Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7

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Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

it can officially Ready to go on the road

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

Do the final security check before departure

before and after

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba


Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba


Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba



Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba




Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

until 8:30

Yasoho will finally be able to set off

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

arrive at a distribution center

she will park the car in the anti-skid area



z0 28z

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

into the side of the road network

launch special carts

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

the goods into the region to push the cart

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

the goods to the guest house

guests inventory and delivery signature

repeat this work

until all the goods while stocks

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

Although Japan is relatively safer

rarely burglary

, but she will still lock the cart carefully

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

after all the goods in the morning are delivered,

is almost at the lunch break,

zzz, you must go out for lunch after checking in

z028z To put on a coat

can not wear work clothes to eat out

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

this day at noon, she and two seniors

go to their usual restaurant

to have lunch

z1 and a half after lunch

z1 and a half after lunch In addition to the task

, she will also have the task of selling

actively recommending the company's freight service to those in need

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

If there is a package at the door of the store

she will take the initiative to check and provide service 1z


z0 In the afternoon, in addition to a small part of the delivery,

is more to collect the parcels to be delivered in this area

and then load them into the delivery truck

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba


is a part of the favorite part of the courier


z11 0z

One day's work is completed at 5 pm

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

At this time, you still need

to drive the truck that drove in the morning to return to the company

before getting on the bus

still check everywhere




z0 again in the morning "point of call" work

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

before she needs to go home

cash accounting

the payment of parking fees reimbursed out

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

this can finally punch out

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

some operations down

already 18:00

She has to ride a bicycle to the supermarket to buy ingredients

go home and cook her own dinner

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

I’m back home at 7 o’clock

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

on weekdays

she will choose some simple foods

time-saving and healthy and delicious





10 points into the dreamland

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

Yasoho has just worked for 6 months

although she is still a newcomer

but she likes her job

and the customer communication 28zzz

z7 is a great 1zzz

z2 and has a great motivation for her 1z

zz29 The city

doesn’t feel lonely.

Take a look at the true record of a 22-year-old beautiful courier in Tokyo! Get up at 5:45 every day and arrive at the company at 7 - Lujuba

In addition, the convenience of life in China makes us proud.

Many foreigners have become "Chinese fans" after they come to China.

is one of the sources of our convenient life. In this Japanese lady's day at

, we can still see some parts worth learning

such as strict employee safety inspections,

such as team cohesion, etc.

Hope everyone gets better and better!

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