Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the "Little" series. From "Little Joy" to "Little Shende" to "Xiao Min's Family" and "Little Days", although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad. ....

entertainment 9509℃

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

"Small" series has a new work.

From "Little Joy" to " Xiaoshede ", then to "Xiao Min's Family", " Little Days ", although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Next, we will watch the 36 episodes of the CCTV drama "Little Couple" to see if it can continue the quality of the "Little" series.

In this drama, there is a stay-at-home mother who became famous overnight and became a superstar, and there is also an Internet IT man who was fired at the age of 35 because he offended his boss due to his low emotional intelligence, and then returned home to take care of his children full-time.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

With a stay-at-home dad, a career-focused mom, and a naughty and restless baby, the family's life begins to be lively.

Yin Tao is in charge, the cast is good, and "Little Couple" with dark horse potential will start airing tonight. Let's take a look at what the highlights of this drama are!

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

1, the couple's "exchange of lives", the running-in and growth in the collision of concepts

urban life drama, how to make laughter and tears coexist, with sadness and contradiction, but also warmth and joy, is the top priority.

Because life is like this, there are happy events that are worthy of cheering and celebrating, and naturally there are also bad things that make people anxious and worried.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Like the couple in "Little Couple", who are about to reach middle age, their careers have undergone tremendous changes at the same time. They have to exchange lives and grow together in the collision of ideas. It is full of fun, but it is also destined to have friction. .

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

First, how to adapt to the new role?

Che Li (played by Yin Tao) was originally a stay-at-home mother. Her public account became popular overnight and she was pushed to the position of an entrepreneur. However, after giving birth and raising a baby, her best thing was doing housework. When she suddenly started a career, Che Li was flustered. no.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

However, I felt the taste of success under the flashing lights and soon began to enjoy this new identity.

However, the problems after becoming famous are also very real. The endless social activities leave her no time to take care of her family.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

However, on the other side, Zhou Quan (played by Guo Jingfei ), who originally only had to do a good job, suddenly had to be responsible for three meals a day for the whole family and also had to take care of the children. He soon felt like a collapse.

Either he didn’t know that eggs can’t be put in the microwave, and he fried them when he took them out.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Or I finally had some time to enjoy life and do some green plants. As soon as I turned around, my son took the big scissors and cut off the potted plants until only the roots were left.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

What I look forward to most every day is to see my wife come home, as if I have seen a savior. How can it be so miserable?

Therefore, the first highlight of "Little Couple" is to see how the couple adapt to their new identities.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Second, how to resolve intergenerational conflicts?

Although the young couple hit it off immediately and quickly changed the family division of labor, some people were unwilling.

A considerate father squeezes his son. If a man loses his job, he has no value.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Che Li’s mother believes that women take care of the children and men go out to make money, which are the rules set by the ancestors and are perfectly justified.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Especially in the process of taking care of the child, Zhou Quan accidentally dropped his son and broke his head, which directly caused the whole family to strongly oppose this division of labor model.

And this is also the second highlight of this drama. How should the ideological differences and intergenerational conflicts between the two generations be resolved?

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Third, can husband and wife understand each other?

But the most difficult thing is not other people's opinions, but that after the couple exchanged identities, they gradually drifted away from their original intentions.

Che Li, who works hard outside, hopes to be cared for and comforted by her family when she returns home. However, she is disgusted by her husband when she returns home smelling drunk after receiving a reward.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

While taking care of the children at home, his wife ignored the hard work of taking care of the children and doing housework.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Coupled with Che Li's successful career, her social status gradually improved, but Zhou Quan only guarded one-third of an acre of land at home and had no social status at all.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

All the problems accumulate together, and conflicts between husband and wife are about to break out.

Therefore, in the final analysis, the ultimate highlight of "Little Couple" is whether the couple can regain their original intentions and understand each other.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

2, Yin Tao is steady and Guo Jingfei is serious and funny, supporting the laughter of the whole drama.

There are many familiar and powerful actors in "The Little Couple", but these are the ones I am looking forward to the most.

ranks first, Yin Tao.

I haven't seen the main drama of "Little Couple" yet, but just by watching the trailer, I can already feel how stable Yin Tao's acting skills are.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

plays the role of a stay-at-home mother, giving people an intuitive feeling that she is at ease. Doing housework, cooking, and taking care of the children are all done in one go, without any delay, and you even have time to develop your own writing interests.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Yin Tao, who started her career, is resolute, bold and sassy. She calmly faces the media cameras and the love of fans and readers, and is generous and dignified.

Having Yin Tao here really makes people feel more at ease.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

ranked second, Guo Jingfei.

In this drama, Guo Jingfei may even be more outstanding than Yin Tao, because he not only plays a relatively rare stay-at-home dad in real life, but also the funny person in this drama.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Guo Jingfei in the trailer does not have any idol baggage, and his various funny expressions amused everyone every minute.

was cooking with confidence in the last second. Judging from his expression, he even had the confidence of a Michelin chef.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

The next second, the egg in the microwave fried all over the face, and the embarrassment of self-doubt was really interesting.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

In this useless track, Guo Jingfei has no opponent.

ranks third, Qixi .

also depicts strong women, but Qi Xi and Yin Tao give people very different perceptions.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

also has a sassy and aggressive style of acting, but Qi Xi has a more casual and unrestrained style. She is dressed in a professional outfit with lamb hair curly hair and flaming red lips. One look at her makes her feel full of aura.

Qixi, such a royal sister, is so beautiful that it touches the heart.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

As for Qi Xi, she is already a movie queen-level actor, so playing a supporting female role is a no-brainer.

ranks fourth, Xu Di .

There are a lot of professional mothers-in-law in the entertainment industry, but the most lovable one, besides Sarina is Xu Di.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

The exaggerated and beautiful Xue Zhenzhu in " My First Half of Life " made Xu Di famous. In recent years, she has also played various roles of mother-in-law and mother-in-law. This time Xu Di played a not very enlightened mother. .

Having this veteran actor join the cast will definitely add to the drama.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

In addition, there are Zhang Yunlong , Han Tongsheng, Yue Hong and other actors in the play, and they are all talented actors.


The biggest fear in urban life dramas is not that there are not good actors, but that there is not a good script.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

Many works of the same type fail because the story is suspended, leaving people with no sense of involvement. Therefore, if you want to make an urban life drama that makes the audience empathize and immerse, you must control the script well and have the right place. Gas and pyrotechnic gas are the key.

At present, "Little Couple" has controlled this point, and it is not a problem to become the next "little" series hit.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan There is a new work in the 'Little' series.      From 'Little Joy' to 'Little Shende' to 'Xiao Min's Family' and 'Little Days', although they are not produced by the same director, the quality of each one is not bad.     .... - Lujuba

I look forward to this domestic drama being able to shine tonight!

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