After watching "Spirited Away", it seems to understand or not? Come and listen to this interpretation (with spoilers)

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After watching 'Spirited Away', it seems to understand or not? Come and listen to this interpretation (with spoilers) - Lujuba

Japanese "oil house" means "bathroom"

"Spirited Away" is a Japanese animated film premiered in 2001. It was produced by Studio Ghibli with Hayao Miyazaki as the director and screenwriter. It is still Japan. The highest grossing movie in history. It was re-released after a lapse of eighteen years, and finally gave me the opportunity to make up the movie ticket. I found that the brilliance of the movie has not faded, and the classics are still classics.

After watching 'Spirited Away', it seems to understand or not? Come and listen to this interpretation (with spoilers) - Lujuba

Let me give you a brief introduction to this movie. The full name of the animated film is "Thousand and Spirited Away no God 隠し", literally translated as "Spirited Away God's Hidden". "Thousand" and "Chihiro" are respectively the code name and real name of the protagonist's little girl, while "Shen Yin" is an old term that refers to a child who disappears for no reason and cannot be found no matter how to find it. Hide the child, that is, "Shen Yin". Therefore, "千と千寻の神隠し" means "Chihiro was taken away by the gods".

Hayao Miyazaki conceived a bizarre fantasy world of monsters in this movie. This world is separated from the human world by a single line, so occasionally humans stray into it. The story tells the story of the little girl Chihiro strayed into this mysterious world. . Although it belongs to the world of gods and monsters, it is full of human fireworks. The whole movie exudes a familiar and unfamiliar smell. Until the end of the film screening, the singing of the ending song "いつも何度でも (Forever Together)" gradually fades. I am still immersed in this smell. What is this familiar smell? ?

First of all, Mr. Gong did not indulge his imagination arbitrarily because this is a fictional world. On the contrary, if the fantasy is too wild, the movie will become a brainstorming exhibition and lose its logical connection with the real world. Movies that are completely divorced from reality, personally feel that there is no meaning to ruminate. Master Gong is a person living in the present, so this "Spirited Away" contains many meanings that reflect the real society. Let's deconstruct the characters here, you will find that the setting of the world of gods and monsters is still a portrayal of the real society after removing the mask. The following content of

contains a huge amount of spoilers, please read it after watching the movie:

After watching 'Spirited Away', it seems to understand or not? Come and listen to this interpretation (with spoilers) - Lujuba

When Chihiro entered the world of monsters, Bailong told her that she must eat the food here to avoid leaving this world. If you disappear, you must also have a job in Tang Po's soup house. Tang Po will not turn you into an animal, otherwise you will only be fattened and eaten by others.

brings us back to reality. To survive in society, you must swallow all the rules of society; in the workplace, you want to live comfortably, and the premise is that you must be willing to succumb to leadership. The

social system did not exist when the world was first established. Humans in the Stone Age chose to live in groups and hunt collectively to increase the probability of survival. The main purpose of human beings in constructing a social system is to achieve mutual benefit in this system and to improve their own rights and interests. Inevitably, there are gains and losses, and what is lost is a part of freedom. Even if you have the ability to survive independently, if you choose to leave the society, society will impose resistance on you as a punishment to reduce the possibility of others leaving the social system. Otherwise, members of society cannot make ends meet, and the social system will gradually collapse, that is, the interests of social groups will no longer be guaranteed. Therefore, in the soup house of Granny Tang, people who have no jobs will be turned into animals to be slaughtered; only those who work for them can survive. In the

story, Granny Tang controls others by depriving them of their names. To be her employee, she must be deprived of their names (memory). Does it remind you that when you graduated with a grand ambition, when did you start being overwhelmed by the "big pie blueprint" instilled by your boss?

However, in the film, Mother-in-law Tang’s twin sister, Mother-in-law Qian, said to Qianxun: “It’s impossible to forget what happened in the past, but it’s just unrememberable.” I believe that the ambition forged with passion has not been forgotten. Remembered by you.

The soup house of Granny Tang is on the one hand a clean place to help various gods and monsters wash away dirt, but also a vanity fair for profit. The greed of the soup house employees in front of money is fully exposed. As long as the customers give money, they can meet any requirements. It wasn't until the faceless men became insatiable and began to eat people that these employees began to regret it, but it was too late.

