Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product. But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones. From "In the World" to "Days of Our Lives" to this newly launched "Youth in the Wind"...

entertainment 4846℃

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.

But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.

From "In the World" to "Days of Our Lives" and then to the newly launched "Youth in the Wind", any period drama that can be watched by CCTV has one word: real.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

not only presents the characteristics of the times, it can take everyone back to the 1980s and 1990s. The description of the characters can also evoke the memories of the previous generation and make the next generation empathize.

The new drama "Youth in the Wind" can be said to fully demonstrate CCTV's vision in drama selection.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

There is not a single bastard in the whole drama. The casting is appropriate, the acting skills are on point, and every character has a sense of life.

Sun Qian plays the role of the sister Cheng Miaomiao who is uninhibited and free-spirited. In her portrayal, not only does her girlish aura overflow the screen, her carefree and informal appearance is also very endearing.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Li Si, played by Zhai Zilu , is also impressive in his performance in the play, and he is completely responsible for the comedy in this play.

Especially the scene where he ran away from home and was stung by a wasp when he couldn't hold it in and got out of the car to urinate, which completely established his image as a naughty and carefree person.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the strength of middle-aged actors. There are those like Liu Lin, who vividly interpret a hot and spicy mother who is easy to get along with, and there are also Zeng Li who do not care about right or wrong and always protect their children.

and Jia Bing, Tian Yu, The fathers played by Li Naiwen have their own characteristics and are all unforgettable.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

However, the acting skills are only one of the plus points of this drama. The plot is so exciting that it makes people laugh until their stomachs hurt. Even the filters are so realistic that they help the actors to stand up for their roles more firmly.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

1. A plot full of laughs and highly immersive character settings. In the early plot of

, the story surrounding two generations has no tears and is almost all laughs.

This shows that "Youth Against the Wind" is not a drama that takes a sensational route, but allows the audience to easily follow the drama and fully experience the charm of a wave of period comedies.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

As soon as the story started, Cheng Miaomiao was telling her brother all kinds of things in front of her mother. She was very flattering throughout the whole process, and she almost said to her mother that her brother went to the game arcade.

But judging from her mother’s attitude, she pretended not to hear and didn’t believe that her son, who was both good in character and academics, would go to a game arcade.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Seeing Cheng Miaomiao unable to resist, her mother really received a call. My younger brother was caught, but instead of going to the game arcade, he went to rob a tomb.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

gloating about the misfortune, Cheng Miaomiao, who was secretly causing trouble, had just made a stumbling block for his younger brother, but was crushed by his highly intelligent younger brother the next day. Not only did he become a traitor, but because he stole the wrong math paper, all his friends got zero marks in the exam. , offended Fa Xiao.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Cheng Miaomiao not only shot herself in the foot, but also smashed her friend's feet together. Her aggressive character fully conveyed that this girl who thinks she is very mature at this age is actually just a brat. .

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

The funniest thing is that a few people discussed running away from home and buying tickets to go to Hong Kong to watch the handover. On the way, Li Si got out of the car and peed, and was stung so hard that he couldn't move.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

was watched by everyone in the car when he went to the toilet, and was stung by a wasp. He ran away from home without making it, and died in a community in a small oil field factory. Everyone knew that he was stung on his vital parts while peeing.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

One after another, Li Si was still struggling. He was beaten to the hospital by his father because he stole his father's car and sold it to sell it to save money for running away from home. The misfortune was even worse. Laughing till I hit the bed.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

A few friends discussed divorcing their parents, and things started to get stirred up. As a result, the parents had no one to divorce, and they got beaten up in vain.

The young and reckless boys and girls are really cute and interesting!

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Watching this drama is like going back to my own boyhood, and I can more or less find my own shadow in every character. The comedy brings a sense of relaxation, and the characters bring a sense of reality, which is indeed very exciting to watch.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

2, the flaws of the real filter are fully revealed, and the character image is more realistic.

CCTV dramas have never liked to add beautification to actors, and often present their most authentic appearance on the screen.

"Youth in the Wind" is naturally no exception. When Liu Lin appeared in the

drama, even though she was wearing an exquisite cheongsam and various eye-catching jewelry, she still couldn't stop her age look.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

His face was shiny, the wrinkles around his eyes looked very obvious, nasolabial folds were so deep that they were clearly visible even without making any movements.

