On September 18, according to multiple media reports, the voice actor Shi Banyu, known as "Stephen Chow's Queen Dub", passed away peacefully in Beijing at 11:41 am on September 17 at the age of 66. It is reported that Shi Banyu died of unexpected cardiac arrest, and his farewell

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html On September 18, according to multiple media reports, the voice actor Shi Banyu, known as "Stephen Chow's Queen Dub", passed away peacefully in Beijing at 11:41 am on September 17 at the age of 66. It is reported that Shi Banyu died of unexpected cardiac arrest, and his farewell ceremony will be held in Beijing on September 20.

"Queen Dubbing" Shi Banyu passed away, Stephen Chow: I will always miss him


Shi Banyu, whose real name is Shi Renmao, was born in Taiwan, China on March 9, 1958, and his ancestral home is Guilin, Guangxi. In 1985, he began to enter the dubbing industry and studied under Master Chen Mingyang, known as the "Emperor of Taiwan's Dubbing".

Shi Banyu is one of the most important voice actors connecting Hong Kong films and movie fans. Especially starting from the 1990 movie "The Gambler", he started his cooperation with Stephen Chow. In the past two decades, the two have collaborated on 27 movies, leaving countless laughter for the audience.

In addition to Stephen Chow's works, Shi Banyu, a voice actor, has also contributed many classic dubbing works, including his dubbing for pheasants and crows in the film "Young and Dangerous" series, and for the TV series "The White Snake". He is a well-deserved hero behind the scenes for dubbing 16 characters including Li Gongfu in "Legend". Movie fans should thank Shi Banyu for giving unique personalities and vitality to characters such as Zhizunbao, Wei Xiaobao, Tang Bohu, Pheasant, and Li Gongfu through his unforgettable voice. Details>>>

On the evening of 18th, Stephen Chow posted a message to mourn Shi Banyu "I will always miss Mr. Shi Banyu."

On September 18, according to multiple media reports, the voice actor Shi Banyu, known as 'Stephen Chow's Queen Dub', passed away peacefully in Beijing at 11:41 am on September 17 at the age of 66. It is reported that Shi Banyu died of unexpected cardiac arrest, and his farewell  - Lujuba

Stephen Chow posted a message on social platforms to mourn Shi Banyu.

Cardiac arrest, Are sudden cardiac death and myocardial infarction the same thing?

Data show that the total number of people who die of cardiac arrest in our country every year is about 540,000, of which less than 1% can succeed. Being rescued is equivalent to one person suffering from sudden cardiac death every minute. What is the relationship between cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death?

Cardiac arrest refers to the sudden termination of the heart's ejection function, causing interruption of systemic blood circulation, respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness. After a cardiac arrest occurs, due to the sudden interruption of cerebral blood flow, the patient can lose consciousness in about 10 seconds. If treated in time during the 4 to 6 minute golden period, the survival probability is higher. Otherwise, biological death will occur, and spontaneous reversal is rare.

Sudden cardiac death is a type of sudden death, mainly caused by cardiac causes. Sudden cardiac death refers to a natural death caused by cardiac causes characterized by sudden loss of consciousness and occurring within 1 hour after the onset of acute symptoms. Cardiac arrest is a key component of sudden cardiac death, which occurs when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood efficiently, resulting in loss of circulation.

In short, sudden cardiac death is a type of sudden death, and cardiac arrest is one of the main causes of sudden cardiac death.

In addition, people often confuse myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest, because many times they occur at the same time, but they are not exactly the same thing.

Simply put, myocardial infarction is a problem with the blood circulation of the heart. A myocardial infarction occurs when the coronary arteries of the heart are blocked, cutting off the blood supply to part of the heart muscle. However, the heart will maintain effective output and the person will still be awake. But cardiac arrest is usually caused by a problem with the heart's circuitry. At this time, the person is unconscious, has stopped breathing normally, and cannot be awakened.

How many ways does myocardial infarction hurt? Video/@Life Times

Li Lipeng, director of the cardiology department of Luoyang Third People's Hospital, explained: "Myocardial infarction is the main cause of cardiac arrest, and 80% of cardiac arrests are myocardial infarction. Caused by, and 20% of other causes. "

People who have experienced myocardial infarction are likely to develop cardiac arrest if they are not treated in time or checked regularly.

Who should pay special attention to cardiac arrest?

On September 18, according to multiple media reports, the voice actor Shi Banyu, known as 'Stephen Chow's Queen Dub', passed away peacefully in Beijing at 11:41 am on September 17 at the age of 66. It is reported that Shi Banyu died of unexpected cardiac arrest, and his farewell  - Lujuba


According to statistics, the five major causes of cardiac arrest in China are coronary artery disease (53.5%), myocarditis (9.2%), cardiomyopathy (5.8%), rheumatic heart disease (4.2%) and hypertensive heart disease (4.2%); and in recent years, hypertensive heart disease, aortic dissection/rupture, myocarditis and congenital The proportion of cardiac arrest or sudden cardiac death caused by sexual heart disease has increased significantly.

People with these diseases are more likely to suffer cardiac arrest and should be more careful about the risk of cardiac arrest.

