The changing movie, the unchanging "initial heart"

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34 years of wearing the stars and wearing the moon, 34 years of wind and rain.

For 34 years, Lu Nan, a film projectionist in Rong County, Guangxi, has adhered to the original aspiration of "serving the people", with the mission of putting every movie well, and continuously sending rich spiritual food to the villagers.

The changing movie, the unchanging 'initial heart' - Lujuba

Lu Nan fiddled with the old projector that accompanied him through the years (Feng Xiaotian/photo)

"When I was 10 years old, the Chinese teacher assigned a composition title "My Ideal". I wrote at the time, I His ideal is to be a film projectionist, because movies can bring happiness to people..." In November this year, according to the arrangement of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, Lu Nan successively held the rural film public welfare in Nanning, Yulin, Qinzhou and other places. In the screening training class, the story of filming for the masses was told, and the past flashed like a movie.

In 1985, the 17-year-old Lu Nan realized his dream of becoming a film projectionist in the village. Since he pays attention to learning projection technology while watching movies, he can get on duty without training. In the winter of that year, the film projection team was changed from a village office to a private one. Lu Nan paid for the only 8.75 mm tape machine in the village. From then on, Lu Nan began to ride a bicycle, flash a flashlight, and travel across the mountains to ten miles and eight townships to replay movies. The folks kindly call Lu Nan "Movie South".

Two years later, Lu Nan borrowed 5,000 yuan from the credit union to purchase a 16mm movie projector, so that the villagers could watch movies with clearer picture quality. Lu Nan's screening range has also been expanded from his hometown of Tonghe Village, Li Village, to the surrounding towns and villages. "In 1990, Li Cun Town upgraded my personal film team to a mobile film team in the town, and undertook the task of touring and screening in 18 remote villages in the town. For me, this is a great honor and also Heavy responsibility." Lu Nan said.

On the evening of July 25, 1997, after a heavy rain stopped, Lu Nan and his partner put on raincoats, rode on motorcycles, and rushed to Taihe Village, which is half a mountainside ten kilometers away, to show the movie. The

mountain road was rugged, and the road was slippery after the rain. Lu Nan even led his car and fell to the side of the road. Thinking about showing the movie to the folks, Lu Nan immediately got up to check the screening equipment. After confirming that the screening equipment was not damaged, Lu Nan retrieved herbs from the side of the road to stop the bleeding of his injured knee, and then continued on the road.

"The movie is coming south!" "There is a movie to watch!" When Lu Nan arrived in Taihe Village, more than 500 villagers who had been waiting for a long time cheered. At that moment, Lu Nan felt full of happiness. That night, Lu Nan screened two movies, and it was 3 am when he returned home.

The changing movie, the unchanging 'initial heart' - Lujuba

Lu Nan is showing public welfare movies at school (Feng Xiaotian/photo)

In order to facilitate the screening of movies in dozens of villages, from 2008 to 2010, Lu Nan invested a total of 160,000 yuan to purchase 16mm and 35mm projection equipment. Two sets, two gasoline generators and four projectors.

The changing movie, the unchanging 'initial heart' - Lujuba

also has "understand the wall" when movies enter the village (Feng Xiaotian/photo)

With the rise of TV series and online TV movies, rural movies have gradually declined and even become a "lost business". In the face of difficulties, Lu Nan did not give up. He chose to go to Nanning to participate in a training course on digital film projection technology. After returning to his hometown, he used digital projection equipment to show the film so that the people in the mountainous area could watch high-definition digital films. Lu Nan also contracted out the non-profit film screening business of 59 villages (streets) in three towns including Yangmei Town, and sent new and good films that praised the party and the motherland, expressed patriotism and traditional Chinese virtues to the countryside. Spread the positive energy of becoming a Fenghua through public film.

The changing movie, the unchanging 'initial heart' - Lujuba

Lu Nan and his daughter discussed the public welfare film screening plan (Feng Xiaotian/photo)

In June 2019, Lu Nan raised funds to establish a private Rongxian mobile film screening company. In August, he obtained the right to show rural public welfare films through bidding. Lu Nan invested 65,000 yuan to buy a van, and passed the screening technology to his wife, daughter and son-in-law. The whole family took turns to take turns, unimpeded, and relayed the public welfare films to the fields. The villagers praised the Lu Nan family as "the home of movies."

The changing movie, the unchanging 'initial heart' - Lujuba

Lu Nan’s home is equipped with projection equipment from different generations (Feng Xiaotian/Photo)

goes from riding a bicycle to the countryside to show movies to driving a motorcycle or van to the countryside to show movies, from a single movie to a family. From letting the masses see movies to letting the masses see movies well... Over the past 34 years, Lu Nan’s filming footprints have covered various towns and villages in Rongxian County. He has personally experienced the development of the rural film industry and has invested more than 300,000 yuan in purchases.Buy movie screening equipment. Nowadays, Lu Nan's home stores projection equipment from different eras, like a small movie museum.

Over the years, Lu Nan has won many honors such as "National Outstanding Rural Film Projector", "Yulin City Rural Film Charity Screening Advanced Worker", but his favorite is the "honor" given by the folks of "Movie South" .

Every time I hear someone call him "Movie South", Lu Nan can feel full of happiness and pride... (Zhu Xiaoling, Feng Xiaotian)

Tags: movie