Screenwriter Li Ying: Challenging the audience is a very pleasant thing

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With the recent years, the screenwriting industry is getting closer and closer to the audience. Everyone often has a question: What is the role of screenwriting in the creation of film and television works? How important is it?

, screenwriter Li Ying, who has created excellent works such as "Secret Technique" and "I Want Happiness", gave a vivid and easy-to-understand answer. She rashly compared film and television works to airplanes: "During the process of building an airplane, everyone's work is very important. If any nut is loosened, the airplane will blow up. Wouldn't it matter if there are nuts? This one assumes the role of drawing a blueprint. The screenwriter is responsible for laying the foundation and framing, and everyone will create according to your foundation. The role of the screenwriter is the most important issue on the basis of the story."

screenwriter Li Ying is good at Creating suspense-themed works, she has also been a teacher in film and television for 5 years, and has a lot of experience in film and television writing and teaching. Behind her is a mature team of screenwriters-Wahhou Media Company.

Screenwriter Li Ying: Challenging the audience is a very pleasant thing - Lujuba

"Heroes of Fury"

Screenwriter Li Ying: Challenging the audience is a very pleasant thing - Lujuba

"Hot-blooded Yang Family Generals"

Screenwriter Li Ying: Challenging the audience is a very pleasant thing - Lujuba

"Ancient Love Songs"

"Lei Ge Lao Fan" "The Most Beautiful Love" "Forensic Qin Ming" "A Word in the Immortal"

Wowhou Media has the TV series "The Most Beautiful Love" ", "Lei Ge Lao Fan", "Nude Raising", "Forensic Qin Ming", "Ancient Love Songs", "Gu Jian Qi Tan 2", "The First Paratrooper", "Angry Heroes", the movie "Partner" (won Xia Yan Literature Award), "Hot-Blooded Yang Family", "Words Are in Immortals", "Teacher·Good" and other outstanding works. He has always been committed to digging into content creation, innovative script development, and his works are rich in types and are very popular on the screen. Praise from the audience. Li Ying is the chief screenwriter of Wahhou Media and the head of Li Ying's studio.

's first time in a movie theater. Unforgettable in a lifetime.

Li Ying graduated from the Beijing Film Academy with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from the Department of Literature of the Beijing Film Academy.

Li Ying’s alma mater, Beijing Film Academy

When Li Ying was young, his parents were very busy at work, and there was no mobile phone or games. Xiao Liying is often sick, so she can't play with the children. Her father guided her to watch some TV and animation programs. Her biggest entertainment is to watch the TV, and watch what is on the screen. When she watches, Li Ying likes the film and television works.

Li Ying's unforgettable life is her first time in a cinema. Looking back on her now, the scene is still vivid.

"The first time I entered a movie theater was when I was 3 or 4 years old. The chairs in the theater were covered with green cloth. A movie ticket cost about 3 yuan. You can watch it in cycles. The one I watched was the Hong Kong version of At that time, I thought that movie was particularly good-looking, from 9 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock in the evening. My dad watched it with me. When he was hungry, he went to the canteen to buy melon seeds to fill his hunger. Since then, I went to the movies with my family every week, and slowly, my interest in film and television was cultivated." Li Ying's voice was full of smiles.

Li Ying laughed at herself and said that when she went to school, she was a scumbag. In high school, her father talked to her very seriously, asking her to make choices about the future. She knew very well that she liked film and television, and she had the habit of contributing to magazines since she was a child. She had received praise and guidance from many teachers in writing, so she decided to continue to develop herself in this area. What

wants to write most is always a suspense subject

During his studies at Beijing Film University, Li Ying first created a horror and suspense type script. In the film school, she broadened her horizons and rebuilt her cognition. Her first film "Secret Technique" is also a suspense theme, but she strictly said that she is not satisfied with that work.

​​Li Ying’s masterpiece "Secret Technique"

Later, Li Ying continued to carry out her own exploration and research in this area, and she also published her understanding of the subject of thrillers in the journal. The article is titled "A Cultural Exploration of Domestic Thrillers ".

Now, after many years in the industry, Li Ying admits that what she wants to write most now is still suspenseful subjects.

"Hitchcock once said that the so-called suspense is that there is a bomb under the table. I don't know when it will explode. The audience sees the bomb under the table, but the protagonists cannot see it." Li Ying said, "Suspense There will always be unexpected things in the story, and writing suspense works will have a hearty feeling."

Li Ying is very familiar with suspense works at home and abroad, and the more she talks in depth, sheHis tone became more excited.

"The beauty of suspense is that there are always things you can't guess. It forms a sharp contrast with our ordinary lives, just like we are watching a magic show, you can see everything, but You just don’t know how the magical effect is produced. And when we write suspense, we want to turn the audience into magic."

Li Ying believes that even if you are creating life dramas, you can add suspense factors into it. The wisest life will never be guessed. More importantly, suspense itself has a very powerful aesthetic experience. Most of what the audience likes is reasonable and unexpected. She likes to keep in suspense when creating the script to attract the audience to guess.