Coupled with the mature bones, at a glance, he is middle-aged.

When she took off this exquisite outfit and dressed up as a housewife, she looked more real.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

As soon as I made some big expressions, the wrinkles on my forehead became clearly visible. The skin on my neck was loose and showed signs of sagging overnight.

Under this kind of filter, the actual condition of Zeng Li's face is also exposed. He has previously appeared in other dramas to beautify his face, and there is no trace of excessive medical beauty at all.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

But in this drama, her cheeks are swollen, her cheeks are like steamed buns, and her nasolabial folds and wrinkles cannot be covered when she smiles.

Zeng Li looks like a goddess from the overall appearance, but when you look at the details, you can’t bear to look at them.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

and Liu Lin play the role of husband and wife Tian Yu. In the play, she wears a vest with the flesh on her belly exposed. She has a big body and a round waist, and she feels happy and fat all over her body.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

When he smiles, the corners of his eyes explode. The wrinkles are all divergent, and the neck lines on his neck are also one on top of the other.

also features Li Dahai, played by Jia Bing. His skin is dark and yellow, his hair is bald and looks sparse, and his face is also marked by years of hard work.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

has a chubby face, tired eyes, and huge bags under the eyes. When the camera is pointed at the face, the pores on the face and skin are enlarged and look wrinkled.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

But one thing is that the mother played by Liu Lin in the play is an ordinary middle-aged woman, and the father played by Jia Bing, Tian Yu and others is also a common image of middle-aged men in life.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

The characters presented under this CCTV filter actually increase the overall sense of reality. Only after seeing Liu Lin's wrinkles and Jia Bing's eye bags did

realize how real the filter of this drama is.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba


In idol dramas, even if the ten-level beauty microdermabrasion filter is turned to the highest level, it will not make people act out. After all, only actors with fair skin, good looks, handsomeness and style can make people take on the role.

But "Youth Against the Wind" is a period drama. If the actor's face becomes pale and his skin is like a boiled egg, it will easily distort the character.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Therefore, "Youth in the Wind" can make people more and more addicted to it, and it is also inseparable from such a realistic filter.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.

But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.

From "In the World" to "Days of Our Lives" and then to the newly launched "Youth in the Wind", any period drama that can be watched by CCTV has one word: real.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

not only presents the characteristics of the times, it can take everyone back to the 1980s and 1990s. The description of the characters can also evoke the memories of the previous generation and make the next generation empathize.

The new drama "Youth in the Wind" can be said to fully demonstrate CCTV's vision in drama selection.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

There is not a single bastard in the whole drama. The casting is appropriate, the acting skills are on point, and every character has a sense of life.

Sun Qian plays the role of the sister Cheng Miaomiao who is uninhibited and free-spirited. In her portrayal, not only does her girlish aura overflow the screen, her carefree and informal appearance is also very endearing.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Li Si, played by Zhai Zilu , is also impressive in his performance in the play, and he is completely responsible for the comedy in this play.

Especially the scene where he ran away from home and was stung by a wasp when he couldn't hold it in and got out of the car to urinate, which completely established his image as a naughty and carefree person.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the strength of middle-aged actors. There are those like Liu Lin, who vividly interpret a hot and spicy mother who is easy to get along with, and there are also Zeng Li who do not care about right or wrong and always protect their children.

and Jia Bing, Tian Yu, The fathers played by Li Naiwen have their own characteristics and are all unforgettable.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

However, the acting skills are only one of the plus points of this drama. The plot is so exciting that it makes people laugh until their stomachs hurt. Even the filters are so realistic that they help the actors to stand up for their roles more firmly.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

1. A plot full of laughs and highly immersive character settings. In the early plot of

, the story surrounding two generations has no tears and is almost all laughs.

This shows that "Youth Against the Wind" is not a drama that takes a sensational route, but allows the audience to easily follow the drama and fully experience the charm of a wave of period comedies.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

As soon as the story started, Cheng Miaomiao was telling her brother all kinds of things in front of her mother. She was very flattering throughout the whole process, and she almost said to her mother that her brother went to the game arcade.

