In the movie "Trumen's World", why people are unwilling and unable to go the way they want

movie 1002℃

First of all, after watching the introduction of the movie "The World of Truman", I thought of a sentence: People often don't become the kind of person he wants to be, but the kind of person he has to be. After watching this movie. I still have this idea. We will do what the real environment advocates. If you have something that is not recognized by mainstream values, you will be suppressed and knocked down by thousands of people and words.

In the movie 'Trumen's World', why people are unwilling and unable to go the way they want - Lujuba

until your behavior conforms to the mainstream value direction. Just like before Chen Sheng (a graduate of Peking University) went to sell pork and was despised by his alumni; there was also Jin Xing who had sex reassignment surgery and was said to be abnormal; there were too many examples. There are too few people who can truly be themselves. Most people choose the easiest path to become a worker bee in society.

In the movie 'Trumen's World', why people are unwilling and unable to go the way they want - Lujuba

​​Secondly, "privacy" is also a focus here, and gossip and curiosity are the selling points of the most authentic reality show in history. It can be seen from the popularity of reality shows on various David TV and broadcasting platforms. Prying into the lives of others has been a common problem for the whole people since ancient times, and then to the ancient history of the royal family, the enthusiasm for spying on privacy is unabated. The director in the

In the movie 'Trumen's World', why people are unwilling and unable to go the way they want - Lujuba

movie also wants to stabilize and increase the ratings by broadcasting the protagonist’s sexual intercourse. The level of ratings directly affects the amount of "ads" placed, and the placement of "ads" is related to the stability and development of this reality show. Everything needs money. The wife's serious promotion of products, the beer carried by friends, the billboards that must be passed on the way to work, and the clumsy and deliberate performances all convey the message of our consumption.

However, why people are unwilling and unable to take the path they want to take. The environment, whether you dare to sacrifice, and the courage is another aspect. Although the value of following the mainstream is living a life arranged by others, he is relatively safe. Because countless people have already shown it to you. But if you take other roads, you may lose many things in the moment, such as houses, cars, education, and stable sources. What is even more difficult to give up is the current stability and reputation-everyone around me appreciates what I have done, and they all think that I am reliable and capable. But if you choose to take your own personal path. Then all of this has almost nothing to do with you. If you still have a mortgage and car loan, you may have to bear a little legal responsibility.

But the life that belongs to everyone can be controlled and enjoyed for only a few decades (at the current level of technology), if you don't live your own appearance, will you fail yourself? If I don't leave some commendable benefits for this world, then where is the value of my existence reflected. We all long for eternal life, but I only believe in spiritual eternal life. The greater the contribution, the longer you will live. Although your body is dead, you are still alive whenever your name is remembered and spoken.

Finally, another feeling after watching this movie is that human nature longs for truth, goodness and beauty. But the more grown-up, it seems to be farther and farther away from this. In society, people around us are playing different roles, and our world is not a Truman world. This may also be why the Xiaoyueyue incident, the urban management brutalizing the hawkers, selling things for apples, etc. happened. Although this society is very realistic and has many pitfalls, I still hope I keep my bottom line. Don't bully, don't hurt the weak, respect the lives and health of others, and do it with goodness, not just pursuing and showing vanity. Only in this way can I feel my life, life closer to what it should be.

Tags: movie