"Wind Up": The most realistic finale work that can only survive

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is getting windy, we must live well.

When the ideal beauty is finally turned into a weapon that hurts others, how do you choose, when a happy love is destined to begin with tragedy, whether you will give up again, this is "Wind Up".

is different from Hayao Miyazaki’s previous works, which used an aesthetic approach, depicting scenes of childhood pictures. This film features documentary as its outstanding feature, depicting the turmoil in Japanese society during World War II. Young people are full of ambitions and want to go with sincerity. Serving the country’s vision. The

'Wind Up': The most realistic finale work that can only survive - Lujuba

film began in the Taisho period. At that time, the Western advanced cultural impact and the implicit integration of Eastern civilization, the new and old ideas were born here, this is the worst age, because the future is a lot of gunpowder, I don’t know where to go. Not sure, that is also the best age, new technologies and new ideas are waiting for you to learn and spread, waiting for the whole country to regain a different brilliance.

Jiro was a teenager who grew up in this background. When he was young, he yearned for the blue sky, hoping to build the most advanced airplane for his country. The accumulation of countless knowledge has finally made him himself. The

'Wind Up': The most realistic finale work that can only survive - Lujuba

war will inevitably be a waste of life. No one can escape from this war. The only thing that can be done is probably to make one's own country stronger and stand up from the position of the bullied.

For the most advanced technology and the most cutting-edge talents, Japan would rather the people go hungry and send technicians to learn technology.

This is so similar to the national conditions of our country back then. The outside is the technology that far surpasses that of the country for 20 to 30 years, and the inside is a country where war has caused turmoil, poverty, and backwardness. It has never been terrible, terrible. Close and self-preservation, the terrible thing is not to accept foreign things. The general environmental background of the

film is actually similar to that of Eastern countries, but different choices have formed a different national body today.

'Wind Up': The most realistic finale work that can only survive - Lujuba

Love will bloom the most beautiful flowers in the most chaotic era, as if fate, Jiro meets Nahoko, and the two of them resonate in heart and are the closest lovers.

Maliciousness is often the ability to spy before it even begins. She is the most terrifying disease of that era, tuberculosis, and Nahoko is destined to face the tragedy of death. That happy time is the best memory of the two of them, and under the light of the light, Jiro's hard work and countless repeated writing of experimental data are destined to be able to look at his lover again when he succeeds. Love like

reveals beauty in the tragedy. It is a more universal existence in that era. When personal love collides with the destiny of the country, one party will always be abandoned, ignored, and vulnerable. A young talent known in his life may have a favorite person behind him. It is only because of the homeland he has in mind that he has left his hometown for many years and fights for the horn of victory all day long. The birth of

'Wind Up': The most realistic finale work that can only survive - Lujuba

zero style became the most famous weapon of that era. In the second half of the plot, the story moved from the original home country feeling to when the ideal weapon is used to harm others, should it be invented and created. The question of

was actually controversial when the self-nuclear theory was put forward. In the beginning, all weapons were born with the beautiful vision of the inventor. They expected to be able to apply their achievements to reality and bring a bright future to the entire country. But ideals are only ideals. The reality feedback is that airplanes fly with bombs To the other side, what caused the ground was wreckage, countless dead and injured people, their lives also died with the birth of weapons.

'Wind Up': The most realistic finale work that can only survive - Lujuba

We cannot completely criticize the fault of the inventor, because all the evil may be just the sincere goodwill at first, which may be only the realization of the young ideals for some people, but we cannot ignore the damage caused by the war. This painful trace of

is still a naked wound in the hearts of those old people today, which cannot be healed, and always exists. The wind is rising, and the war is coming. All people can do is to live. May the place where the wind passes in the future is peaceful and peaceful.

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