"In the name of the family": The reason is here...

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Hello, this is Yan Xiaoqiao.

"In the Name of Family" is over. Unfortunately, this script by the screenwriter Shu Qianmo, like her other work "The Next Stop Is Happiness", goes high and low. The

Douban score has dropped from 8 points at the beginning of the broadcast to 7.0 today.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

The reason is that Xiao Qiao thinks it is a routine.

If it is said that the routine of the fairy tale "Liu Li" is the result of joint discussions among the creators of the fairy tale drama in China.

Na Shuiqianmo's screenwriter works are derived from the solid logic of Shuiqianmo's many years of writing as a mature romance novel writer.

Today, let us walk into this controversial work-"In the Name of Family".

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba


"In the Name of Family" takes family and warmth as the starting point, and seems to break the kinship tied by blood, telling the story of two broken families and three children who lost their mothers.

It is undeniable that the high reputation and popularity of "In the Name of Family" at the beginning of the broadcast is inseparable from the author 's grasp of hot spots and observation and exploration of life details .

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

Two fathers raised three children. The screenwriter not only seized the vacancy in the domestic film and television drama market-family dramas full of sense of life; at the same time,

also captured the interest of young audiences "knocking CP". The creator of

designed a lot of details to restore the living atmosphere of the 90s to the greatest extent.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

At the same time, the two fathers are also very CP. Li Haichao, who likes to cook with children, unconsciously acts as a mother in the entire combined family.

Ling Heping, who is busy at work and some escape from family life, seamlessly adapts to the role of father.

Li Haichao's nagging and Ling Heping's retort created the illusion of a perfect family, and at the same time enhanced the entertaining nature and highlights.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

In fact, 's sensitivity to hot spots and this reverse plot arrangement method are the consistent characteristics of screenwriters Shuqianmo. The screenwriter in

"In the Name of Family" tries to break the blood relationship and establish a family model with companionship and care as the core;

"The Next Stop Is Happiness" has created a 30+ screenwriter, but hopes to talk about romance , He Fanxing, a pure love, tried to break the general public's inherent view of marriage and love for 30+ women.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

In "In the Name of Family", the control of the details of life and the pursuit of the quality of life all reflect the screenwriter’s understanding of family dramas and the restoration of certain characteristics; in

"The Next Stop Is Happiness", the screenwriter borrows The mouths of several women told about the hardships in the lives of 30+ women and showed the love outlook of mature women.

For example, He Fanxing’s best friend Yang Xiaoyu’s attitude towards her cheating husband, her line is extremely bitter and has a sense of life.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

Observing the details of life and controlling the hot spots is definitely a huge advantage of Shuqianmo.

Regardless of their final reputation for "In the Name of Family" or "The Next Stop Is Happiness", it is undeniable that they must have given the audience a new drama experience and a new perspective on life.


If the quality of life at the beginning of the broadcast is the advantage of the ink works, then 's thin characterization and solidified online thinking are her biggest drawbacks.

When the audience is keen to complain about Chen Ting's selfishness, it actually shows the meaninglessness of this character at the beginning of its creation.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

In the play, whether it is the "villain" Chen Ting, the whitewashed Anna Mae, or the two fathers Li Haichao and Ling Heping, their characters are inherently extremely thin. The main purpose of the departure and appearance of Chen Ting and He Mei is to promote the development of the storyline, which is commonly known as the tool man.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

After the death of Ling Xiao’s sister, Chen Ting was crazy on the whole, immersed in the emotions that tortured Ling Heping and Ling XiaoAmong them, no one has only one emotion. The appearance of

Chen Ting was also just for the purpose of Ling Xiao leaving, and even the screenwriter designed the plot of the car accident. During the whole process of

, Chen Ting still can only express one kind of emotion. I will pick up my son from the rich wife of the lofty superior; The audience didn't buy it anymore, thinking it was forcibly whitewashed and ended in a hurry. The reason for

is precisely because the screenwriter regards Chen Ting as a tool for advancing the storyline in the process of creating characters.

When her daughter died, she only had the emotion of torturing her husband and son, but the emotions in her heart such as self-blame, guilt, love for her son and husband were absent.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

and "decent" representative Li Haichao, is also a tool man.

This is a very pleasing character. He likes cooking and children. He is a good old man. Regardless of the predecessor of adopting a blind date, he is also a good father who respects his daughter.

Li Haichao has shortcomings? Above

, the audience can see all the impressions of Li Haichao.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

So the question is, is there any disadvantages to Li Haichao? Does the Li Haichao shown in the play have a growth or transformational side? The answer to

is: not at all.

In Li Haichao nine years ago, the only time he lost his temper was because of the harshness of his aunt to Ziqiu.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

Li Haichao, nine years later, as an important member of this combined family, he is an insignificant person in the story of the three siblings. The three brothers and sisters of

cold war and reconciliation, Li Haichao was absent in this process.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

did not show Li Haichao's emotional changes and emotional changes, but instead put more clues on the emotional entanglements of the three siblings.

But the question is, isn't this a family drama? If two dads are absent in this cold war, what is the meaning of "family"?

This reflects another problem, the screenwriter’s solidified web-text thinking.


Shui Qianmo, as a writer who has transformed into a screenwriter, her screenwriting works have not divorced from the solid thinking of online novels.

In "The Next Stop Is Happiness", He Fanxing falls in love with his 10-year-old boyfriend Yuan Song, and He Canyang falls in love with his 10-year-old Cai Minmin.

The focus of the play has gradually changed from discussing the 30+ women’s views on marriage and love to the sweet and sadistic relationship between sister and brother, teacher and student.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

In "In the Name of Family", the audience originally hoped to see how the five-member family of this group would work together to survive the ups and downs of life and become the closest unrelated relatives.

However, after returning nine years later, the screenwriter made the two fathers the mascots for bickering, and the three brothers and sisters staged a bloody romance.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

In essence, this is a kind of online novel thinking.

No matter how they reflect the hardships and pains in life, no matter how they criticize social phenomena, the ultimate goal lies in the unswerving love between the male and female lords.

Overall, "In the Name of Family" is a good family drama, but again, it has many problems.

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

family dramas should be the best channel to reflect life. We like the life atmosphere of "Parents Love" where the family spends time together and quarrels with each other;

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

We miss the friendship between neighbors in "Please Answer 1988". The pure emotion of a group of young girls gathering together to watch TV and eat;

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

We are also touched by the companionship and tolerance between the unrelated "home" and "family" in "The Thief Family".

'In the name of the family': The reason is here... - Lujuba

This may be the correct way to open family dramas.

In the small world at home, there is the most true self, the most sincere emotions, and the most heartwarming company and the most caring family.

does not need a bloody love triangle, does not need the appearance of a rich father, does not need the return of a struggling mother, it is just the simplest life, the simplest daily life.

(the picture in this article comes from the Internet)

— END—

Tags: movie