"The Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" hits the air! Have you started to knock Chen Bolin and Zhang Tianai sweet?

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   When the "post-95s" gradually grow into new youths leading the development of society, what are their stories and future prospects? From November 18th, the new realism drama "The Crocodile and the Toothpick Bird", which was broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV’s Golden Eagle solo theater and simultaneously launched on the entire network of iQiyi, Tencent Video and Mango TV, is the third generation. The focus of international student groups.

'The Crocodile and Toothpick Bird' hits the air! Have you started to knock Chen Bolin and Zhang Tianai sweet? - Lujuba

   "Crocodile" and "Toothpick Bird", the title of the play uses two interesting metaphors to write the core of the story exclusive to the youth of the era. The toothpick bird pecks nutrients between the crocodile's teeth after a meal, and it is not only a living toothpick of the crocodile, but also an early warning alarm to the crocodile. The fusion and mutual benefit of the ferocious crocodile and the clever toothpick bird symbolizes the harmony that this drama seeks in the four dimensions of man and nature, individual and motherland, present and future, reality and dreams, and the emotions of young people.

   youthful youth narrative

  , a concrete ideal burst out

  "The Crocodile and the Toothpick Bird" first cuts into the theme with the characteristics of the times. Its story is the story of the new era. Li Nanen, who went to France to study architecture in order to pursue his dream, joined the "Higher Animal Research Society" by accident, and met a group of "Science and Engineering Men" dedicated to the integration of ecological and environmental protection concepts and modern architecture, such as "Study Tyrant" Zhou Erwen. In the process of pursuing the "Sky Garden" architecture to promote the dream of "China's Intelligent Manufacturing", a wonderful and wonderful symbiosis story came out. Just like the symbiosis and fusion of nature crocodile and toothpick bird, the combination of ecological concept and modern architecture in the play runs through. The contemporary and forward-looking concepts such as environmental protection, low carbon, and ecological architecture are the thematic characteristics that distinguish "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" from other youth emotional TV series.

   starts from the "symbiosis" in nature, and finally settles on the novel concept of "ecological architecture". One of the important themes is how bionics can be used to optimize urban space. And a viewing experience with both freshness and realism is inseparable from careful consideration of professional knowledge.

During the script creation stage of

  , the producer invited professors from the School of Life Sciences of Fudan University and other industry experts to participate. In order to build the "Sky Garden" in the play, the creators also specially visited the Fairy Lake Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shenzhen. Whether it is restoring the real language environment through French dialogues, scientific experiments, public lectures and other details of learning and life, or introducing cutting-edge theories of ecological sciences, and inviting industry experts to build "sky gardens", they all present a true and three-dimensional study style and vigorous architecture. Vigorous features can be realized.

   In addition to the presentation of young subjects, "studying abroad" is another element of the era in "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird". Although the "study abroad fever" in China is still attracting attention today, with the changes of the times, the demands and social status of third-generation international students have also changed. From the previous hope to change personal destiny through studying abroad, to now introduce the world's cutting-edge knowledge and return to China for cutting-edge discipline construction; from the low-end output of "Made in China" to the high-tech "Made in China" to feed back the world, to be more leading The scientific and overall research results of the subject are heard on the world stage.

   has a vibrant theme. "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" is also dedicated to portraying high-quality group portraits. The main characters in the play show the different styles of contemporary youth, either paranoid or eccentric, but they struggle side by side because of the common ideal. They support each other in a foreign country, have disputes and differences, and they continue to grow together.

  Master of Biology and Architecture Zhou Erwen is rational and rigorous, logically rigorous, and meticulous in academic and life; Li Nanen is hardworking, emotional and romantic, and often bursts out with extraordinary courage; Takagi is thoughtful and calm, with a sense of team responsibility; Wan Wei, Yu Buju, Wu's so-called waiting, focus or agility, are all shining in their areas of expertise-they are the epitome of the new Chinese youth, interpreting the new generation of social responsibility.

   Dream as a horse

   extends multi-dimensional value speculation

   In addition to novel themes and diverse characterizations, "The Crocodile and the Toothpick Bird" in the personal story of a group of overseas students, the extended value speculation is grouped. By selecting social hot spots in multiple dimensions, the TV series carried out divergent social thinking.

   Li Nanen dared to question in class, and pointed out that "urban construction should not be at the expense of the quality of life of residents"; Zhou Erwen said "ScienceIt’s just to guard one’s own views”; Professor Bai enlightened Nan En not to be discouraged because of one or two failures and failures, “If science is so easily penetrated, then it’s not science”; the international students went to the outdoors to investigate and collect samples... the hero and The teacher's research process has led us to re-examine the academic attitude that researchers should have—be patient with the failure and repetition of the research process, and delve into it without showing off their skills.

