Feng Timo was "called", 7 characters floated on the Bund in Shanghai, netizens: Real hammer did not have to be washed

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netizens, when you talk about the topic, maybe everyone will think of the female anchor who sings and dances in front of the screen, or sometimes she will take everyone to play games, a very cute girl, but you know ? Just recently, some netizens revealed that Feng Timo had been named by a building in Shanghai. On it, Feng Timo’s name was reflected by the lights. It can be said that almost all people in Shanghai can see it, but for this However, fans were very excited.

Feng Timo was 'called', 7 characters floated on the Bund in Shanghai, netizens: Real hammer did not have to be washed - Lujuba

It turns out that this is not a so-called criticism or ridicule, but that Feng Timo’s music has been affirmed to a certain extent in China. Then, the building in Shanghai also used the names of many singers to celebrate. Printed on it, it can be said that Shanghai is really popular. After all, as a relatively tall building in Shanghai, when you almost go shopping, you can see the three characters Feng Timo as soon as you look up. Fans are very excited about this. It seems that their idols are also their own. An honor.

Feng Timo was 'called', 7 characters floated on the Bund in Shanghai, netizens: Real hammer did not have to be washed - Lujuba

​​However, many netizens say that Feng Timo does not seem to have this strength. After all, everyone should know that Feng Timo’s previous music was also suspected of plagiarism, and Feng Timo usually spends a lot of money, please People come to write, and they only sing the part. As an original music, Feng Timo’s name is printed on it. It can be said that it is full of moisture. I don’t know if I can go up with money, or Is the show "Dynamic 101" flooded?

Feng Timo was 'called', 7 characters floated on the Bund in Shanghai, netizens: Real hammer did not have to be washed - Lujuba

However, there are still more fans who like Feng Timo. After all, who doesn't like such a versatile female anchor! Not only can you interact with the anchors in front of the screen, but sometimes you can also sing and sing, and warmly greet some fans. It can be said that Feng Timo is really a goddess herself. I believe all netizens should have heard of Feng Timo. After all, who does not love such a famous and handsome female anchor?

Friends, I don’t know which songs by Feng Timo have you heard? Let's talk about it in the comment area.

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