"Challenge the audience is a very pleasant thing." Li Ying said seriously. Whether

can break through the bottleneck is a matter of determination

However, even if you write about your favorite subject, you will encounter pain. Li Ying said, in fact, when setting up the plot, especially the plot of suspense-themed works, creation often enters a dead end.

"Writing needs to constantly pose problems for yourself. When you break the wall, your work will be particularly wonderful." Li Ying said firmly, "When you get into a bottleneck, you can only rely on yourself, but can you Breaking through this bottleneck and whether you are willing to break through is a matter of determination." After many years of writing, Li Ying, screenwriter of

, has her own unique way of breaking through the bottleneck.

"There is also a law to break through the bottleneck. After getting into the bottleneck, the first thing is to divert your attention, get rid of the pressure, and temporarily forget the bottleneck. The second thing is to continue learning. Note that this does not mean evasion. This is like Conan solving a case, with a puzzle, to find, and then, at a certain moment, you will suddenly stop. I think the human brain will automatically do something for you , The brain will deal with the problems it has accumulated according to your emotions. When you encounter a problem-solving method, the brain will automatically call up the file and take you through the bottleneck." The best way to learn is to use

Teaching others

In addition to the screenwriter, Li Ying once had an identity. She has been teaching film and television writing for five years.

"Teaching is to be proficient over and over again. What was previously unfamiliar is remembered later. The best way to learn is to teach others." Li Ying said with a smile.

Recalling the exchanges with students over the past five years, Li Ying said that many people with good writing skills have a misunderstanding, that is, since others can be screenwriters, I can also be screenwriters. Many people are very good at their professional fields, but they are not suitable for everyone.

Li Ying succinctly expressed her thoughts: "The screenwriter dances with shackles, and wants to maximize his imagination within a limited range. The most important principle of being a screenwriter is to be able to tell a story clearly through words, to show others. A good aesthetic experience. Many students do not use audio-visual language to tell stories at the beginning of their creation. Writing habits are not the habit of scripts. When writing scripts, all the words that cannot be reflected on the screen should not be written. When writing, you should write the language as straightforward as possible. The text of the script itself does not need to be entertaining, but when you look at the script with an audiovisual sense, the beauty will come naturally."

Li Ying Through teaching the masterpiece "I Want Happiness"

, Li Ying also summed up an experience: "Students learn film and television writing, there are many textbooks, but after reading these textbooks, they will write scripts? This is not the case. I have always I think that only when the skill becomes instinct can you truly master it. Everyone has watched kung fu movies and understands that if you want to learn to beat people, you must first be beaten. When the physical ability and movement become A kind of subconscious, you have mastered the skills of martial arts. Kungfu requires practice over and over again, and writing is the same. I have told students in the simplest and straightforward way that the skill of scripting is practice." The teaching career of

Li Ying gained a special "skill". Li Ying is now also responsible for script review, and she often looks at various projects. Li Ying said that when she is now giving opinions on other people's scripts, she will not say ambiguous words, but will directly give precise opinions.

"When many editors give their opinions, they often say that the theme of your script is not clear, the characters are not full, and the subject matter is not novel.But I will tell you the specific reasons, why this script is not good, why not, and which samples can you refer to, will concretize the problem. "Li Ying said humorously: "After being a teacher, I am much more kind. I saw the works of students before, it was like seeing myself who was eloquently creating. I always try to help the students as much as possible and give respect to every creation. "

Wahhou Media respects the ideas of every screenwriter

Li Ying became a member of Wahhou Media at the beginning of the establishment of Wahhou Media." I have known Hou Zhenyu, the founder of Wahhou Media for many years, and he is the company. After that, I came to Wah Hau naturally. "Li Ying recalled.

At present, Li Ying is the chief screenwriter of Wahhou Media Company and the head of Li Ying's studio. The studio operates efficiently and smoothly and has completed many excellent works. Commented by Li Ying's partner screenwriter Hao She: "Li Ying is straightforward, thick lines, and often very delicate. When creating, we have a clear division of labor. Li Ying is good at outlines and frameworks. I am good at diversity outlines and biographies. We are a very good pair of partners, and 10,000 pairs of partners may not have such a tacit understanding between us. When

talked about the operation of Wahhou Media, Li Ying's bluntness was also vividly demonstrated: "Our company Wahhou Media has given screenwriters a very good protection of their rights. The company can help us to complete the affairs of affairs, and we can also be more involved in the creation. On the Wahhou platform, we can communicate better with more screenwriters, especially in-depth technical exchanges. At the same time, the creative atmosphere of Wah Ho Media is quite free, and every screenwriter's idea can be respected. "

loves suspense themes and loves challenging audiences. This is Li Ying, a screenwriter who is willing to pose problems for herself and create wonderful works even after breaking through walls. Her spirit will also make her bring us more worthwhile. Looking forward to the masterpiece.

Tags: movie