The rise of the Star Wars resistance movement is now open to the public

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Editor's translation: David G. Allen is the editorial director of the CNN feature program. He has contributed to "Star Wars" all his life. He carefully instilled "Star Wars: Edge of the Galaxy" in his children. The beginning of ".

Batu Resistance Base Outer Ring (aka Star Wars: Edge of the Galaxy, Hollywood Studios, Orlando, Florida) (CNN)-no matter what your sympathy for the rebellion or your sympathy for Star Wars acumen, You are now a rebellious scum

The most ambitious interactive attraction in the history of Disney theme parks-the rise of the resistance movement-opened today at the Hollywood Studios at Disney World Resort.

For current "Star Wars" fans, like Yoda said, they have a soft spot for our trophies.

Earlier this year, two Disney parks in the United States opened a pair of ambitious immersive parks (Edge of the Milky Way, also known as Planet Batu). In November, Disney launched the first live action TV series "The Mandalorian". In late December, the last film chapter of the Skywalker saga-"Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" will be released.

But also know that the stimulus of attraction cannot be destroyed by reading reviews. Even a really great roller coaster with plot is still a great roller coaster. The journey of

, if you may say so, is so immersive and long-about 18 minutes-it has three different behaviors, and the drama around you unfolds. Prompt music, scroll the beginning of the scroll...

Act 1: "Traffic will be gone in 30 seconds."

The rise of the Star Wars resistance movement is now open to the public - Lujuba

A hologram of Rey greets recruits in a temporary briefing room.

keep a low profile, local Batu residents will whisper to you, but the resistance army is hiding here in the outpost of the trading port city of Black Spire. The rebel army is composed of hope-propelled rebel forces. They stand on the side of justice and fight against the new evil empire-the First Order. (Anyone who has watched the last two Star Wars movies knows these two factions.) The stormtroopers patrol the Black Spire, and local residents and tourists know the existence of the First Knights in Batu.

To enter the rise of the resistance movement, you need to go through the long tunnel of the resistance movement camp from behind the waterfall. If the line runs slowly, fans will have time to savour close-ups of the rebel flight suits, helmets, binoculars and the Millennium Falcon’s gas mask.

Once you enter the camp, you are now a recruit. Any fear you have about this will be overcome by the personal charm of two resistance heroes: a charming Rey hologram and a more substantial, hiccup, precise BB-8 film. Rey explained that we are evacuating Batu and meeting at a secret resistance base in another system.

The door opened and you came out again. It's BB-8 again, on Poe Dameron's iconic black X-wing. You hurriedly boarded a transport ship, which was piloted by the well-known chinned Nin Nubu of Return of the Jedi. You can see from the window and feel the sensation under your feet. We are taking off with Poe and the other pilots of the resistance fleet.

We were attacked by a first-class fighter as soon as we left the Batu atmosphere. A short battle ensued and our boat was swallowed by a larger star destruction

Act II: "I have a bad feeling about this

The rise of the Star Wars resistance movement is now open to the public - Lujuba

when you step forward under the strict requirements of a first-level officer At time, you will see a more amazing sight, they label you "spy"

You are now standing in the huge boom of a Star Destroyer. The full-size hatch looks out. , The first-class cargo ship flies by like a giant screensaver. 50 stormtroopers staring at you, you may feel uneasy. Before you are ordered to enter your cell, you will see a fighter plane parked nearby , You may notice random slight movements in the legion to imitate humans in suits.

continues to yell in your cell. When General Hux calls you "resistance scum", he almost spit, and then Kylo Ren used the Force to dig out the location of the rebel base from your brain. Fortunately, he was distracted by an imminent battle and ran away.

Act III: "This is the rescue! "

The rise of the Star Wars resistance movement is now open to the public - Lujuba

A vehicle driven by an R5-J2 Imperial Aerospace Machinery robot is your escape vehicle from a Star Destroyer. Matt Stroshan/Disney

get out, someone is shooting through your cell with a laser. When the wall is cut open, you will see a friendly resistance army telling you to hurry up. They are here to save you.

On the screen, Finn, the former Storm Commando transformed into a resistance hero, explained that the robot will take you to an escape pod, and you will be tied to a transport vehicle driven by an R5-J2 Empire Interplanetary Robot robot (actually An impressively complex computer-programmed trackless vehicle).

and you set off-the last five minutes of the attraction is a creepy journey with close range of blaster shots (how did they make those ignited splinters on the wall?), AT-AT His lower abdomen, the free fall of his abdomen plummeting, and many close calls with Ren Zhiqiang-including his lightsaber piercing the ceiling above your head. All the time, you can see a large-scale space battle outside the window of the destroyer.

You will get off in time and land in Batu. When you are bathing in the sun, you will see real Spanish moss hanging from the rusty old hangar you hit. Has the

task been completed?

If the task is to have a good time, then yes.

I am a big fan of "Star Wars". Although I am impressed, I only hope that the degree of danger will reach a higher point. I remember I was scared of Orlando Universal's "Harry Potter" and "Forbidden Land Tour", and I didn't invest in this movie at all. But in my opinion, "Rise" is a long-lasting level of happiness and a technological miracle, surpassing any other attractions in the park in both respects.

Conclusion: A dream come true

fans will appreciate the rebel flight suit helmet and the close-up shots of Matt Stroshan/Disney telescope

This technology is so ambitious-four different ride types are all Needs to be seamlessly synchronized, including live actors and several animated electronic devices-today, the rise in resistance has been behind the other edges of the galaxy for several months.

Even two days before the grand opening ceremony, there were still some technical glitches that delayed the announcement of Tuesday’s news, and occasionally caused embarrassing delays in the narration of attractions.

But will the ambition diminish?

Disney is recreating a galaxy, a new planet, and a new arc of narrative within the franchise of films, TV, games and books for more than 40 years. All this is to achieve a way that movie fans and non-fans can love.

When I took this attraction before the official opening, I thought of another movie, Christopher Nolan’s "Inception"-the dream starring Leonardo DiCaprio Dream action movie.

For "Star Wars" fans of a certain age, our love for a distant galaxy began in the first film more than 40 years ago, and was ignited in subsequent sequels and prequels.

Then, with the help of Disney's Edge of the Milky Way, you can feel, taste and interact with the precise planets in the movie-and you can also ride the Millennium Falcon (which was opened earlier this year).

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