Mother-in-law Tang is a set of flattery in front of her, a set of vicious and vicious behind her, and another set of boundless spoils for her baby. She cherishes only three things: power (magic), money and babies. For these three things, you can do everything. This Vanity Fair,In fact, it is a simile of the dark side of society. The Q version of the animated characters faded away, the words they spoke and the character they showed, we have seen too many in our lives.

Bailong came to this world by accident at first, and found Granny Tang, and wanted to learn magic from her. Controlled by Grandma Tang and driven to do bad things, she was later punished by Grandma Qian and almost lost her life.

Bailong was formerly known as "Lord of Amber Relief Early", and his true body is a river in the human world (a river god). In the film, Bailong is given two meanings. One is when he chose to be an apprentice of Granny Tang in order to learn magic, and was deprived of his name, which implies that young people who are eager to make progress have acquired skills and experience, but these powers have made him strong but lost his heart. In the story, although Bailong has learned magic, he cannot return to the original world, just like a person who has successfully climbed up in the social class, but he is more confused. The second is that he is a clean river. With the expansion of human beings, the river gradually dried up. In order to survive, he had to choose to fall. It implies that in order to develop industry, to pollute or destroy the environment, rivers become dirty or dry and are no longer the source of life.

The garbage in the river god

actually calls for environmental protection to be more obvious in the "rotten god", which is another name for a class of dirty and filthy soup house guests. In the film, after Chihiro pulls out all the human trash from the "Rotten God", the originally filthy "Rotten God" reveals its true face-another river god who has been polluted by humans.

Bailong is actually a person who went astray, but Granny Tang made him forget his name, so he couldn't look back. But he knew that he had gone the wrong way, so he helped Qianxun as much as possible to prevent her from repeating the same mistakes. When Qianxun could finally return to the human world, Bai Long made a lot of effort. For Chihiro, Bai Long is like a senior man who is willing to help you in the workplace. He has gone the wrong way, but he hopes that you can turn around in time.

Chihiro is an exception among everyone. She was scared to death when she first came into this world, ignorant of weakness and weak. It is completely a portrayal of a newcomer in the workplace, but in fact, these are not very important. What is commendable is that she has never been confused about what she really wants. At first, Granny Tang refused to give her a job (not to give her a chance to survive), and then threatened her to give her the hardest job, but under Bailong’s advice, Chihiro ignored her and decided to get a job in a soup house. This willingness to bow to Granny Tang, of course, was stripped of his name (ideal). Just like young people who have just stepped into society, they don't know what the future will be, they just know that they can abandon everything else in order to survive. But fortunately, with Bai Long's help, she has no memory of losing her name, that is, she has not forgotten her original ideal. Afterwards, the faceless man used many techniques to conjure up the medicated bath cards and gold that Chihiro needed. Chihiro tactfully refused the temptation. Her idea was simple and firm, "I don't want what I shouldn't want." In order to save Bailong, Qianxun came to Granny Qian with an uncertain future and returned the magic seal that Bailong desperately snatched back. As long as she can save Bailong, she doesn't care about the power of the seal. Chihiro is the only one who always keeps his heart.

The important treasure in the film-He God's Niwan. After receiving the help of Qianxun, "God of Decay" finally washed away the filth of human garbage, and gave Qianxun a mud pill. This mud pill didn't seem to have any magical effect, Chihiro could only swallow it after she bit down a bit. In other words, eating mud pills can only make people feel nauseous and induce vomiting. But in a soup house full of greed, vomiting is its magical effect, and vomiting dirty things can cure diseases.

Bailong ate the mud pill and spit out the worm that Tang Po Po used to control the life of the white dragon, and was no longer at the mercy of Tang Po Po; the faceless man ate the mud pill and spit out all the food that he had eaten in the soup house, and finally fell from greed The monster who indulged in arrogance returned to the original gentle and kind faceless man.

Bailong and the faceless man were probably as innocent and kind as Chihiro at first, but in the vanity fair of the soup house, they were smitten, absorbed too much dirt, and gradually lost their hearts. But "the things that happened in the past can't be forgotten, just can't remember it." Once you can spit out the filth you absorbed, you can find yourself again. The so-called "good medicine is good for the disease with bitter mouth, and good faith is good for action" is the original intention of the river god.

"Spirited Away" is often watched by Chang Xin, and I have to sigh Miyazaki once again for his profound insight into life. Good works reflect life, and life is multifaceted, so everyone can see themselves in good works.

Therefore, the above is just a statement from my family, I believe everyoneWill have a different perception of "Spirited Away", please feel free to share in the comments.

This is soft and soft, see you next time~

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