Yaotou Community in Bori Town was established in December 2019. It currently has a permanent population of 2,155 households. The community party committee has 4 party branches and 143 party members. In recent years, the Yaotou Community Party Committee has performed the trilogy o

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Yaotou Community in Bori Town was established in December 2019. It currently has a permanent population of 2,155 households. The community party committee has 4 party branches and 143 party members. In recent years, the Yaotou Community Party Committee has performed the trilogy o - Lujuba

Yaotou Community in Boli Town was established in December 2019. It currently has a permanent population of 2,155 households. The community party committee has 4 party branches and 143 party members. In recent years, the Yaotou Community Party Committee has performed the trilogy of "integration", "merger" and "reform", and has focused on exploring a new model of standardized operation of village transformation and community. It has always adhered to party building as the leader and created a "red heart pilot, integration and sharing" party building service brand, built a working structure of "one leadership and three integrations", and took the lead in realizing village transformation and community development integration, governance integration, and service integration in the city, and has successively won the title of "Shandong Province Sunshine Community Demonstration Site" and "Provincial Demonstration Community for Democracy and Rule of Law" Honorary titles such as "Demonstration Site for the Construction of Democracy and Rule of Law in Shandong Province".

"Combined" into one entity

Realizing economic development

"In the past, Yaotou villagers made a living by fishing at sea for generations. Now, under the leadership of the party, we have elevators when we go in and out, and there is a park when we go downstairs. Thanks to the party for allowing us to live a better life." The good life we ​​have dreamed of has come,” Guan Yanqiu, an old party member of the community, said excitedly after visiting the Party Education Base in Yaotou Community.

Yaotou Community was established through the merger and transformation of the original Yaotou No.1, No.2, No.3 and No.4 villages. The community party committee actively adapted to the new situation after village transformation from community to urban community, and adopted the methods of "merger", "merger" and "reform". The assets of nearly 360 million yuan in the four villages have truly realized comprehensive integration, integrated management, shares and people, and played a great role. It has created a new chapter in the standardized operation of village-reformed communities, and has become the first village-reformed community in Qingdao to fully realize organizational integration, economic integration, and governance integration.

"With the support of the town party committee and the government, the community encourages and guides joint-stock economic cooperatives to operate the excellent asset resources of joint-stock economic cooperatives through the 'three capital' quantitative investment method, explores the realization of economic integration and group development, and steadily promotes collective economic organizations Complete integration." Zhao Delin, secretary of the Yaotou Community Party Committee, told reporters that the reform results will be "surfaced" through a package of measures such as standardized management, revenue increase, expenditure reduction, and market investment, focusing on solving problems such as difficult network and building management and low income. Through complete economic integration and group development, collective operating income has steadily increased. From 2019 to 2023, collective operating income was 6.7 million yuan, 8.63 million yuan, 10.59 million yuan, 11.56 million yuan, and 13 million yuan respectively. In 2023, it will be provided to the entire society. Shareholders distributed a dividend of 7.5 million yuan, with an average dividend of 2,000 yuan per capita, creating a new way of relying on cooperatives to distribute equity dividends.

"merged" into a community

to provide better services

After the village was transformed into a community, it was not only a change in name, but more importantly, it created a more convenient living environment for residents and provided better services.

The new community "two committees" team insists on starting with hard work and answering with actual results. Focusing on improving the quality level of "one unified leadership and three integrations", it has established and improved community party committee-led residents' autonomous organizations, community collective economic organizations, community party and mass service centers and The "1+3+n" organizational system of various economic and social organizations in the region focuses on the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problems of residents, formulates "three-optimal" work plans of optimizing education, optimizing elderly care, and optimizing employment, and continues to improve the residents' happiness index.

It is understood that Yaotou Community has built a community kindergarten and a community elderly care service center. It has renovated and upgraded the community party and mass service center to create functions such as leisure and entertainment for the elderly, employment guidance for the age-appropriate population, and after-school activities for school-age children. plate. We have carried out "order-based" community service projects with Qingdao University of Science and Technology for three consecutive years, and actively explored a new model of "party building + social work" urban community grassroots governance. Focusing closely on the employment needs of the integrated development of port, industry and city, we actively carry out employment services for residents, effectively promoting more than 1,600 residents to achieve "doorstep employment".

"Reform" into a fist

Improve the level of community governance

In response to the changes in the material life and spiritual needs of residents after the village was converted into a community, the community party committee systematically planned and promoted the transformation and development path of the community in accordance with the urban community management model, focusing on promoting "smart integration" Smart community construction, by building a community safety "protection network", a dynamic "monitoring network" and a smart medical care "health network", forms a smart service platform that integrates grid, comprehensive management, elderly care, government affairs, people's livelihood and property. Improve the level of governance in an all-round way. Invest 15 million yuan to install smart management systems such as electronic fence pulses, access control, and perimeter alarms in the community, so that information such as people, events, places, objects, and emotions can be effectively incorporated into the basic database of the community management platform. Comprehensively build a four-level organizational chain of "community party committee - grid party branch - building party group - party member central household", and further extend the organizational chain to promote party member central households to contact party members and party members to contact the masses, and mobilize 127 party members to serve as joint household party members , realizing the party’s work “entering the building into the home”.

At the same time, relying on the smart medical care platform, the home care service center regularly carries out convenience activities; it wears smart bracelets for more than 240 elderly people over 60 years old, monitors their health conditions, and sets abnormal situation warnings. Currently, it has received a total of 316 home dynamic alerts for the elderly. . "In the past, if the elderly at home wanted to see a doctor, they had to go to the hospital in the town. Now they can see it at their doorstep. It's so convenient." Niu Xue, who lives in Yaotou Community, praised the community health care service center.

(Qingdao West Coast News reporter Ding Xia)

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