Film and television characters are darkened: Deng Lun relies on makeup, Li Yifeng relies on eyeliner, and he relies on "hard support"!

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believes that there must be a lot of characters that have left you a deep impression over the years. The actors can always bring you into their plot with their superb acting skills, and they can also leave you with a shocking feeling. Today we will talk about the blackened characters, many of which are remarkable.

Film and television characters are darkened: Deng Lun relies on makeup, Li Yifeng relies on eyeliner, and he relies on 'hard support'! - Lujuba

First look at Deng Lun’s character. Before he blackened, he was very gentle and jade, and his manners were very dignified, and he could see his cultivation as he spoke, but after he blackened he was very cool, killing people He didn't show any mercy when he came here. You can see how he feels with the Rockets. And there are many people who say that his darkening depends entirely on makeup, because the shape of the eyebrows is very different.

Film and television characters are darkened: Deng Lun relies on makeup, Li Yifeng relies on eyeliner, and he relies on 'hard support'! - Lujuba

Let's look at Li Yifeng's blackening before and after. Before blackening, he was very helpful and easy to be deceived. This can be seen in his exchanges with Qingxue. For this reason, Qingxue also said that he should watch people sober. After blackening, his pupil color and hairstyle have changed a lot, especially the deepening of his eyeliner, which looks sharp.

Film and television characters are darkened: Deng Lun relies on makeup, Li Yifeng relies on eyeliner, and he relies on 'hard support'! - Lujuba

Let’s look at Yan Xun’s blackening before and after. Before blackening, he was also very educated. The prince of a country would have natural knowledge, and the relationship between him and Zhao Liying was praised by many people, but because of jealousy He has changed. After the blackening, his eyebrow shape and eyeliner are very obvious, which can also highlight his evil degree.

Film and television characters are darkened: Deng Lun relies on makeup, Li Yifeng relies on eyeliner, and he relies on 'hard support'! - Lujuba

Let me talk about this one last time, the worst character in "Gu Jian Qi Tan", and he only appeared at the end. He tried to hide himself before, and he was very modest and cautious around everyone. However, after darkening, it becomes to the extent of doing bad things, but his makeup has not changed, all relying on himself to "support", so his acting skills are also great.

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