In addition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other diseases and are hidden and difficult to detect in daily physical examinations. These patients may also be in danger unknowingly.

Cardiac arrest often occurs unexpectedly, but there are actually some patterns.

First of all, Strenuous exercise may be the trigger of cardiac arrest, especially for those with poor heart function. Sudden high-intensity physical activity may cause the heart to be unable to withstand the sudden stress, leading to cardiac arrest.

Strong mood swings are also important factors that may trigger cardiac arrest. Whether it is excessive anger, extreme nervousness, or sudden panic, these emotions can trigger drastic changes in hormones in the body, placing a huge burden on the heart, thereby increasing the risk of cardiac arrest. This risk is particularly significant for people with heart disease.

Diurnal changes and seasonal changes may also induce cardiac arrest. The study found that the peak incidence of cardiac arrest is from 6 a.m. to noon, with the highest on Mondays and the lowest on weekends; among the four seasons, the peak is in winter and the lowest in summer.

Long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with increased mortality from coronary heart disease, Exposure to road pollutants may increase the risk of cardiac arrest.

In addition, regarding the "harbingers" of cardiac arrest, the typical symptoms are different for men and women.

Researchers at Cedars-Sinais Smith Heart Institute in the United States analyzed data from 1,672 cardiac arrest patients and found that 50% of people who experienced cardiac arrest had obvious warning signs 24 hours ago, and Symptoms differ between men and women.

For women, the most obvious symptom is shortness of breath, and for men, chest pain. Additionally, a small number of men and women experience abnormal sweating and epileptic seizures.

Male cardiac arrest is mostly related to acute attacks of coronary heart disease, such as myocardial infarction, myocardial ischemia, etc., and chest pain may occur before the attack. The incidence of coronary heart disease in women is much less than that in men, and they are not very sensitive to chest pain and are easily ignored. Therefore, shortness of breath is relatively more common.

Take notes! There are these key points before and after cardiac arrest.

There are many causes of cardiac arrest, the common ones are myocardial infarction, acute exacerbation of heart failure, rupture of aortic aneurysm, malignant arrhythmia, etc.

Among various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cardiac arrest is the most critical one, which manifests as the sudden stop of the heart's pumping function and has a high fatality rate.

▶Before the attack, the body has reminded you many times

Before the cardiac arrest occurs, the body will show some early warning signals. Recognizing these signals in time may avoid accidents:

● 1 month before the attack

Before the cardiac arrest , may use various methods to remind the human body that the location of pain transmission is uncertain: chest tightness, always wanting to breathe out; chest pain, sudden, severe pain, accompanied by palpitation, poor breathing, etc.; abdominal pain , and the pain tends to worsen and become larger and larger, especially with dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc., which is different from previous stomach pain; toothache, especially toothache when tired, toothache when angry, or Toothache worsens after exertion and excitement, and often involves multiple teeth; unexplained nausea and vomiting, etc.

● 1 hour before the attack

The above symptoms become more and more serious, and there may be sudden loss of consciousness, such as syncope, general convulsions or persistent loss of consciousness. This indicates that one of the coronary arteries in the heart is about to be completely blocked, and myocardial ischemia is becoming more and more serious. This is the last chance to prevent cardiac arrest. You must go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible to avoid cardiac arrest.

▶When an attack occurs, seize the golden 4 minutes

In the rescue of cardiac arrest, the golden time is only 4 minutes. If resuscitation cannot be carried out within 4 to 6 minutes, the brain and other important organs will be severely ischemic and hypoxic, leading to the end of life. .

On September 18, according to multiple media reports, the voice actor Shi Banyu, known as 'Stephen Chow's Queen Dub', passed away peacefully in Beijing at 11:41 am on September 17 at the age of 66. It is reported that Shi Banyu died of unexpected cardiac arrest, and his farewell  - Lujuba

Drawing/The Beijing News

How to prevent cardiac arrest?

On September 18, according to multiple media reports, the voice actor Shi Banyu, known as 'Stephen Chow's Queen Dub', passed away peacefully in Beijing at 11:41 am on September 17 at the age of 66. It is reported that Shi Banyu died of unexpected cardiac arrest, and his farewell  - Lujuba


Preventing cardiac arrest is a key step in protecting heart health. First of all, regular physical examinations are particularly important for high-risk groups, especially those who already suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure. Through regular cardiac examinations, potential problems can be detected early and timely intervention measures can be taken to reduce the risk of cardiac arrest.

Secondly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption is a top priority because both tobacco and alcohol can cause serious damage to the heart and blood vessels. In terms of diet, you should choose a healthy diet that is low in salt, low in fat, and high in fiber, and avoid high-cholesterol foods.

Regular physical exercise is also essential, which is a protective factor against cardiac arrest; but to avoid sudden strenuous exercise, the amount of exercise should be increased gradually to ensure that the heart can adapt.

A good attitude is also crucial. Anxiety and stress themselves are also risk factors.

Sources of information: Popular Science China, CCTV News, Beijing News, Life Times, Luoyang News, Xianning People's Broadcasting Station, major tertiary hospitals, etc.

Editor Ai Zheng Proofreading Zhang Yanjun

Tags: entertainment