Korean drama Alice episode 9 diversity plot (15 episodes in total)

hanguo 996℃

Korean drama Alice episode 9 diversity plot introduction

Yoon Tae-e was kidnapped and went into time travel. Yoon Tae-e found out that Park Jin-gyun was murdered in 2020

Yin Taiyi walked out of the southern Seoul police station in sorrow and called Park Jinqian but found that it was an empty number. So he hurried to his house. The room was covered with white cloth. Yin Taiyi cried sadly, remembering that Park Jinqian was waiting for himself when he was in the warehouse. , Cried and said why not wait for her.

   In 2020, after Park Zhenqian finished dealing with Zhou Haemin's affairs, he saw that the position in his hand was in his home, and hurried to find Yin Taiyi, but she couldn't find her. Park Zhenqian passed his words to Yin Taiyi through the convenience sign, bluntly saying that he knew she was scared, and said that no matter she was in a few years, he would save him. Yin Taiyi was very moved to see.

   Pu Zhenqian walked out of the house after writing the note, walking aimlessly in the heavy rain. In 2021, Yin Taiyi came to her home Chinese restaurant. My younger sister saw Yin Taiyi who was desperate and thought she had quarreled with reporter Kim. During the meal, Father Yin once again mentioned the year of Park Jinqian's death, and his mother hurriedly prevented his father from speaking. Yin Taiyi, who returned to the room, found a picture of the two on the computer screensaver. The necklace he was wearing was on the table. He hurried to go online to check the news of Park Jinqian's death. He was very surprised.

Korean drama Alice episode 9 diversity plot (15 episodes in total) - Lujuba

In 2020, Park Jin-qian had to talk about Yoon Tae-yi and his mother’s accident under the inquiry of his colleagues in 2020. He bluntly said that at first he thought his mother and Yoon Tae-yi were the same person, but in 2010, he saw Yoon Tae-yi and his mother at the same time. , And said that although the two people have the same appearance, they are completely different in personality and age, and they simply tell colleagues about time travel.

   In 2021, Yin Taiyi took the time card to find Shi Wuyuan and told him that he wanted to use the laboratory. Shi Wuyuan asked Yin Taiyi how time travel was effective. Yin Taiyi was surprised that Shi Wuyuan knew about this. It turned out that he told him a year ago, and Wu Shiyuan told her not to be interested in time travel anymore after returning to 2020, otherwise she would encounter To danger.

Hearing this, Yin Taiyi asked him if he knew why Park Jinqian died. Shi Wuyuan only said that because of the prophecy, it records the history of time travel, and also records the beginning and end of time travel, and said that Park Jinqian wanted to find the last page of the prophecy. Because you can find that page to know how to stop time travel and find the person who killed Park Sunling, but also because of this, Park Zhenqian was killed and the person who killed Park Sunling was killed. Shi Wuyuan knew that the last page of the prophecy was in Yin Taiyi's hands. The reason why Yin Taiyi could not remember was because she had lost her memory before 1992.

   Yoon Taeyi was looking at Park Jinqian’s relics at the Pu’s house and saw a mobile phone. He accidentally discovered that Park’s team leader appeared at the scene of the crime. Yun Taeyi came to Park Jinqian’s grave and wept.

On October 5, 2020, Park Jinqian’s team leader looked at the prophecy. It says that the child born with the door to open the time will eventually control time. The team leader hurried to find Shi Wuyuan who was locked up, and challenged his prophecy with a gun. Where is the last page.

   In the police station, looking at Zhou Haimin's body, Park Jinqian put the tracker into Zhou Haimin's mouth, bluntly saying that time travellers would not let Zhou Haimin leave him alone, and that Yin Taiyi could only be found by following him. On Alice’s side, Yoo Min-hyuk asked about Oh Se-young and Yoon Tae-yi. Oh Se-young told him that Yoon Tae-yi had been married in 2011, and Yoon Tae-yi told himself. Wu Shiying missed the death of Zhou Haimin. In order to make up for his mistake, Wu Shiying personally retrieved his body. A colleague of Park Zhenqian told him about Zhou Haimin's disappearance, and Park Zhenqian followed the prompts of the tracker all the way.

   In the garage, Wu Shiying pointed a gun at Park Jinqian and bluntly said that he was thinking about his past feelings and gave him a chance. As long as he forgets all of them, he would let him go, but Park Jinqian did not agree and asked Wu Shiying where he got the professor. During the dispute between the two, Wu Shiying shot at Park Zhenqian. Park Zhenqian was injured in the shoulder and was about to hit Park Zhenqian in the face, but time suddenly stopped.

   The photo of Park Jinqian in the cemetery is missing, and the time has returned to normal. Yin Taeyi returns to 2020. Park Jinqian uses the locator to find Yun Taeyi.The two held together excitedly. Park Jin-qian was shot and fainted. Tai Yi took care of the injured Park Jin-qian. Faced with Park Jin-qian’s question, Yin Tai-yi bluntly stated that the reason why he wanted to be a physicist was to make a time machine and to see his mother again, but after he really went to time travel , I feel that no matter where I go, no matter who I see, it is not precious to people who know and remember themselves compared to knowing themselves here.

   Yin Taiyi said that the people around him now are his friends. Even if he is with his family and friends, he still misses him very much. He took the opportunity to persuade Park Zhenqian to give up his revenge, but he did not tell him the news of Park Zhenqian's imminent death. Seeing the post-it notes on the wall, Yin Taiyi cried again. Thinking of the date of Park Zhenqian's death, Yin Taiyi was very worried.

   Liu Min Hyuk also asked relevant personnel whether the child who passed the Time Gate can be born normally. Experts said that the child will have physical or mental problems. Liu Min Hyuk thought of Park Jinqian’s report and doubted other identities. Park Jinqian once again came to the garage where he had an accident. Recalling a series of strange incidents that happened before, he sent someone to investigate Zhang Dongzhi’s wife. Park Jinqian learned that the group leader was the last to see Zhou Haimin. After that, Zhou Haimin’s information disappeared and began to suspect the team. Long action. Park Jinqian met the team leader, because his mother's death was both the team leader and adoptive father, he asked Park Jinqian to come back at night to pay her mother's worship.

   Duyan asked the witnesses, knowing that they fell downstairs but there was only one body. Park Jin-qian’s arms were inconvenient. When Yin Taiyi helped Park Jin-qian wash her hair, Do-Yeon came to Park Jin-qian. The two women quarreled again, but they still slept on the same bed at night.

   Yoon Tae-yi asked when Do-yeon started to like Park Jin-qian, and Do-yeon told her about the affairs between herself and Park Jin-qian. Yin Taiyi ordered the noodles at home on her birthday, but was almost misunderstood by her sister. Park Zhenqian sent him home, and Wu Shiying saw this scene after passing by.

   Liu Min Hyuk passed the genetic test and learned that Park Jinqian was his son, so he hurried to the grave of Park Sunling and started crying. Yin Taiyi celebrated his birthday at home and sold gifts to his family, saying that he had discovered the importance of his family during a trip.

   Park Jinqian celebrated his mother's death. He was surprised to learn that Yin Taiyi and his mother had the same birthday, so he prepared a cake and sang a birthday song. Yin Taiyi found that the gift necklace Park Jinqian gave him was exactly what he saw in 2021, and he was very surprised and fainted. Park Jinqian pulled Yin Taiyi's arm and found the rash on it. Liu Min Hyuk also looked at it and found that Yin Taiyi fainted and ran over quickly.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo