On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry

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html On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry Investment Holdings ( Group) Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Film Industry Association, and hosted by Shaanxi Film Criticism and Theoretical Research Base, Shaanxi Cultural Industry (Film and Television) Investment Co., Ltd., Xi'an TV Series Copyright Trading Center Co., Ltd., Western Film Talk, and Wanfu Movie Viewing "Forum on the Construction of Chinese Film Evaluation System from a Global Perspective" was held in Xi'an.

About 200 people from domestic and foreign filmmakers, as well as representatives from universities, film and television companies and industry associations participated in this forum to discuss how to build a more fair, objective and comprehensive film evaluation system in the context of globalization to help China The improvement of the global competitiveness of films will contribute to promoting the high-quality development of the film industry and building a strong film nation.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

gathers the wisdom of the public to provide suggestions for the film review ecology

"As the most intuitive, vivid and vivid carrier of culture, art and communication, movies are an important position for publicity of ideological and cultural work, and are a literary and artistic form deeply loved by the people. It is an important symbol of the country's cultural soft power." Li Xiaogang, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, said in his speech that building a Chinese film evaluation system from a global perspective is a practical step to implement the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and deepen the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms. This initiative is an important starting point to promote the high-quality development of Chinese films and promote film cultural exchanges. It is also the key to accelerating the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative systems and using Chinese films to promote the export of China's excellent traditional culture.

In 2021, the National Film Administration released the "14th Five-Year Plan for Chinese Film Development", proposing the development goal of establishing my country as a powerful film country by 2035. In 2023, China's movie box office has recovered to 85% of 2019, and the number of moviegoers has recovered to 75%. The industry's recovery situation is at the world's leading level. Since the beginning of this year, whether it is the Spring Festival or the "May Day" period, China's box office has far exceeded the same period last year, and continues to show a good trend of vigorous development.

Creation and evaluation are two sides of a movie, and one is indispensable. "Gathering the wisdom of the masses can make good decisions, and working together will achieve great things. This forum takes the global perspective, people's nature and new media as the theme, conducts in-depth dialogue and sharing, and aims to provide suggestions for building a positive, healthy and prosperous film review ecosystem Provide suggestions and contribute wisdom and efforts to build Chinese films into a real national business card collection.” Li Xiaogang said. The

forum is divided into two parts: keynote speech and guest dialogue. In the keynote speech session, film theorist Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Society, Wang Yichuan, member of the Bureau of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and vice chairman of the China Literary Critics Association, vice president of the China Film Critics Society and distinguished professor of Beijing Language and Culture University, spoke successively.

In the "Guest Talk" session, Huangfu Yichuan, researcher at the China Film Art Research Center and editor-in-chief of "Contemporary Film", Ishikawa, director of the Film Research Center and doctoral supervisor of the Shanghai Theater Academy, and researcher at the China Film Archive (China Film Art Research Center) , Li Zhen, director of the Chinese Film Critics Society, Pei Yali, professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Liberal Arts of Shaanxi Normal University, director of the academic committee of the Shaanxi Film Industry Association, Wang Yu, a senior film producer and international film festival expert, Chinese film culture research at the Beijing Film Academy Six guests, including Wang Yao, assistant to the Academy, member of the Fipresci International Film Critics Association (fipresci), and executive committee member of the Asia Pacific Film Promotion Association (netpac), focused on topics such as "the global perspective, Chineseness and cinematicity of the Chinese film evaluation system" Start a conversation.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

Constructing an independent evaluation system in the mutual learning of civilizations

"Films are originally imported, and the process of forming the independent discourse system of Chinese films includes the process of building, integrating and integrating the discourse system of Western films." Rao Shuguang said that it is necessary to emphasize that China The construction of an independent knowledge system for films must also emphasize mutual learning among civilizations. Only through dialogue and mutual learning among civilizations can the construction of an independent knowledge system for Chinese films be truly completed.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

The discussion of the construction of China's film evaluation system needs to be measured in the contemporary world and global context. It is necessary to learn from the film art tradition established by Western modern film aesthetics, rather than simply abandoning the tradition and starting a new one. In this regard, Wang Yichuan said that to build a Chinese film evaluation system from a global perspective, we can neither only follow the path of Western modern film aesthetics nor turn back to the ancient Chinese art system, but we need to seek the mutual integration of these two aspects. . On the one hand, the modern film aesthetic tradition should continue to be inherited; on the other hand, as part of China’s modern art system, the Chinese film art system needs to reactivate China’s own art system tradition.

Wang Yao said that establishing an independent evaluation system should not only include reorganizing the history of Chinese films, but also how to view the history of world films and global films. "The ancient Chinese understanding of beauty is fundamentally different from the West on the basis of philosophy." Li Zhen said that in the West, the unresolved pain caused by the opposition between man and the world gave rise to art. In our country, we pay attention to "harmony" and regard the other party as the subject, and the other party has the right to decide his own destiny. We should fully inherit the spirit of the Silk Road and move toward the future together while maintaining harmony in diversity and mutual learning among civilizations.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

Looking for consensus in respecting individuality

Currently, the film evaluation ecology has undergone great changes. On the one hand, academic journals like "Contemporary Film" are still an important force in film criticism; on the other hand, popular film criticism has become more active and influential. The force keeps increasing. Ishikawa said that the current film review ecosystem can be roughly divided into three categories: marketing criticism, appreciation criticism and academic criticism. Currently, 90% of the reviews are marketing criticism that serves the film producers, which is relatively less The last two are too weak.

"As an academic platform, we hope to provide reviews that are more in-depth, more professional, and more able to withstand the polish of time." Huangfu Yichuan said that in the process of constructing the Chinese film review system, "Contemporary Film" We sincerely invite more scholars, film critics, and creators to express their voices and opinions and contribute to the construction of the Chinese film criticism system.

"When it comes to the evaluation system, I personally suggest not to use it as a standard for competition to judge who is better or worse, but to regard it as a phenomenon and as a reference for understanding the times and the world. "Li Zhen said.

"Evaluation must fully respect individuality and reach consensus on social issues based on individuality. This is the most fundamental goal of establishing an evaluation system. For example, food must be safe. This is a matter of social ethics and bottom line, and consensus must be reached." Ishikawa express.

"A film festival should be a platform with personality. Whether it is Berlin or Venice, I fly half the time. I think film festivals need to have personality and attitude, and the Silk Road Film Festival should also have its own personalized evaluation system. "Wang Yu, who has participated in hundreds of film festivals around the world, revealed that he often hides in dark corners to watch the audience's reaction, especially during the first screening of a film festival shortlisted film, because the evaluation of the professional audience on the spot often determines the film. the future fate of the film.

"In 2023, China's film industry will recover rapidly, the quality of creation will steadily improve, and the types of films will be rich and diverse, attracting a broad audience to enter the theater, and also trigger the public to fully comment, express opinions, and form topics. At the same time, comment marketing and new media will Practical problems such as review-dominated film reputation, platform online data restriction of film scheduling, and the lack of effective countermeasures for films with major themes are becoming more and more prominent," Pei Yali said in an interview with reporters. This is also a follow-up to the 9th Silk Road. After the "Forum on the Construction of China's Film Evaluation System in the New Era" was held at the International Film Festival, the reason for holding another theme forum focusing on the construction of the evaluation system is to continue to gather the forces of all parties in the film criticism, theoretical and creative circles to form a favorable situation. The good atmosphere for China's film creation practice has gathered wisdom and strength to achieve the leap from a big film country to a powerful film country.

html On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry Investment Holdings ( Group) Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Film Industry Association, and hosted by Shaanxi Film Criticism and Theoretical Research Base, Shaanxi Cultural Industry (Film and Television) Investment Co., Ltd., Xi'an TV Series Copyright Trading Center Co., Ltd., Western Film Talk, and Wanfu Movie Viewing "Forum on the Construction of Chinese Film Evaluation System from a Global Perspective" was held in Xi'an.

About 200 people from domestic and foreign filmmakers, as well as representatives from universities, film and television companies and industry associations participated in this forum to discuss how to build a more fair, objective and comprehensive film evaluation system in the context of globalization to help China The improvement of the global competitiveness of films will contribute to promoting the high-quality development of the film industry and building a strong film nation.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

gathers the wisdom of the public to provide suggestions for the film review ecology

"As the most intuitive, vivid and vivid carrier of culture, art and communication, movies are an important position for publicity of ideological and cultural work, and are a literary and artistic form deeply loved by the people. It is an important symbol of the country's cultural soft power." Li Xiaogang, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, said in his speech that building a Chinese film evaluation system from a global perspective is a practical step to implement the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and deepen the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms. This initiative is an important starting point to promote the high-quality development of Chinese films and promote film cultural exchanges. It is also the key to accelerating the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative systems and using Chinese films to promote the export of China's excellent traditional culture.

In 2021, the National Film Administration released the "14th Five-Year Plan for Chinese Film Development", proposing the development goal of establishing my country as a powerful film country by 2035. In 2023, China's movie box office has recovered to 85% of 2019, and the number of moviegoers has recovered to 75%. The industry's recovery situation is at the world's leading level. Since the beginning of this year, whether it is the Spring Festival or the "May Day" period, China's box office has far exceeded the same period last year, and continues to show a good trend of vigorous development.

Creation and evaluation are two sides of a movie, and one is indispensable. "Gathering the wisdom of the masses can make good decisions, and working together will achieve great things. This forum takes the global perspective, people's nature and new media as the theme, conducts in-depth dialogue and sharing, and aims to provide suggestions for building a positive, healthy and prosperous film review ecosystem Provide suggestions and contribute wisdom and efforts to build Chinese films into a real national business card collection.” Li Xiaogang said. The

forum is divided into two parts: keynote speech and guest dialogue. In the keynote speech session, film theorist Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Society, Wang Yichuan, member of the Bureau of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and vice chairman of the China Literary Critics Association, vice president of the China Film Critics Society and distinguished professor of Beijing Language and Culture University, spoke successively.