   However, when Li Nanen faced nationality discrimination when renting a house, he faced the high cost of school accommodation. Takagi and Zhou Erwen's research and display at world forums all reflected the changes in the country's image. Takagi has a clear plan for “going home” of “I still have to return to the motherland to work”; Li Nanen got inspiration from his father’s Chinese paintings and designed a sorority party with the theme of “worrying”. There was a wonderful performance of magic “Butterfly Love Flower”. Let her heart erupt: "The sentiment of nostalgia for the motherland is like a butterfly flying in a flower, and we, these proud children of heaven after studying abroad, will one day return to the embrace of the motherland."

   It can be seen that this drama is showing the new era of cultural and academic self-confidence of Chinese students.

   is surging and the divergence of ideas about the future. In the play, Professor Bai and Li Nanen have a discussion about garbage. Professor Bai pointed out that “China produces more than 1.5 billion tons of construction waste every year. Compared with the 90% resource recovery rate of developed countries such as Europe and Japan, China, as the world’s second largest economy, has a recycling rate of less than 5%.” Li Nanen replied that the “Sky Garden” hatched by the “Higher Animal Research Society”, an environmental protection concept and endeavor that was not what China used to be, tried to simulate the urban architecture as a natural ecological environment. Among the topics included the recycling of urban waste. use.

   build a low-carbon, environmentally friendly, ecologically friendly, and humanely comfortable sustainable ecosystem. "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" guides young people to pay attention to ecological civilization and interprets the responsibility of literary works.

   from reality to the future to

   outline the ecological blueprint and symbiosis of emotion

   Emotional collision, co-creation of ideals, the realistic theme of "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" uses the core concept of ecological and environmental protection to expand the way of thinking about the future, and whether it is the transmission of ideas, emotional connections, or personal and national destiny in the play The interactions of the two are shining with the wisdom of "symbiosis".

   In the professional field, "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" advocates a new type of interdisciplinary relationship. The important scene in the play-the sky garden, combines the knowledge of various subjects such as biology, chemistry, and architecture to form an organically integrated "science garden". The integration of multiple disciplines depicts a forward-looking overall research perspective.

   And the emotional line in the play begins with chance encounters and misunderstandings, forming a kind of compound emotion that both restrains each other and has a tacit understanding. The heroes and heroines Zhou Erwen and Li Nanen were full of conflicts from the initial character differences, to later secret emotions and fighting side by side; the different personality traits among the members of the "Advanced Animal Research Society" and the balance of the team are carefully created by the creators "Symbiosis" of the emotional dimension. The budding, transformation, and stability of emotions are not only a coincidence of mishaps and mutual attraction of personal temperaments, but also the inevitability of aspiring young people to dare to "climb".

   Of course, the "symbiosis" of this drama is not only embodied in closely following the status quo of studying abroad and recording the enthusiasm for studying abroad, but also trying to show the homeland feelings of not forgetting the original intention. Li Nanen went abroad for further studies in order to dream of architecture, constantly improving himself, and expressing the social thinking of Chinese students to the world; Takagi also repeatedly confided his vision of returning to China after studying and serving the motherland. The stability of overseas students studying abroad is inseparable from the support of the strong motherland behind them, and every overseas student is also full of nostalgia for the motherland. This kind of mutual growth of individuals and the country is both emotional and gratifying.

  The intention within the play has continued to deepen along with the deepening of the emotional and story lines, and the value of "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" has also been extended outside the play. In the TV series conference, producer Teng Huatao, general manager of Mango TV Film Center, chief producer of "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" Tang Fan, CEO of Shanghai Kunyu Culture Media Co., Ltd., chief producer of "Crocodile and Toothpick Bird" Li Rong , Together with Deng Bo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Dean of the School of Civil and Resource Engineering of University of Science and Technology Beijing, the "Fish Bird Scholarship" embodies the producer's attention to ecological civilization in addition to image dissemination.

   It is understood that the "fish and bird scholarship" jointly established with the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Science and Technology Beijing, on the one handTo help "dream chasing", it is used to build a broad platform, organize student activities, and use positive, sunny and healthy theme activities as the carrier to enrich university life and promote students' comprehensive ability. On the other hand, the "fish and bird scholarship" also Encourage innovation, scholarships will be used for the organization and holding of architectural structure competitions to provide guidance for students in science and technology competitions. Encourage students to put the theory into practice, feel the beauty of structure, and innovate the concept of green and environmental protection.

The scholarship program of

  , which means "the ocean is wide and the fish leap, the sky is high and the birds fly" embodies the beautiful vision and social responsibility of the close cooperation between media and education.

   If "youth" is a methodology, "The Crocodile and the Toothpick Bird" is an upgraded presentation of this methodology. Focusing on the growth of young people and outlines the positive energy of youth in the new era, it embodies the producer's creative attitude towards realism. Mango SuperMedia uses its powerful influence to spread the values ​​of positive youth energy while also fulfilling the social responsibility of the media.

   This neo-realistic emotional drama that has been given the color of the times, retains the emotional bondage, but also adds a bit of hard work and wisdom for the future. From the narration of "The Crocodile and the Toothpick Bird", we can see the difficult and arduous past reflected by the details, the present that is moving forward, and more importantly, it depicts immature but confident, soft but firm, a future with infinite possibilities .

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