"Donkey Gets Water" Exposes Human Nature

news 1621℃

"Donkey Gets Water" is a thought-provoking film, more like a reflection of us in life.

"Donkey Gets Water" can be regarded as a conscience production as a comedy. But it's not necessarily a bit unreasonable to say that it is a comedy. From the joyous beginning of the story to the tragic end, we can see our mixed flavors. But before and after the great joy and great sadness, the eyes are wet unconsciously in the development of the seemingly absurd and funny plot. A small problem turned into a tragedy, a story interprets human nature. The origin of the

'Donkey Gets Water' Exposes Human Nature - Lujuba

story revolves around the beginning of a donkey. A group of university teachers with "misconduct" but with educational dreams came from a big city to a remote village to open a small school. School treatment is bleak and life is hard, but the teachers are content to enjoy themselves, and they are happily and happily every day. However, the news that the special commissioner of the Ministry of Education was coming to make a surprise inspection broke the tranquility, because there was a "donkey deshui teacher" in the school who hid an ulterior secret. Just when everyone was worried that the scandal was about to be revealed, a magical genius appeared to save everyone, but who could have expected that the real trouble had just begun...

'Donkey Gets Water' Exposes Human Nature - Lujuba

'Donkey Gets Water' Exposes Human Nature - Lujuba

Zhang Yiman's most tragic character at the end of the play, she is smart and capable , No doubt she is beautiful. Although she yearns for freedom and her behavior seems a bit unruly, she is not bad in nature. She seems to be a representative of the awakening of sex roles. Refusing a man’s pursuit may be for fear of trouble or for fear of repeating the same mistakes. Often there is a story behind this type of person. She has sexual thoughts that transcend the current concept. It's just that these thoughts of her were intolerable in the eyes of people at the time. Fan Kuishan, Principal Sun, special commissioner, and coppersmith, ruined her step by step. Her death was a relief, because that era could not tolerate her ultra-free views.

Pei Kuishan, I think, is the most annoying person in the whole play. He is selfish and only profitable. His kindness to Zhang Yiman is not only a wishful thinking, but also ruining your monopoly if not obtained. From the moment I put on the fur coat, it is also the beginning of becoming an absolute egoist. We despise this kind of people, but there are not a few people like this in our lives. The movie itself is the engraving of life.

The coppersmith was originally a kind and innocent person who was simple and unpretentious, without desires, and without education. After being trained, enlightened, and "sleeping clothes", the restlessness in his heart was activated. He is no longer a simple animal, and his unscrupulous measures made his back chill, from being simple and honest at the beginning to being completely bad at the end. He may not get worse step by step, but ignorance limits his nature, maybe he himself is selfish. This role is somewhat similar to the role of Zhang Yixing in "A Good Show". The beginning of the gunshots of

was accompanied by the collapse of the role of Tie Nan, Shao frivolous and disdainful, a straight-forward character. In the first half of his enthusiasm, daring to do and dare to behave, he was always using force to solve problems with a gunshot. Heroism seems to be based on nothingness. In the end, all his heroes collapsed and bowed his head in front of power and life. I never looked down upon him. Maybe we will do the same after we have experienced bullets. Principal

is a person with a beautiful educational dream. His starting point is not problematic, and his ideals and ambitions seem to be very noble. However, the irony is that such a person with ideals and aspirations is the one who is best at using moral kidnapping. People. Use one lie after another to cover up the previous lie. He created the beginning of the tragedy and pushed the ideal to death. The deep righteousness on the surface has driven everyone to a dead end. The special commissioner

​​is a villain. It is this role that seems to show how dark the government was at that time, and how the people at that time could live a happy life with such a government.

Jiajia is the only trace of righteous will in the whole play, perhaps because she is young and still has a good heart, she has not been assimilated. Exposing ugly crimes are different from each other. She is kind and sober, but she also leaks a little naive atmosphere. Solving problems also requires strategies. A movie like

is worthy of our thinking. How many people will smile after watching this movie. Is human nature as it is or is justice and kindness no match for interests. The exaggerated plot may be divorced from reality. But think about it in real life, there may not be such things. The movie itself comes from life, and life needs us to operate it by ourselves. I hope that after watching the movie, it will arouse the unwillingness to admit the sympathy in our hearts.

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