In the "Guest Talk" session, Huangfu Yichuan, researcher at the China Film Art Research Center and editor-in-chief of "Contemporary Film", Ishikawa, director of the Film Research Center and doctoral supervisor of the Shanghai Theater Academy, and researcher at the China Film Archive (China Film Art Research Center) , Li Zhen, director of the Chinese Film Critics Society, Pei Yali, professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Liberal Arts of Shaanxi Normal University, director of the academic committee of the Shaanxi Film Industry Association, Wang Yu, a senior film producer and international film festival expert, Chinese film culture research at the Beijing Film Academy Six guests, including Wang Yao, assistant to the Academy, member of the Fipresci International Film Critics Association (fipresci), and executive committee member of the Asia Pacific Film Promotion Association (netpac), focused on topics such as "the global perspective, Chineseness and cinematicity of the Chinese film evaluation system" Start a conversation.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

Constructing an independent evaluation system in the mutual learning of civilizations

"Films are originally imported, and the process of forming the independent discourse system of Chinese films includes the process of building, integrating and integrating the discourse system of Western films." Rao Shuguang said that it is necessary to emphasize that China The construction of an independent knowledge system for films must also emphasize mutual learning among civilizations. Only through dialogue and mutual learning among civilizations can the construction of an independent knowledge system for Chinese films be truly completed.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

The discussion of the construction of China's film evaluation system needs to be measured in the contemporary world and global context. It is necessary to learn from the film art tradition established by Western modern film aesthetics, rather than simply abandoning the tradition and starting a new one. In this regard, Wang Yichuan said that to build a Chinese film evaluation system from a global perspective, we can neither only follow the path of Western modern film aesthetics nor turn back to the ancient Chinese art system, but we need to seek the mutual integration of these two aspects. . On the one hand, the modern film aesthetic tradition should continue to be inherited; on the other hand, as part of China’s modern art system, the Chinese film art system needs to reactivate China’s own art system tradition.

Wang Yao said that establishing an independent evaluation system should not only include reorganizing the history of Chinese films, but also how to view the history of world films and global films. "The ancient Chinese understanding of beauty is fundamentally different from the West on the basis of philosophy." Li Zhen said that in the West, the unresolved pain caused by the opposition between man and the world gave rise to art. In our country, we pay attention to "harmony" and regard the other party as the subject, and the other party has the right to decide his own destiny. We should fully inherit the spirit of the Silk Road and move toward the future together while maintaining harmony in diversity and mutual learning among civilizations.

On the morning of September 23, as an important part of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival, under the guidance of the 11th Silk Road International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and jointly organized by the China Film Critics Society and Shaanxi Cultural Industry - Lujuba

Looking for consensus in respecting individuality

Currently, the film evaluation ecology has undergone great changes. On the one hand, academic journals like "Contemporary Film" are still an important force in film criticism; on the other hand, popular film criticism has become more active and influential. The force keeps increasing. Ishikawa said that the current film review ecosystem can be roughly divided into three categories: marketing criticism, appreciation criticism and academic criticism. Currently, 90% of the reviews are marketing criticism that serves the film producers, which is relatively less The last two are too weak.

"As an academic platform, we hope to provide reviews that are more in-depth, more professional, and more able to withstand the polish of time." Huangfu Yichuan said that in the process of constructing the Chinese film review system, "Contemporary Film" We sincerely invite more scholars, film critics, and creators to express their voices and opinions and contribute to the construction of the Chinese film criticism system.

"When it comes to the evaluation system, I personally suggest not to use it as a standard for competition to judge who is better or worse, but to regard it as a phenomenon and as a reference for understanding the times and the world. "Li Zhen said.

"Evaluation must fully respect individuality and reach consensus on social issues based on individuality. This is the most fundamental goal of establishing an evaluation system. For example, food must be safe. This is a matter of social ethics and bottom line, and consensus must be reached." Ishikawa express.

"A film festival should be a platform with personality. Whether it is Berlin or Venice, I fly half the time. I think film festivals need to have personality and attitude, and the Silk Road Film Festival should also have its own personalized evaluation system. "Wang Yu, who has participated in hundreds of film festivals around the world, revealed that he often hides in dark corners to watch the audience's reaction, especially during the first screening of a film festival shortlisted film, because the evaluation of the professional audience on the spot often determines the film. the future fate of the film.

"In 2023, China's film industry will recover rapidly, the quality of creation will steadily improve, and the types of films will be rich and diverse, attracting a broad audience to enter the theater, and also trigger the public to fully comment, express opinions, and form topics. At the same time, comment marketing and new media will Practical problems such as review-dominated film reputation, platform online data restriction of film scheduling, and the lack of effective countermeasures for films with major themes are becoming more and more prominent," Pei Yali said in an interview with reporters. This is also a follow-up to the 9th Silk Road. After the "Forum on the Construction of China's Film Evaluation System in the New Era" was held at the International Film Festival, the reason for holding another theme forum focusing on the construction of the evaluation system is to continue to gather the forces of all parties in the film criticism, theoretical and creative circles to form a favorable situation. The good atmosphere for China's film creation practice has gathered wisdom and strength to achieve the leap from a big film country to a powerful film country.

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