But judging from her mother’s attitude, she pretended not to hear and didn’t believe that her son, who was both good in character and academics, would go to a game arcade.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Seeing Cheng Miaomiao unable to resist, her mother really received a call. My younger brother was caught, but instead of going to the game arcade, he went to rob a tomb.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

gloating about the misfortune, Cheng Miaomiao, who was secretly causing trouble, had just made a stumbling block for his younger brother, but was crushed by his highly intelligent younger brother the next day. Not only did he become a traitor, but because he stole the wrong math paper, all his friends got zero marks in the exam. , offended Fa Xiao.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Cheng Miaomiao not only shot herself in the foot, but also smashed her friend's feet together. Her aggressive character fully conveyed that this girl who thinks she is very mature at this age is actually just a brat. .

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

The funniest thing is that a few people discussed running away from home and buying tickets to go to Hong Kong to watch the handover. On the way, Li Si got out of the car and peed, and was stung so hard that he couldn't move.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

was watched by everyone in the car when he went to the toilet, and was stung by a wasp. He ran away from home without making it, and died in a community in a small oil field factory. Everyone knew that he was stung on his vital parts while peeing.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

One after another, Li Si was still struggling. He was beaten to the hospital by his father because he stole his father's car and sold it to sell it to save money for running away from home. The misfortune was even worse. Laughing till I hit the bed.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

A few friends discussed divorcing their parents, and things started to get stirred up. As a result, the parents had no one to divorce, and they got beaten up in vain.

The young and reckless boys and girls are really cute and interesting!

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Watching this drama is like going back to my own boyhood, and I can more or less find my own shadow in every character. The comedy brings a sense of relaxation, and the characters bring a sense of reality, which is indeed very exciting to watch.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

2, the flaws of the real filter are fully revealed, and the character image is more realistic.

CCTV dramas have never liked to add beautification to actors, and often present their most authentic appearance on the screen.

"Youth in the Wind" is naturally no exception. When Liu Lin appeared in the

drama, even though she was wearing an exquisite cheongsam and various eye-catching jewelry, she still couldn't stop her age look.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

His face was shiny, the wrinkles around his eyes looked very obvious, nasolabial folds were so deep that they were clearly visible even without making any movements.

Coupled with the mature bones, at a glance, he is middle-aged.

When she took off this exquisite outfit and dressed up as a housewife, she looked more real.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

As soon as I made some big expressions, the wrinkles on my forehead became clearly visible. The skin on my neck was loose and showed signs of sagging overnight.

Under this kind of filter, the actual condition of Zeng Li's face is also exposed. He has previously appeared in other dramas to beautify his face, and there is no trace of excessive medical beauty at all.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

But in this drama, her cheeks are swollen, her cheeks are like steamed buns, and her nasolabial folds and wrinkles cannot be covered when she smiles.

Zeng Li looks like a goddess from the overall appearance, but when you look at the details, you can’t bear to look at them.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

and Liu Lin play the role of husband and wife Tian Yu. In the play, she wears a vest with the flesh on her belly exposed. She has a big body and a round waist, and she feels happy and fat all over her body.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

When he smiles, the corners of his eyes explode. The wrinkles are all divergent, and the neck lines on his neck are also one on top of the other.

also features Li Dahai, played by Jia Bing. His skin is dark and yellow, his hair is bald and looks sparse, and his face is also marked by years of hard work.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

has a chubby face, tired eyes, and huge bags under the eyes. When the camera is pointed at the face, the pores on the face and skin are enlarged and look wrinkled.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

But one thing is that the mother played by Liu Lin in the play is an ordinary middle-aged woman, and the father played by Jia Bing, Tian Yu and others is also a common image of middle-aged men in life.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

The characters presented under this CCTV filter actually increase the overall sense of reality. Only after seeing Liu Lin's wrinkles and Jia Bing's eye bags did

realize how real the filter of this drama is.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba


In idol dramas, even if the ten-level beauty microdermabrasion filter is turned to the highest level, it will not make people act out. After all, only actors with fair skin, good looks, handsomeness and style can make people take on the role.

But "Youth Against the Wind" is a period drama. If the actor's face becomes pale and his skin is like a boiled egg, it will easily distort the character.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Produced by Yangma, it must be a high-quality product.      But when it comes to which genre is the best among the best, period dramas are the only ones.      From 'In the World' to 'Days of Our Lives' to this newly launched 'Youth in the Wind'... - Lujuba

Therefore, "Youth in the Wind" can make people more and more addicted to it, and it is also inseparable from such a realistic filter.

This is a period drama that everyone loves to watch. I wonder if this drama meets your expectations?

Tags: entertainment