter. Yoon Tae-yi asked why, but Liu Min-hyuk did not want to tell.

   Interpol Gao told his wife the news of his resignation. His wife was very happy that he could quit. She was worried every time he went out and asked him to drink as much as he could today. The senior criminal police asked his colleagues in the police station to eat a meal, but he was always worried, and Park Zhenqian was even more suspicious when he saw it. Park Jinqian sent the senior detective downstairs. Liu Minhyuk waited for the senior detective in the stairwell and asked him what purpose he had when he came to the police station and why he stayed with him. But the senior detective refused to say anything. Liu Minhyuk stunned the senior detective. At that time, Park Jinqian even though Liu Minhyuk told Park Jinqian the identity of the high detective, but for Park Jinqian, the high detective was his father and prevented Liu Minhyuk.

   In Alice, Liu Min Hyuk complained to his brother that he could not catch the teacher. Liu Min Hyuk remembered that there was no reason for the wormhole around Park Jin Qian, and immediately went to investigate. Wu Shiying was surprised when he saw the video that Liu Min Hyuk's brother had killed Li Shixun. It turned out that Liu Min Hyuk’s brother was the so-called teacher. He killed Li Shixun and handed him over to the senior criminal police.

   Yin Taiyi installs a positioning system on Park Jinqian's cell phone, and the two can understand each other's location. Liu Min Hyuk’s brother saw that the prophecy reads that children who travel through time and space will rule time and space and close the door of time and space. The teacher asked the detective to kill Park Jinqian on the condition of Gao's wife. In desperation, the high detective asked him to go fishing at night. . Yin Taiyi saw the address from the location, but Park Jinqian couldn't get in touch. He hurriedly told Park Jinqian's colleagues that the senior detective was the murderer, begging him to help him find Park Jinqian.

   It turned out that in 2050, the wife of the senior criminal police passed away. The teacher took the initiative to take him on time travel so that he could see his living wife, but he had to do something for the teacher. So the senior detective went back 40 years ago and saw his wife and himself 40 years ago. He originally wanted to end his time travel after killing Yin Taiyi.But 40 years ago, he was stabbed to death by an arsonist. The senior criminal policeman handed his wife to him 40 years ago. In order not to make his wife sad, senior criminal police stayed with his wife in 2010. The high detective met Park Zhenqian on the day he arrived at the police station. Since then, the high detective has taken him fishing and gave him the truth of life.

   Interpol Gao held a gun and pointed at Park Jinqian, but Park Zhenqian remained motionless. He believed that Interpol was not a criminal. In the end, the senior detective didn't make his heart to kill Park Zhenqian, but handcuffed Park Zhenqian to the lake and left by himself.

   Yin Taiyi followed the positioning and met the high detective. The high detective took Park Zhenqian's mobile phone to find the teacher, but he never expected that the real teacher was Shi Wuyuan. Knowing that the high detective did not kill Park Jinqian, Shi Wuyuan said angrily that he would lose both Park Jinqian and his wife. Yin Taiyi heard the news of Shi Wuyuan, and it was time to rush to the lake again and heard the gunshots.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo