The annual giant production "Crane Huating"...Ancient costume tactics, brothers smashing the wall, father and son jealous, and monarch and courtier rebellion. Between hatred, what kind of love?

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's most popular TV series recently is "Crane Huating". The exquisite costumes, the compact brain-burning plot, and the high-value cast, people can't find the reason why the show is not popular.

The annual giant production 'Crane Huating'...Ancient costume tactics, brothers smashing the wall, father and son jealous, and monarch and courtier rebellion. Between hatred, what kind of love? - Lujuba

The play was aired on Youku on November 12 this year. The play was set during the Nanqi period, but Nanqi was the second dynasty of the Southern Dynasty in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In history, Nanqi has only existed for only two decades, which is indeed a short-lived phenomenon. The storyline in the

The annual giant production 'Crane Huating'...Ancient costume tactics, brothers smashing the wall, father and son jealous, and monarch and courtier rebellion. Between hatred, what kind of love? - Lujuba

​​play has no prototype in history. It is purely fictitious. You can just entertain it, don’t take it seriously.

The play tells the story of the prince Xiao Dingquan committing personal risks for the country and the world, regaining the military power and handing over to the country, but he died under the burden of infamy.

The annual giant production 'Crane Huating'...Ancient costume tactics, brothers smashing the wall, father and son jealous, and monarch and courtier rebellion. Between hatred, what kind of love? - Lujuba

The prince Xiao Dingquan is played by Luo Jin. In the play, the prince suffers from an enemy. He lost his mother and sister when he was a teenager and was not close to his father. His childhood experience made Xiao Dingquan desperate for family affection, and he has been trying his best to keep the few relatives around him.

For his father, Xiao Dingquan respects, loves and fears. He not only hopes to be affirmed by his father, but is also afraid of facing the embarrassment when his hope is lost.

Although Xiao Dingquan is the prince, he is not favored by his father at all. Although his father has not deposed his status as a prince because he is afraid of the power of the relatives behind Xiao Dingquan, he has been looking for opportunities to suppress the prince and even condone the eldest son. King Qi and Xiao Dingquan competed for the crown. The villain in

is the king of Qi and the book leader Li Baizhou who have repeatedly caused misfortunes. Not only did they persecute the people around Xiao Dingquan, but also made the gap between Xiao Dingquan and his father deepen. The teacher of the prince

is Lu Shiyu's hope that Lu Ying will succeed him as a solid backing for the prince. Instead, Lu Wenxi, the daughter of Lu Ying, meets the prince by chance. The two have a secret love, and then secretly promise their life.

Later, after the prince Xiao Dingquan was killed, he decided to fight with the feelings of Confucianism and the rule of gentleman and the conspiracy of the villain. After the death of his father and brother, Lu Wenxi became a female official of the East Palace and silently guarded Prince Xiao Dingquan. By his side, and helped Xiao Dingquan solve the military horse case and the nursery rhyme case, which eventually made the grievances of his father and brother clear. The two of

are also cooperating with each other, and their relationship gradually deepens.

Lu Wenxi's actor Li Yitong plays the stubborn and daring heroine Nie Qingcheng in "Half Demon Allure", Yu Mingxia performed a "half demon and human" love.

The play is adapted from the Xueman Liangyuan's novel of the same name. In the original novel, the main line of the story is romance, but in the TV series, tactics become the main line, which is a striking highlight.

The drama is so brain-burning that netizens said in the first two episodes that they could not understand at all, and did not understand the relationship between the emperor and the prince. The forces in the play are also divided into several factions headed by the emperor, the prince and the king of Qi. The forces of these factions are fighting against each other openly and secretly. Throughout the play, there are rumblings, and all the grass and trees are soldiers. Those who are interested in

can take a look, and the editor is also very interested.

Okay, I admit that I haven't watched it, but I didn't make up, combined so many materials, this drama is really worth watching.

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