The online drama "Prosecutor of Nine Parts", which focuses on the prosecution of minors, is currently being aired on iQiyi. In the drama, Lei Xu, played by Zhang Yi, , is parachuted into the Unprosecution Department, and he and the prosecutor played by Qin Lan Du Ziyu, Yang Tian (played by Xu Fan), Xu Zhangli (played by Wang Zhener), Liu Liu ( played by Zou Yuanqing) and others formed a nine-department team to protect the "wei" and weaved a "wei" team to protect the youth. Warm network. Recently, Zou Yuanqing, who plays Liu Liu, the youngest member of the "Nine Divisions", accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Beijing News and said that Liu Liu's growth represents the fresh blood and innovative spirit of the new generation of prosecutors. "Liu Liu's role setting I need to maintain a mature and steady professional image while retaining the vitality and vigor of young people."
Zou Yuanqing plays Liu Liu.
Liu Liu is tenacious, passionate, and not afraid of challenges
In the play, Zou Yuanqing plays the role of Liu Liu, a newcomer who has graduated with a master's degree in law. He is a publicity expert and responsible for the atmosphere of the uninspected work team. "The protection of minors is a complex issue involving multiple fields such as law, education, and psychology. Because minors are not fully mature physically and mentally, they need the protection of society, family, and law." Zou Yuanqing said frankly that through this work, she It is better understood that unchecked work is an important part of the minor protection system. It is not only necessary to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of minors are not infringed, but also to pay attention to the prevention and correction of minor crimes. "Prosecutors not only have to deal with legal issues, but also pay attention to the mental health and social environment of minors, which places high demands on their professionalism and humanistic care."
Liu Liu, as a newcomer to the team and a person around him You may think she is a bit insensitive, but in Zou Yuanqing's opinion, this is what makes her so endearing: she is tenacious, enthusiastic, and not afraid of challenges. At the same time, due to the professional requirements of a prosecutor's assistant, Liu Liu must have rigorous legal knowledge and the ability to handle complex situations, and be calm and decisive in the face of work pressure. "Her professionalism and full devotion to her profession are able to Maintaining clear thinking during high-intensity work is what I need to learn from her in my daily life."
Liu Liu is like a little sun in the team.
Group scenes always maintain a sense of immersion.
Zou Yuanqing said that filming with his predecessors, "As a young actor, I gained a lot. Their control of the characters, their understanding of the emotional level and the presentation of some details made me feel like I was on the stage." I took many acting classes.”
In the actual performance, many scenes in "The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts" are the collective actions of the "Nine Parts", and sometimes the focus of the play is not on Liu Liu, or there is no focus in the scene. lines, but as a member of the group portrait, Zou Yuanqing said that he will always maintain a sense of immersion, "I am Liu Liu at this moment, and I will think about what Liu Liu is going to do at this moment. For example, I will take notes when Sister Du is interrogating. , Observe; I will also watch and listen more to the office scenes to grasp the atmosphere of the office." In some scenes, Zou Yuanqing added a few pursed lips movements. In her opinion, Liu Liu sometimes has a lot of ideas. , but often misses the opportunity to speak because of her status as a newcomer. Pursing her lips will show her emotional state.
Beijing News reporter Liu Wei
editor Tong Na
proofreader Liu Jun