China Weather Network News At 5 o'clock in the morning today (September 6), Typhoon "Capricorn" has strengthened into the wind king of the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. During the day today, the convection in the eye area of ​​the typhoon's center weakened. Alt

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China Weather Network News At 5 o'clock in the morning today (September 6), Typhoon "Capricorn" has strengthened into the wind king of the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. During the day today, the convection in the eye area of ​​the typhoon's center weakened. Although the peak intensity has passed, it can still reach the level of a super typhoon when it makes landfall. It may be the strongest autumn typhoon to land in my country since meteorological records began. As the first typhoon to form in September this year, "Capricorn" is very powerful. Are all the typhoons that landed in my country in September so strong? Are there many typhoons that land in my country? Which places do typhoons prefer in September? China Weather Network explains to you the characteristics of typhoons in September.

Most typhoons make landfall in my country in summer and autumn. September has the third highest number of landfalls.

According to the big data statistics from China Weather Network from 1949 to 2023, summer and autumn are the most active periods for typhoons in my country. Among them, the number of typhoons that land in August is The highest number was 142; July was the second, with 138; September was the third, with 127 typhoons landing in my country.

China Weather Network News At 5 o'clock in the morning today (September 6), Typhoon 'Capricorn' has strengthened into the wind king of the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. During the day today, the convection in the eye area of ​​the typhoon's center weakened. Alt - Lujuba

Typhoon "Capricorn" was generated on September 1 and is a veritable autumn typhoon. Typhoons generated from September to November are called autumn typhoons. From 1949 to 2023, the number of autumn typhoons making landfall accounted for 35% of the year. Among them, the largest number of autumn typhoons made landfall in September, reaching 127.

China Weather Network News At 5 o'clock in the morning today (September 6), Typhoon 'Capricorn' has strengthened into the wind king of the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. During the day today, the convection in the eye area of ​​the typhoon's center weakened. Alt - Lujuba

"Capricorn" may become the strongest autumn typhoon to land in my country. Typhoons that land in September are mostly "ruthless characters"

Typhoon "Capricorn" is coming fiercely. This morning it strengthened and became the wind king in the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. The convection in the eye area weakened during the day. Although the peak intensity has passed, it still maintains the super typhoon level. There are indeed many typhoons that land in September. From 1949 to 2023, the average intensity of typhoons that landed in September reached 34.7 meters/second, exceeding that of all summer months, making it the month with the strongest intensity of landfalling typhoons in a year.

China Weather Network News At 5 o'clock in the morning today (September 6), Typhoon 'Capricorn' has strengthened into the wind king of the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. During the day today, the convection in the eye area of ​​the typhoon's center weakened. Alt - Lujuba

It is expected that "Capricorn" will still reach super typhoon level when it makes landfall, and will become the strongest autumn typhoon to land in my country since meteorological records began. Among the typhoons that landed in my country in September, half of them reached typhoon or above when they landed, and 7 of them were super typhoons.

China Weather Network News At 5 o'clock in the morning today (September 6), Typhoon 'Capricorn' has strengthened into the wind king of the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. During the day today, the convection in the eye area of ​​the typhoon's center weakened. Alt - Lujuba

"Capricorn" will hit the coast of South China. Typhoons that make landfall in September are mostly in the south.

This time "Capricorn" will land on the coast of South my country, which is the area where typhoons most often "land" in September. Statistics from the China Weather Network on meteorological big data from 1949 to 2023 found that the typhoons that landed in my country in September "landed" in the south, with most landing places concentrated in South China. The most "preferred" was Guangdong, with 50 landings; followed by Taiwan , Fujian and Hainan.

China Weather Network News At 5 o'clock in the morning today (September 6), Typhoon 'Capricorn' has strengthened into the wind king of the northwest Pacific and South China Sea this year. During the day today, the convection in the eye area of ​​the typhoon's center weakened. Alt - Lujuba

China Weather Network reminds that the intensity and wind and rain effects of "Capricorn" are obviously extreme, especially in the central and northern parts of Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula near the landing site. The possibility of tornado weather is not ruled out in the coastal areas of Guangdong and Hainan Island. It is necessary to focus on preventing extreme strong winds and extreme rainstorms. The public in the above-mentioned areas need to be prepared for typhoons, especially tourists who are traveling to avoid going out during the typhoon and follow the resettlement arrangements of the local government. It is worth noting that "Capricorn" will maintain a good spiral structure after landing, and will continue to pass through the Beibu Gulf in the future, affecting Guangxi, Yunnan and other places. It is necessary to continue to do strong wind and rain prevention work. (Text/Jiang Yi Design/Wei Lai Data Support/Shen Yuyang)

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