The height comparison of super villains in Marvel movies and comics: the gap between Rocky is small, and the gap between Thanos is large

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believes that everyone knows that the superheroes and super villains in Marvel movies are derived from Marvel comics, and the height of the super villains in the movies is completely different from the height in the comics.

The height comparison of super villains in Marvel movies and comics: the gap between Rocky is small, and the gap between Thanos is large - Lujuba

Let’s take a look at the height comparison of the super villains in movies and comics. , He loves to provoke trouble, and his strength is pitted, but he is never a pure bad guy in essence. It was not completely whitewashed until "Reunion 3". In the comics, Loki's height is 194cm, but in the movie, Loki's actor is Dou Sen. His real height is 188cm. There is a 6cm difference between the two, so the gap is relatively small.

2. Ronan

The height comparison of super villains in Marvel movies and comics: the gap between Rocky is small, and the gap between Thanos is large - Lujuba

Ronan is the leader of the Kerry Empire accusation group. He possesses superhuman strength, endurance, speed and reaction ability. The above abilities will be enhanced when wearing an armor suit. His handguards can create extreme cold and bring certain lives into suspended animation. The height in the comics is 227cm, while the height of Ronan actor Lee Pace in the movie is 196cm. The difference is still a bit big, the difference is more than 30cm.

3. Hela

Hela has high mana, and it rules the kingdom of the dead, Niffleheim, and is one of Thor's mortal enemies. The height of the Hela comic that can squeeze Thor's Hammer is 215cm, while the real height of Cate Blanchett, the actor in the movie, is 174cm, the difference between the two is 41cm.

4. Leopard

In the movie "Black Panther", the height of the super villain Leopard in the comics is 199cm, while in the movie, the height of the Leopard actor Michael B. Jordan is 182cm, the difference between the two is 17cm.

5. Ultron

Ultron has been committed to destroying all life on the earth, and the Avengers who wanted to stop him, after being defeated by the Avengers, they resurrected and brought endless death and disaster to the earth. They are called the Avengers. The league's lingering nightmare. As an artificial robot developed by Iron Man and Dr. Banner, Ultron's height in the comics is 206cm, while the height in the movie is 178cm, which is a 28cm difference.

6. Mandarin

Mandarin was about to become king in China, but he retreated quickly and chose to live in seclusion. In order to be immortal, he devoted himself to the study of ancient mysticism, and gradually disappeared from people's sight. Time has shifted to modern times, and the Manchus have already practiced their magical skills and decided to make a comeback. In the comics, the height of the Mandarin is 188cm, while in the movie the height is 173cm, the difference between the two is 15cm.

7. The Winter Soldier

In "Captain America 2", the Winter Soldier is still a super villain and became a superhero in "Captain America 3". In the comics, the height of the Winter Soldier is 175cm, and in the movie, Sebastian Stein, the actor of the Winter Soldier, is 182cm tall, which is even taller than the comics.

8. Thanos

The most powerful thing in Marvel movies so far is the super villain Thanos. Thanos is also a strategist, with knowledge far beyond earth technology, and able to understand everything unknown. Sometimes ride on a floating throne equipped with offensive weapons and able to cross the galaxy, once equipped with Cosmic Cube, Infinite Gloves, Cosmic Heart and other equipment. The height of Thanos in the comics is 201cm, while the height of Thanos actor Josh Brolin in the movie is 179cm. However, the Thanos we see in the movie is taller than the comics. This is all post-production. The Thanos in the movie looks more than 2.5 meters tall. The gap with comics is the biggest.

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