In the recently popular all-Kaiwei live music competition program "Singer of the Next Battle", musician A Duo used his unique national style to creatively adapt "Moonlight Before the Bed", which not only injected new vitality into the classic old song , and allowed the audience t

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In the recently popular All-Kaimai live music competition program "Singer of the Next Battle", musician A Duo creatively adapted "Moonlight in front of the Bed" with his unique national music style, which not only injected new meaning into the classic old song The vitality allows the audience to appreciate the unique charm of new national music.

Recently Aduo accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily. She said that her transformation from a singing and dancing singer to an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage and to today’s stage play director all stemmed from her determination to stick to new national music and her choice to appear on the stage. The stage of "The Next Battle Singer" is precisely out of far-reaching considerations for the promotion of new national music. Although she often feels anxious due to lack of energy when creating, she is always full of hope for the future of new national music, and has always believed that this unique music form will shine brighter on the world stage.

In the recently popular all-Kaiwei live music competition program 'Singer of the Next Battle', musician A Duo used his unique national style to creatively adapt 'Moonlight Before the Bed', which not only injected new vitality into the classic old song , and allowed the audience t - Lujuba

Behind "The Singer of the Next Battle"

The Dream-Chasing Journey of National Music

For Aduo, choosing to participate in "The Singer of the Next Battle" is not accidental, but out of profound considerations for the promotion of new national music.

Aduo said that she has always hoped to let more people understand and like new ethnic music through different platforms. "I chose to participate in this show because my original musical stage play will be staged at the end of the year, so I want to use the professional and influential stage of "Next Battle Singer" to promote my stage play and bring the performance form of the stage play to the forefront. Bring it to the show so that more people can understand my work."

Before going on the show, Aduo also experienced some inner struggles. The format of the live broadcast program is a big challenge for the singer. Challenged, Aduo admitted that he would also be nervous. In 1998, Aduo participated in the 8th CCTV National Young Singer TV Grand Prix and won the Professional Group Excellence Award. It was also broadcast live at the time, but there was no similar opportunity or experience after that.

"After so many years, I must be nervous inside. I don't know what kind of stage I will present in such a live broadcast. I really like the scene, but it is different when it is broadcast. After all, it is on TV It’s mono, and I want to present a stage play on the show. I have to integrate singing, dancing and acting in a short period of time, which is still very stressful.”

Regarding the stage results and performance. A'duo said he was very satisfied with the audience's vote. "Of course I was surprised that the audience gave me such a high score. I was very touched inside. Especially when everyone was shouting my name loudly before going on stage and after the curtain call, it made me feel more confident all of a sudden. Everyone's Love is the most important reward for a performer." But she still has regrets about her performance, "I would rate my performance at 70 points. After all, I haven't participated in a live broadcast for a long time. Another one. The practice time was quite hasty, I just finished the stage, but I haven’t reached the point where practice makes perfect.”

In the recently popular all-Kaiwei live music competition program 'Singer of the Next Battle', musician A Duo used his unique national style to creatively adapt 'Moonlight Before the Bed', which not only injected new vitality into the classic old song , and allowed the audience t - Lujuba

Stick to new national music

Express yourself with your heart

From a singing and dancing singer to an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, Aduo’s journey of creating new national music is full of challenges. challenge. First of all, you have to endure loneliness. Aduo said that the creation of national music is not like making hot songs. You can write many songs in a period of time and one will always be popular. However, creating new national music requires repeated polishing and the results cannot be seen quickly. , it may take a long, long time to complete a song, "This is a very tempering process, but you have to believe in it." Secondly, it requires energy and funds to support, and continuous investment. Aduo said that his greatest experience is this There is still a long way to go, but the charm of intangible cultural heritage also attracts her to keep doing it.

Now A'duo's new identity is a stage play director. As early as twelve years ago, she had the idea of ​​​​becoming a musical stage play director. In 2018, A'duo began preparing for her first stage play in Zhangjiajie, Hunan. "During the audition in 2019, before I even went on stage to start the official performance, my left leg was interrupted during the rehearsal process, and it has been stagnant since then. When it restarts in 2021, investors and other parties have appeared Once the problem was solved, he died again."Since 2023, Aduo has once again decided to start anew, "Although the environment at this time is not easy, people told me that you can just hold a concert and put on an accompaniment tape, it is easy and profitable, so the cost is controllable. , but I feel that there is no shortage of concerts in the world, but a lack of exciting stage works. "

Faced with these difficulties, Aduo chose to overcome them with a firm heart, "This is a firm choice, just like you choose one person and one thing. When I choose him, I will not consider anything else. . In this process, when it is very difficult, you will also know very clearly in your heart that this thing will definitely shine. It is just a matter of time, whether it is one year, three years or five years. "

In the recently popular all-Kaiwei live music competition program 'Singer of the Next Battle', musician A Duo used his unique national style to creatively adapt 'Moonlight Before the Bed', which not only injected new vitality into the classic old song , and allowed the audience t - Lujuba

Anxious about not having enough energy to use

to learn to do "addition and subtraction"

's firm choice to do musical stage plays stems from A Duo's desire to express himself, "When I was a child, I danced, and slowly I found that dancing was not enough to express what I wanted to do. If I want to express myself, I start singing and learn to write songs by myself. But these are still not enough to express what I want to say. I think all artists are actually speaking with their works, so I want to present and express it in the form of musical stage plays. out of what's going on in my head. "

During music creation, A'duo often felt anxious and felt that she didn't have enough energy. In the past, she could work fifteen hours a day, and it was normal to work 350 days a year, but this also led to physical problems. , she realized that she could no longer be a "desperate mother". "The past few years of work have taught me moderation. I have always adhered to the principle of not staying up late. It is best to finish work before twelve o'clock. People nowadays have a sense of crisis. My sense of crisis comes from feeling that my physical strength is not enough. "

At this stage, A'duo believes that his biggest change is that he has learned to make subtractions. "It is easy to refuse variety shows that you don't want to participate in, but it is difficult to refuse variety shows that you want to participate in but don't have time to participate in." You know that you will be famous and profitable immediately after participating, but it completely conflicts with your creative time, so you can only reject it and choose your own creation. "

From 2002 to 2013, A'duo has participated in many film and television works, but now, she has resolutely given up her identity as actress A'duo. She jokingly said that acting is too addictive for her, so she must "quit." "I used to act not only in TV series but also in movies, but then I found that I liked being an actor too much. This kind of thing is addictive, so I quit it and decided not to touch it anymore. My life is very limited. I just want to do what I want to do most and what I should do most, and I still want to express myself.

In the recently popular all-Kaiwei live music competition program 'Singer of the Next Battle', musician A Duo used his unique national style to creatively adapt 'Moonlight Before the Bed', which not only injected new vitality into the classic old song , and allowed the audience t - Lujuba

There is pressure to make a new album

Music never stops

In addition to focusing on the tour of the musical stage play "Born to Be Proud", Aduo also hopes to launch more original music works in the future. She plans to release a solo album next year. "This year spans I will definitely make this show (musical stage play) before the year. You may have seen my original and cover performances in variety shows before, and you think I have my own music style, but in fact I want to do a stage show It has an overall aesthetic system, and I want to present it completely and three-dimensionally through this show.

A'duo also said that he has not started working on a new album because he is very cautious about his works. "My last album "Resurrection from the Dead" was highly praised by everyone, and it was even called a 'divine special'. It's so High expectations actually make me more stressed. I don't want to disappoint everyone who cares about me, so I won't take action easily in the face of everyone's high expectations, but now I finally start to prepare. "

A'duo has put much more than her heart into her works. She jokingly said that she has reached the point of "vomiting blood." . In A Duo’s view, the future of new national music is full of hope. She firmly believes that as long as someone is willing to work hard and persevere, this unique music form will shine brighter on the world stage. She is also determined to keep moving forward on this path and never stop.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily Intern Wang Jiayi

Text/Beijing Youth Daily Reporter Shoupeng Huan

Editor/Cui Wei

Tags: entertainment