I am waiting for you in the future. Who played Wang Xiaoxiao and Sun Qian as a hardcore female student

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   Recently, directed by Xue Ling, starring Li Guangjie, Fei Qiming, Sun Qian, Xin Yunlai, Zhang Zhilu, etc., adapted from the well-known young writer Liu Tong's novel of the same name, the TV series "" has been announced and will officially premiere today. So who is acting when I wait for you to smile in the future? What kind of person does smile look like in the play?

I am waiting for you in the future. Who played Wang Xiaoxiao and Sun Qian as a hardcore female student - Lujuba Who played Wang Smile

   I am waiting for you in the future, smiling, character introduction

   "I am waiting for you in the future" tells the story of a 37-year-old self dialogue with a 17-year-old self with dual perspectives of youth, looking at the troubles and regrets of youth and growth from a different perspective. Sun Qian plays the role of "Wang Smile". He is a typical "child of other people's family". In the play, due to her excellent grades, superior family conditions and excellent appearance, she is referred to as "Three Excellent Girl", because she is more than her peers. The mature and "smiling" 17-year-old has always taken protection as the main starting point. Whether it is the silent protection of Liu Dazhi (Fei Qiming) and his girlfriend Ding Dong, or his unconditional support for his father, the smiling world is always full of oneness. The sense of responsibility is moving.

I am waiting for you in the future. Who played Wang Xiaoxiao and Sun Qian as a hardcore female student - Lujuba Sun Qian

  Smiling actor Sun Qian's profile

  Sun Qian, born in 1997, is an actress from Mainland China. In 2016, Sun Qian officially entered the showbiz circle for his debut in the film "Three Good Students". In 2017, starring in the youth school idol drama "Take my brother away" adapted from the same name of the ghost sisters. In 2018, starring in the urban youth inspirational drama "I am waiting for you in the future"; on July 9th, participated in the premiere of the youth romantic idol drama "Meteor Garden" adapted from Kamio Yoko's comics "Man over Flowers"; in November of the same year, starring in youth The idol drama "Lady Fist". In May 2019, starred in the romantic comedy "Meng Doctor Sweet Wife".

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