DC Goddess VS Marvel Goddess: DC wins after makeup, Marvel wins after makeup removal

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As the two major comics giants DC and Marvel put their superheroes on the screen, many people have seen their favorite superheroes. In addition to those male characters, there are also many female superheroes. DC Goddess VS Marvel Goddess: DC wins after makeup, Marvel wins after removing makeup.

DC Goddess VS Marvel Goddess: DC wins after makeup, Marvel wins after makeup removal - Lujuba

Captain Marvel VS Wonder Woman: The look of Team Surprise in the movie is a bit strange, the normal state looks good, but after turning into a combat form, it feels a bit non-mainstream. Wonder Woman's shape can be said to be consistent. It can be worn during battle It's cooler.

DC Goddess VS Marvel Goddess: DC wins after makeup, Marvel wins after makeup removal - Lujuba

​​Scarlet Witch VS Hela: The look of the Scarlet Witch looks a bit retro, but the good figure supports the whole scene. In contrast, DC's Hela is more bold and reveals sexy from top to bottom, which makes people a little indifferent .

DC Goddess VS Marvel Goddess: DC wins after makeup, Marvel wins after makeup removal - Lujuba

Black Widow VS Catwoman: Scarlett Johansson, the actor of the Black Widow, has a nice face and a sexy body. It has been welcomed by many people. Compared with the Catwoman of DC, it is very average, no matter it is The appearance and the figure are both slightly inferior.

Kamora VS Harley Quinn: It also looks like washing, cutting and blowing. Kamora’s purple hair + green skin feels quite different, but the shape of Harley Quinn has been loved by many people. It is naughty. Be sexy and obsessed.

Nebula VS Superwoman: The same alien, Nebula has undergone mechanical transformation, so she looks a bit more technological. After removing her makeup, she looks more beautiful. DC's Superwoman is much more sexy, with outstanding body and appearance.

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