"Guihong" uses the "Two Airlines" uprising as the background of the story to pay tribute to the founder of China's civil aviation

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  The spy war dramas of the age of suspense, strong mission conflicts, and small characters to see the big era, not only "achieved" the characters, but also made this type of drama have been highly respected on the screen. But at the same time, how to seek innovation and change in the endless spy war dramas has always been a big problem for film and television producers.

'Guihong' uses the 'Two Airlines' uprising as the background of the story to pay tribute to the founder of China's civil aviation - Lujuba

  , which is currently broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV, gave his own answer. The play is directed by Liu Biao, starring Ling Xiaosu, Liu Yihan, Fu Dalong, Shao Feng, Chen Yiheng, and Feng Enhe, using artistic techniques to truly restore the unknown years of the "Two Airlines" uprising. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the "Two Airlines" uprising, the broadcast of "Guihong" appeared to be particularly suitable.

   uses an "industry first",

   Commemorate the 70th anniversary of the "Two Airlines" Uprising

   On November 8, a symposium to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the "Two Airlines" Uprising was held in the Great Hall of the People. Over 160 representatives of the "Two Airlines" insurgents and their family members from home and abroad attended the meeting. Hu Yizhou, the former director of the Civil Aviation Administration of the "Two Airlines", Luo Yuan, the eldest son of Luo Qing, the former deputy director of the Office of Prime Minister Zhou Enlai and the instigator of the "Two Airlines" uprising; The exciting historical moment of that year expressed the unrelenting loyalty to the party, the country, and the people and the concern for the cause of civil aviation.

'Guihong' uses the 'Two Airlines' uprising as the background of the story to pay tribute to the founder of China's civil aviation - Lujuba

   On November 9, 1949, under the direct leadership of the Communist Party of China, Liu Jingyi, the former general manager of China Airlines, and Chen Zhuolin, general manager of Central Airlines, led more than 2,000 employees in an uprising in Hong Kong, and 12 planes of the two companies successfully flew to Beijing , Tianjin, returned to the embrace of New China. This is the "Two Airlines" uprising that shocked China and foreign countries. The patriotic feat of the "Two Airlines" uprising is of great significance in the history of the People's Liberation War of China and the history of civil aviation in New China.

   From the perspective of historical science, "Return to Hong" used artistic techniques to put the "Two Airlines" uprising on the TV screen for the first time, making it the first time for many viewers who knew little about it. Xiang patriotic feat, and was deeply touched by it. For the film and television industry, as the industry's first aviation spy war drama, "Return to Hong" provides a fresher perspective for the output of the spy war drama. The play was co-sponsored by Beijing Jintiandi Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Honghua Creative Arts and Culture Media Co., Ltd. The three gold screenwriters Zhang Duo, Song Lingyun and Lei Ming were invited to work together to polish the script, and then the gold director Liu Biao was invited to join. , To form a "three good team" of "good producer + good screenwriter + good director". This main creative team is indeed strong, as the first broadcast of CSM59 City’s 1.32% ratings is the best proof.

   use the expression of film and television works,

   pay tribute to the heroes of the Lianghang Uprising

   For Liu Biao, a history fan, the reason why he wanted to direct such an industry-leading aviation spy war drama was largely because he was infected by many heroes. “Looking back at the past in an era of peace, we Can we still understand those unrepentant choices and the spirit of going to death? Standing in a quiet and good present and asking about the future, we must also pursue the passion and soul of sublimating our career to faith for the motherland. Create "Return to Hong" to pay tribute to these heroes It is to never forget, but also to carry forward the past. Only by advocating heroes can heroes be produced, and heroes can be produced by striving to be heroes."

   "Return to Hong", based on historical events, is actually quite difficult to prepare. On the one hand, the script strives to be true. To this end, the three screenwriters spent three years reviewing the information of half of the house and visiting many relevant people before condensing such a character story with Nie Yunkai (Ling Xiaosu) as the main line. "We went to the Aviation Museum and listened to some old civil aviation comrades talking about the "Two Airlines" uprising. This kind of remembrance really hit the hearts of the people." Liu Biao said.

  , on the other hand, is the pinch of "degree". In "Return to Hong", there is a scene where a state-level leader gives orders, which is the first time in a spy war drama. For another example, this play also uses a rich and colorful style to explore the depths of people's spiritual world. "About sacrifice, about life and death, we have a lot of scenes to discuss this topic." In Liu Biao's view, magnifying individual life and death actually highlights the value of their sacrifice and the courage of the entire nation to "live toward death". And courage.

   with 80 consecutive nights,

   presents the best quality assurance

After the TV series "Guihong" was broadcast,

   received various likes on the Internet platform. Some viewers gave praise to the stories behind Nie Yunkai and others, saying that they were the founders of China's civil aviation industry and the backbone of New China. Some audiences gave the actor applause, and the "aircraft carrier class" cast and crew created top-notch scenes. Some viewers, or "technologists", even if they looked at the post-production of "Return to Hong" with the most demanding eyes, they all received high marks. All of this stems from Liu Biao and his team's consistent pursuit of quality.

   It is understood that "Return to Hong" was filmed in Hengdian Film and Television City, but all the cast and crew were "upside down day and night" without exception. "In order to pursue the reality of the details, the sound of the reality, and the reality of the scene, all of our scenes were shot with lights at night. The actors stayed up for 80 nights." Make-up started at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and the studio shot at 5 or 6 in the afternoon. , And then until the cock crowed and finished work in the early hours of the next day. This is the work schedule of most actors in the past 80 days. Working at sunset and resting at sunrise, the "abnormal" working mode ensures on-site radio reception, and the perfect artistic effect that Liu Biao envisioned in his heart will not be compromised.

   "The extras in Hengdian at that time were not willing to join our crew." Due to the "jet lag" required for filming, the crew of "Return to Hong" was "disgusted" by the group. And "dislike" them, in fact, not only the group performance, but also the prop library in Hengdian.

The main creative team of

   referred to hundreds of thousands of pictures in the early stage, ranging from aircraft models and models to as small as a table and a chair to restore the 1940s as much as possible. "At that time, the prop storehouse in Hengdian saw that we were all big heads, because all of them had to be real." The seemingly paranoid and harshness of Fuhuadao actually reveals the original intention of TV people to pursue excellence. "In my opinion, respecting history and recording history truthfully and objectively is the best respect for history and unknown heroes." Liu Biao said.

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