Princess Leonor travels with her mother, taking photos with others and smiling super sweetly, "Queen Fan" has been there since she was a child

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The Spanish royal family is known as the royal family with the highest value among the existing royal families. The current royal family does not play a leading role in political performance. It still represents the image of a royal family. The value of beauty is naturally very important. Fortunately, the Spanish royal family did not disappoint.

After Felipe VI inherited the position of the Spanish royal king, the two daughters of Felipe VI, Princess Leonor and Princess Sofia, gradually entered the public eye, especially in the home of King Felipe VI, Felipe King VI and Queen Letizia have only two daughters, and there are no males in the family.

Princess Leonor travels with her mother, taking photos with others and smiling super sweetly, 'Queen Fan' has been there since she was a child - Lujuba

, Princess Leonor is naturally the future heir to the throne in the Spanish royal family. Princess Leonor has a sister, Princess Sophia. The two sisters grew up together, because of the same beauty, there is a great acquaintance between the eyebrows. , Often considered twin sisters.

Princess Leonor travels with her mother, taking photos with others and smiling super sweetly, 'Queen Fan' has been there since she was a child - Lujuba

Princess Leonor received a very strict education since she was a child. She is a versatile little princess. She is very proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, especially in terms of language. Princess Leonor is very good, and she also learns English in addition to Spanish. The performance in Chinese is also extremely good.

Princess Leonor travels with her mother, taking photos with others and smiling super sweetly, 'Queen Fan' has been there since she was a child - Lujuba

Queen Letizia is also very good at educating Princess Leonor. As the crown prince, he will face the major cameras and people's cameras wherever he goes. The queen told Princess Leonor when she was young. She should not be afraid to face the camera with a smile, and greet her warmly and politely.

So from that time on, as long as you walk outside and see the camera, Princess Leonor will smile happily, and will wave her hand when she hears someone calling her name. Faced with people’s request for a group photo, it’s only time When it is too late, all those who come are not rejected, and the impression it gives is very sweet.

Princess Leonor travels with her mother, taking photos with others and smiling super sweetly, 'Queen Fan' has been there since she was a child - Lujuba

couldn’t help but want to come up and hug a few times. Now Princess Leonor is still a child herself. She often goes to charity with King Felipe VI. She likes to wear skirts more than other favorite girls. Later, Princess Leonor will prepare a dress, but it will not be very luxurious.

More often, Princess Leonor will still be like the king. When participating in activities, she wears a formal dress. Even when it is cold, she still wears a long skirt with small leather shoes. She will still insist on trembling with the people. Interactive, King Felipe VI will take Princess Leonor to visit the children.

Princess Leonor travels with her mother, taking photos with others and smiling super sweetly, 'Queen Fan' has been there since she was a child - Lujuba

In the face of those families whose basic family conditions are not very good, Princess Leonor shows great respect, and did not say that she is not close to humanity because she is a princess. In the face of the love of children, Princess Leonor will Like a big sister.

is still amused when holding the children, and she is very fond of her sister Princess Sophia at home. Princess Leonor is not only a "sister control" but also a very competent "queen" in the future. Everyone, what do you think? May wish to discuss in the comment section!

(this material comes from the Internet)

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