The hero was born as a teenager, and the Dutch brother led 4 child stars to debut superheroes, and one is expected to surpass the Dutch brother

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superhero movies have become an indispensable element in the current film industry since "Iron Man", and as superhero-themed movies become bigger and stronger, more actors are involved. A Vanity Fair magazine must have one An actor who has played in superhero movies. And now even the superhero actors are beginning to get younger.

The hero was born as a teenager, and the Dutch brother led 4 child stars to debut superheroes, and one is expected to surpass the Dutch brother - Lujuba

Speaking of the cutest and youngest actor, it is estimated that everyone will think of Marvel’s little spider, which is the "Dutch Brother" of Tom Holland. The Dutch brother is actually a contracted actor of Disney Marvel Pictures, but the copyright of Spider-Man is in Sony. All the Spider-Man independent movies made by the comic are cooperative, and all the box office income will be included in Sony’s home. In other movies or other peripheral funds of Wei Wei belong to Marvel. The Dutch brother also used Marvel to become a bright star in Hollywood in the future.

The hero was born as a teenager, and the Dutch brother led 4 child stars to debut superheroes, and one is expected to surpass the Dutch brother - Lujuba

X-23 It is estimated that some fans who entered the pit late do not know who this is, so Laura should know? Not the one in Tomb Raider, but Laura, who played the daughter of Uncle Wolf in "Wolverine 3", played by "Daphne Keene". This child star was remembered by all fans when he first landed in a superhero movie Live, and fans will look forward to her work when she grows up. I hope that at that time Disney Marvel will still hope that Daphne will play X-23 at that time.

The hero was born as a teenager, and the Dutch brother led 4 child stars to debut superheroes, and one is expected to surpass the Dutch brother - Lujuba

Maybe many people have doubts about the appearance of Captain Marvel, but almost no one has doubts about the appearance of "McKenna Grace" who played the role of "McKenna Grace" as a child in the movie. This mortal little angel has already made her mark in many movies at a young age, in addition to "Captain Marvel", "Top Player" and "Genius Girl" cooperating with the US team, the crying scene is really Let the audience in front of the screen feel distressed.

The hero was born as a teenager, and the Dutch brother led 4 child stars to debut superheroes, and one is expected to surpass the Dutch brother - Lujuba

recently played Billy Batson in "Thunder Shazan", Arthur Anqi also used DC to enter the attention of fans, and even faintly surpassed the Dutch brother. Moreover, he is younger than the Dutch brother's grade. The young actor born in 2002 can see his rare maturity at this age, and there is a point that Arthur has surpassed the Dutch brother, that is, he will grow taller at 175cm. , And in 1996, only 173 of the Dutch brothers have almost been finalized, but if they become the next brother Atang, it is uncertain.

The hero was born as a teenager, and the Dutch brother led 4 child stars to debut superheroes, and one is expected to surpass the Dutch brother - Lujuba

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