From 100,000 software licenses per month to zero sales... Faced with desperation, this company uses artificial intelligence to "survive from the Jedi"

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From 100,000 software licenses per month to zero sales... Faced with desperation, this company uses artificial intelligence to 'survive from the Jedi' - Lujuba

"Photograph and upload the test answer sheet, you can automatically analyze the test paper, learning weaknesses, difficulties, and easy to make mistakes at a glance." "Analyze composition grammar" "Teach answer ideas" "Correct English pronunciation"... these classic "face to face" style The classroom teaching situation, because of artificial intelligence technology, can "cross time and space" and can be operated autonomously online.

This is the “self-help” R&D innovation of Shanghai Youying Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Youying Technology") during the epidemic. The chairman of the Putuo District Artificial Intelligence Association is an integrator in China for many domestic and foreign voice Internet giants such as Amazon, Microsoft, Nuance, and Baidu. Under the epidemic situation, using artificial intelligence technology to reach strategic cooperation with China Mobile, Baidu, etc., to help the new online economy at "Jedi Live".

rescues others and helps the online new economy

. During the epidemic, the company’s main overseas translation software business, from the original monthly average of 100,000 software licenses to zero sales, Youying Technology is facing the test of life and death. How does

help myself? In early March, several founders of Youying Technology thought about "How to survive in 2020". "Using core technology for transformation" has become the unanimous development direction of everyone. "At that time, our dozens of small and micro hardware manufacturers in Shenzhen were also greatly affected, and their main overseas businesses were almost shut down. Larger factories have thousands of workers. If there is no suitable software for support and services It is impossible for these small and micro manufacturers to transform to adapt to the domestic market. Survival is the biggest problem." Youying Technology CEO Gu Xiangwei told reporters that in the end, they chose a "core artificial intelligence technology" to graft "small and micro hardware equipment." Helping “self-help and crossing people” in the new economy of online education.

has many online meetings, and the technical team researches and discusses software solutions that adapt to different hardware. “We have integrated the 12 small and micro manufacturers in Shenzhen that were previously working with overseas tablet devices, provided them with suitable software services, introduced smarter learning machines, and helped the development of the new economy of domestic online education.” In Gu Xiangwei’s eyes, Artificial intelligence technology is one of the key elements for empowering the new kinetic energy of online education. "A learning machine based not only on the interpretation of text learning content, but also a real interactive learning tool. It uses the technical advantages of artificial intelligence to make up for online The defect that education cannot communicate with teachers face-to-face." The software version 1.0 currently released by

covers the K12 education stage. Through artificial intelligence technology, interactive teaching of Chinese, mathematics, English and other courses can be realized. "For example, when students face math problems that they can’t do, they only need to take photos and upload them to provide reference for a variety of problem-solving ideas and methods. After taking photos and uploading the test papers, they will also automatically analyze the test papers. Weak points and missing items provide analysis and interpretation." Gu Xiangwei introduced.

According to reports, since early April, more than 40,000 learning machines equipped with Youying Technology's artificial intelligence learning software have been put on the market.

always depends on good fortune and misfortune, and is forced to deploy the domestic market in advance

In April 2019, Youying Technology officially settled in Liziyuan Building, Taopu Town, Putuo District. As a giant in the domestic translation software market has long been formed, 90% of Youying Technology's business is deployed overseas. The plan that was originally scheduled to gradually shift to the domestic market in September this year was rushed forward by the epidemic.

From 100,000 software licenses per month to zero sales... Faced with desperation, this company uses artificial intelligence to 'survive from the Jedi' - Lujuba

An intelligent terminal called "Guide Dog" is an "exotic artifact" customized by Youying Technology for people entering and leaving the country. It integrates the four major functions of "Wi-Fi", "Map", "Translation" and "Scenic Spot Introduction". There are counters at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport and Pudong Airport, which are available for rental. "Since the launch of this part of the business, especially with the popularity of free travel, it quickly accounted for 60% of our business volume. However, this time the epidemic is raging and the number of people entering and leaving the country has dropped sharply, and this part of the business has also been cleared. "Gu Xiangwei said. "

overseas business and inbound and outbound tourism business are both cleared. Youying Technology has begun to use artificial intelligence technology as the core to expand the multi-scene application of "tourism", "education" and "business office".

From 100,000 software licenses per month to zero sales... Faced with desperation, this company uses artificial intelligence to 'survive from the Jedi' - Lujuba

"Putuo Mountain Smart Scenic Spot" is an enterprise for Putuo An artificial intelligence terminal tailored for the Mountain Scenic Area that integrates multiple functions such as "multilingual scenic spot explanation", "surrounding food, drink and fun introduction", "Guests GPS positioning safety warning", and "prevention of personnel gathering during the epidemic". Gu Xiangwei said, "Compared with the traditional scenic spot explainer, the terminal of the smart scenic spot uses artificial intelligence technology and machine algorithms to recommend the surrounding food, drink and play for tourists.Compared with hawking and peddling along the street, the Le project is more credible for tourists to promote the promotion of machine technology, which stimulates the development of the consumer economy after the epidemic to a certain extent. At the same time, it also uses GPS function positioning to prevent personnel from pushing. Safety warning function. "

In addition, according to reports, Youying Technology has reached strategic cooperation agreements with China Mobile and Baidu, and will successively launch China Mobile's "Hexiaoyu" spoken language learning machine and "Baidu Brain" smart terminal for recording and transcribing in May. . artificial intelligence AI education, business office AI software platform services to new scenes, cut scenes and more, new online help economic .

author: Ding Wan Xing Zhang Xiaoming

editor: Wang Xiang

Tags: news