Full voice command AI, "playing games by just talking" may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even

entertainment 3686℃

Full voice command AI, "You can play games just by talking" may become a reality

It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what kind of genius they will come up with. plan.

Even playing games can bring unexpected effects in an unprecedented way.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

In today’s gaming world, the use of AI technology is no longer unusual. However, the uses of AI technology are diverse. Some manufacturers are still using AI to create graphic materials to reduce designers' work pressure, while others are trying to use AI to innovate game play and completely subvert players' gaming experience.

NetEase’s nationally popular mobile game “Backwater Cold” is the most vivid example.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

"Backwater Cold" mobile game is the world's first MMO to use AI technology on a large scale. The game's gameplay system is deeply blessed by AI. Features such as AI smart face pinching, smart content creation, and smart NPCs are all used in unprecedented ways. This method has improved players' understanding of the game, especially the on-call, considerate and powerful di teammate system, which has been unanimously recognized by players.

Because the AI ​​system is highly sought after by players, the official mobile game "Backwater Cold" continues to work hard and continues to explore the possibilities of AI. In the new version 2.1.3 of the "Ni Shui Han" mobile game updated on August 23, a very sci-fi-like gameplay was launched - making friends in the world.

The so-called "self-made friends" means that all the power to create AI life forms is given to the players. As long as the players enter the name, voice, appearance, personality and personal experience of the AI ​​they want to create on the corresponding page, A vivid AI character can be generated with one click. This AI character can not only chat with the player, fight monsters, and explore the world, but it will also continue to grow and become more and more intelligent based on the player's attitude towards him.

Such an interesting system has received widespread support from players as soon as it was announced. Some people are even planning to create a cyber version of themselves in the game to make themselves "electronically immortal". What’s even more surprising is that after discovering that the mobile game “Ni Shui Han” has been “decentralized” to such an extent, some players have put forward higher demands - simply launch a voice control AI system to achieve "playing games by just talking" Bar.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

According to the descriptions of these players, the technical capabilities of the mobile game "Backwater Cold" are already high enough, and whether the application of AI intelligent teammates and intelligent NPCs are now popularized, players can already communicate with AI characters through natural language. Interact and guide them to perform specific actions and behaviors.

On this basis, as long as the functions are slightly upgraded, the ultimate experience of using voice control AI to work for yourself can be completely realized.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

For example, when players explore the big world, they no longer need to work hard to open treasure boxes. They only need to say to the NPC who is accompanying them to explore, "Go and open the box in front of me" or "Go and get it." "Pick up that thing in the sky for me", the smart NPC around you will obediently do so; "When the land is harvested and then planted with cabbage," he will happily work for you, and his movements are so smooth;

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

Because the game has built-in NetEase Cloud, players only need to tell the smart NPC which song to play for me. , the smart NPC must carry the speakers and play songs and dance to entertain the players;

Since it is a smart NPC, the knowledge reserve cannot be wasted. If the players have math questions that they do not know, they can always ask the smart NPC around them, and then You can get the solution...

This kind of imagination will make people's hearts beat just by looking at it a few times.

What’s even more outrageous is that according to the current technical reserves of the mobile game “Backwater Cold” and the attitude of pampering players to respond to players’ requests, allowing players to voice command the AI ​​throughout the entire process and have fun just by talking, they may really Come out if you can.

Do you look forward to the future of such a game? Tell us what you think.

Full voice command AI, "You can play games just by talking" may become a reality

It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what kind of genius they will come up with. plan.

Even playing games can bring unexpected effects in an unprecedented way.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

In today’s gaming world, the use of AI technology is no longer unusual. However, the uses of AI technology are diverse. Some manufacturers are still using AI to create graphic materials to reduce designers' work pressure, while others are trying to use AI to innovate game play and completely subvert players' gaming experience.

NetEase’s nationally popular mobile game “Backwater Cold” is the most vivid example.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

"Backwater Cold" mobile game is the world's first MMO to use AI technology on a large scale. The game's gameplay system is deeply blessed by AI. Features such as AI smart face pinching, smart content creation, and smart NPCs are all used in unprecedented ways. This method has improved players' understanding of the game, especially the on-call, considerate and powerful di teammate system, which has been unanimously recognized by players.

Because the AI ​​system is highly sought after by players, the official mobile game "Backwater Cold" continues to work hard and continues to explore the possibilities of AI. In the new version 2.1.3 of the "Ni Shui Han" mobile game updated on August 23, a very sci-fi-like gameplay was launched - making friends in the world.

The so-called "self-made friends" means that all the power to create AI life forms is given to the players. As long as the players enter the name, voice, appearance, personality and personal experience of the AI ​​they want to create on the corresponding page, A vivid AI character can be generated with one click. This AI character can not only chat with the player, fight monsters, and explore the world, but it will also continue to grow and become more and more intelligent based on the player's attitude towards him.

Such an interesting system has received widespread support from players as soon as it was announced. Some people are even planning to create a cyber version of themselves in the game to make themselves "electronically immortal". What’s even more surprising is that after discovering that the mobile game “Ni Shui Han” has been “decentralized” to such an extent, some players have put forward higher demands - simply launch a voice control AI system to achieve "playing games by just talking" Bar.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

According to the descriptions of these players, the technical capabilities of the mobile game "Backwater Cold" are already high enough, and whether the application of AI intelligent teammates and intelligent NPCs are now popularized, players can already communicate with AI characters through natural language. Interact and guide them to perform specific actions and behaviors.

On this basis, as long as the functions are slightly upgraded, the ultimate experience of using voice control AI to work for yourself can be completely realized.

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

For example, when players explore the big world, they no longer need to work hard to open treasure boxes. They only need to say to the NPC who is accompanying them to explore, "Go and open the box in front of me" or "Go and get it." "Pick up that thing in the sky for me", the smart NPC around you will obediently do so; "When the land is harvested and then planted with cabbage," he will happily work for you, and his movements are so smooth;

Full voice command AI, 'playing games by just talking' may become a reality. It has to be said that lazy people save the world. In order to lie down more comfortably, you have no idea how much brain power people will activate and what genius solutions they will come up with. Even - Lujuba

Because the game has built-in NetEase Cloud, players only need to tell the smart NPC which song to play for me. , the smart NPC must carry the speakers and play songs and dance to entertain the players;

Since it is a smart NPC, the knowledge reserve cannot be wasted. If the players have math questions that they do not know, they can always ask the smart NPC around them, and then You can get the solution...

This kind of imagination will make people's hearts beat just by looking at it a few times.

What’s even more outrageous is that according to the current technical reserves of the mobile game “Backwater Cold” and the attitude of pampering players to respond to players’ requests, allowing players to voice command the AI ​​throughout the entire process and have fun just by talking, they may really Come out if you can.

Do you look forward to the future of such a game? Tell us what you think.

Tags: entertainment