"The Best of Us": Personal Thoughts

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I am a senior book fan. I have read the stories of Zhenhua High School many times. Everyone's stories are familiar to my heart. For so many years, it seems that I am their classmate or they are my classmate. I believe that every child who likes Er Xiong Shu has found resonance in it. It was this resonance, and being on the scene that made me go to the premiere.

It’s hard for me to count down what happened in my high school days. I just think that what the author wrote in the book is like a running account. The movie doesn’t feel like that. It’s really a bit narrow when it is crushed for three years in two hours, but It is indeed these account-like lives that resonate with me. As a youth film, the

'The Best of Us': Personal Thoughts - Lujuba

movie is undoubtedly qualified. Although there were a few slightly embarrassing episodes, the story was told smoothly on the whole. At the end of the story, everyone had a destination and became the best self. The destined encounter of the male and female masters, the clear mind after the division of arts and sciences, the sudden misfortune interrupted the words that were too late to say, everything is determined, layout, argument, and ending in the standard of youth films.

But I always feel that something is missing. When Yu Huai wants to be at the same table with Geng Geng, I want to know why, don't all my classmates choose someone who is familiar with or wants to be at the same table. Why did Yu Huai fall in love with the mediocre, not beautiful, and smart at first sight. The

movie has made Geng Geng simple, happy family, loved by parents, and poor study, but don’t worry about it. The only secret in my heart is to like my tablemate. There are also friends who grew up together, and friends who crossed their backs at the beginning of school, and those who like themselves at the same table. This is not my kindness. My kindness is the child of a single-parent family who stitches his loneliness alone in his heart. After three years, Yu Huai also sewed into his heart.

'The Best of Us': Personal Thoughts - Lujuba

Even if they met many years later and became the best self, they still dare not take the initiative to take the initiative to be shy and timid high school students.

and then freak seniors. We only knew when we were in high school. There are certain things that we are not qualified to be willful, let alone willful. In such a good school as Zhenhua, if we don’t pay attention, we will lose a thousand miles. We can only Studying cautiously, what is the difference between playing the guitar in heavy rain and other youth films? We are Zhenhua Middle School. We have no premature love in Zhenhua.

But when Teacher Zhang Feng asked the students to pull freak seniors in the heavy rain, it was a little funny, but it was a pity that there was no Director Pan.

'The Best of Us': Personal Thoughts - Lujuba

sing courage when singing chorus, the leader will not be angry, and let you sing it, I know it is for artistic effect, when Wang Sulong came out, many people in the cinema were there, I know he is the third of the music of our middle school age Giant, but can I say I don’t like this one at all? But I hummed courage for two days.

and the sequence of the movies. The plot of the division is too late. I have said many times before the second and fifth classes. Shouldn't the division be at the end of high school? Are we interjecting? And our teacher Zhang, teacher Zhang is a senior Chinese teacher, why when reading Li Qingzhao's poems like an aunt in the community cultural palace?

​​When there were four days left in the college entrance examination, Teacher Zhang Ping was annoyingly emphasizing the precautions on the blackboard. Some students below were crying because the same actor and the TV series played the teacher. I went to watch the TV series version again, I felt The teacher's mood in the movie version did not reach. Of course, by the time I graduated, the teacher was already a cold-blooded animal who had led many years of students.

, but in the last class, he still couldn't help but choked up. You Zhang Ping, a young teacher who has just graduated as a class teacher, and likes what these bear kids like and don't want, why are you so mature in the last class. And the classmates and teachers thank you all, you are all sitting in the seats, why not bow deeply to the teacher.

However, the story that we have been so worried about for so many years has finally come to completion, and everyone has become the best self. But my dear Yu Huai, that sunny boy, the screenwriter changed you a bit too rough, and then I thought that one of the screenwriters also had two bears, so I could not stop it.

He Landou's Geng Geng satisfies Geng Geng's image to a large extent, but he is too thin. My Geng Geng wears an attachment bear sweater with a back and waist. Why are your legs so thin and so thin.

said a lot, and went to look through the box office of the movie. After the college entrance examination, there may be another wave of high box office. I still hope that the box office of this movie can be good and the reputation can be good, because most of us go to the movies. Because of brooding.

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