The super beautiful "Spirited Away" poster, the Chinese style has made its C debut!

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/ Chinese style poster design /

On June 18, "Spirited Away" held the premiere of a thousand people in Shanghai, and the movie "Spirited Away" will be released on June 21 in the Mainland. "Spirited Away" is one of Hayao Miyazaki's classics. He has won the 75th Academy Awards for Best Animation and the 52nd Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award. When the Chinese version of the poster was just released on Weibo, it received widespread attention.

Two posters with the theme of "Watching" and highlight warmth and bravery. They are designed by Huang Hai teacher . People who have seen "Spirited Away" taste the posters and feel full of philosophy of life.

The super beautiful 'Spirited Away' poster, the Chinese style has made its C debut! - LujubaThe super beautiful 'Spirited Away' poster, the Chinese style has made its C debut! - Lujuba

The first "Shou" poster, implying a long journey in life, don't lose yourself, remember to tell yourself "Don't forget your original intention, you must always ". The second "wang" poster implies growth, life is too short, and there is no time for regret. If it is not the end, please remember not to look back at , and keep moving forward .

The super beautiful 'Spirited Away' poster, the Chinese style has made its C debut! - Lujuba

​​and two dream and reality posters released by the famous illustrator Wase Teacher of , the posters show the life of the protagonist of the story "love and loss", in the dream of , "I am so happy to meet you in this world!" In reality, , "You can only get here, and you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself."

Everyone who watches "Spirited Away" will have different inspirations, and " Spirited Away" I also hope that you and I can stick to the original intention and move forward bravely . And in fact, in addition to this amazing movie poster of "Spirited Away", there are other movie posters that are also very colorful and make people shine.

"The Origin of White Snake"

is also a Chinese style movie poster from teacher Huang Hai . This poster focuses the lens on the eyes of a white snake. The tears in the eyes of the white snake reflect the distant mountains and everything, with a branch in the eye. The plum blossoms floated by, and together with Xu Xuan, they took an umbrella and flew in the mountain stream. The beautiful picture brings warm memories but also implies a tearful ending. The tone of the poster perfectly uses the profound artistic conception of Chinese landscape painting. The poster picture is very atmospheric, and it also sets off the poignant ending of the man in the game. Before

, I was very fond of the Chinese style posters of "Wandering Earth" and "The Great Sage in Heaven" painted by ink painting teacher Zhang Yu , and the posters of "White Snake: Origin" and , which are very amazing and heavy colors. With flaming red and mysterious blue as the base color, it presents an oriental charm. The white snake and Axuan face each other in the poster, which is very suitable for the temperament of Chinese folk myths.

"Doctor Who"

started from the "Doctor Who" in 1963. After its return in the 11th season, a set of Chinese style posters created by Chinese illustrator Ruan Feifei made "Doctor Who" a hit A wave of popularity. The iconic time machine TARDIS (blue police booth) in the play travels through time and space to , the six major cities in China, , floating on the West Lake in Hangzhou, standing in the Great Wall of China, or crossing the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest Fly to the capital... as if the time machine is about to take the "Doctor" to China to explore.

"Alita: Battle Angel"

"Alita: Battle Angel" 's Chinese-style poster creation team is Daxi Image Studio , this group of new Chinese-style posters "Alita: Battle Angel" , Has been called by netizens to resemble the Chinese myth Nezha. The style of the poster is exactly like the mural in the Dunhuang Grottoes of . In this group of exquisite posters, the four most exciting action scenes in the movie are contained. Alita's trick to defeat the enemy is also perfectly reproduced in the poster screen, a Chinese version. "Battle Angel" is on paper.

After appreciating the recent Chinese style poster design, I found that Chinese style design is simply a treasure house . No matter how the design style changes, I always have a special feeling for Chinese style design, because this is a design that belongs to us.

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