From what alternative perspectives would you interpret the movie "Shawshank's Redemption"?

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There was a line in the most classic inspirational movie "Shawshank's Salvation" in

movie history:

prison is a strange place. At first you hate it, then you get used to it. Later, you can't live without it. This is called the system.化.

In the eyes of many people, is the workplace not its own "Shawshank prison"?

From what alternative perspectives would you interpret the movie 'Shawshank's Redemption'? - Lujuba

When we first enter the workplace, we will have all kinds of unfamiliarity, unfamiliar working environment, tedious work tasks, and complicated interpersonal communication. Not many people will like this new environment. However, as time goes by, we will gradually adapt to the rules of the workplace and begin to integrate into a new environment. At this time, we will feel that this kind of living condition seems to be pretty good.

But, when time goes by day after day, year after year, we stay in our familiar environment for a long time, you will find that you are more and more inseparable from a certain place, and even for many people, leave There, it means losing everything. This is the institutionalization of the workplace we are facing.

When we are institutionalized, you will find that when you talk about your dreams when you are young, you seem to be a little powerless. The pressure from life, the burden from your body, and many reasons will hinder your realization of your dreams. You dare not toss anymore, because you will be afraid of losing.

So what makes us like this?

In the movie "The Redemption of Shawshank", there is a man named Lao Bu. He has lived in Shawshank prison for 50 years. He was only given the opportunity to leave the prison when he was approaching his death, but after he received the news of “allowing to leave” The emotion he showed was not the joy of regaining freedom, but the panic from the heart, and even made extreme behaviors that endanger others. The purpose is just to stay in the cage of "Shawshank".

From what alternative perspectives would you interpret the movie 'Shawshank's Redemption'? - Lujuba

regaining freedom, what a happy thing, but why can't Laobu accept it? Another character in the

film, Reid, told us the answer: Old Bu had studied at Shawshank and he still had a bit of status in Shawshank, but he has been in Shawshank for 50 years and has become a frog at the bottom of the well. As long as he leaves Shawshank, he will become a waste.

From what alternative perspectives would you interpret the movie 'Shawshank's Redemption'? - Lujuba

Isn’t the old cloth very much like many of us who have been in the same unit for decades? I have been in the unit for many years. Although I haven’t made a lot of achievements, at least my days are gone. The relationship with my colleagues is pretty good, and I can also do my own work. Suddenly letting myself leave, and I have to change to a new environment to live, this feeling can instantly make myself collapse.

has come up because of his age, his professional skills at work have fallen behind, and his counterpart job is not easy to find. If he leaves his original unit, he is really a waste.

is Shawshank's environment that made Laobu not want to leave? But Andy is also a person who has been in Shawshank for almost 20 years. Why did he start thinking about how to get out on his own? Didn't he do it in the end?

Sometimes, you are not messing around, but days messing you up.

​​Shawshank’s life is a comfortable environment for the familiar old cloth. Three meals a day are supervised. Every day, he only needs to tidy up the library, and then push a small book cart around the prison for a day. Even if it passed comfortably. Such comfortable days, day after day, year after year, are things that the old and frail old cloth cannot get outside of Shawshank. Why is he willing to leave Shawshank? How dare he leave Shawshank?

Let's think about it, did the original unit make us waste? However, there are a lot of people who are mixed in the unit, and there are also many people who have left the unit and made themselves a wonderful life. Why are we only turned into waste?

is a step-by-step living condition every day, clocking in at work, as long as you do your job well, your monthly salary will be credited to your card on time. Although the salary is not high, you can still support your family. Wife and children are hot on the bed, and life is as smooth as water. No accidents, just wait for the old age. After such a comfortable life for a long time, who would think about being fired suddenly? So apart from the sudden panic and bewilderment, I can't think of a better adjective.

is the root cause, is this because of Shawshank’s environmental problems? Shawshank has never seen a big change. You have plunged yourself into Shawshank’s comfortable prison.That's it. So, let's not complain that the environment has changed us. We just blame ourselves for being too comfortable, forgetting to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Andy's approach gave us the inspiration to get rid of Shawshank in the workplace.

If Andy in "Shawshank's Redemption" accepts the future prison life after being tried, this great movie will not be born.

When Andy entered Shawshank, he was like a top student who had just graduated from college. In his imagination, according to his own conditions, as long as he was given enough time and space, one day he would surely become a major event. When I was in the stage of ignorance, I threw myself into a very unfamiliar environment, wanted to start again, and the future was bleak, and there was no need to talk about life dreams and the like. This kind of life is also very hesitant.

However, they did not accept the status quo, but in a limited space, through their own efforts, they fully demonstrated their talents and sought all the opportunities to achieve themselves. They firmly believe that as long as they work hard enough not to give up, Shawshank can't hold them in this cage. The hard work and dedication now is so that I can fly freely in the wider world in the future.

is also a person living in Shawshank, but what he can express is completely different. Different mentality, different lifestyle, different hard work and struggle. Instead of letting the environment assimilate yourself, it is better to leave the cage that traps you as soon as possible through your own efforts.

In the final analysis, no matter what the environment in which we live, as long as we keep changing our mentality and sublimating our living conditions, we will not lose ourselves or even be eliminated.

Many times, we are powerless to change a big environment, but we have enough ability to change ourselves. There are two ways to leave Shawshank, one is to wait for it to kick you out, and the other is to go out through your own efforts. Although

will have many difficulties in this process of going out, as long as it can be reborn, everything is worth it.

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