A match in the 20th round of the Chinese Super League started. The Zhejiang team faced Chengdu Chengdu at home. In the first half, Zhang Jiaqi's header was saved, Leonardo scored the first goal, Yang Yiming equalized the score, and Zhang Jiaqi ended the game red. In the second ha

entertainment 1050℃

A match began in the 20th round of the Chinese Super League. The Zhejiang team faced Chengdu Chengdu at home. In the first half, Zhang Jiaqi's header was saved, Leonardo scored the first goal, Yang Yiming equalized the score, and Zhang Jiaqi ended the game red. In the second half, Felipe scored a single goal, but Gurfinkel's shot was resolved. Felipe scored another goal at the last minute. In the end, the Zhejiang team suffered a tragic reversal and lost to Chengdu Chengdu 1-3. The Zhejiang team suffered 4 consecutive losses in all competitions! Romulo was amazing. He sent two assists and directed the counterattack.

A match in the 20th round of the Chinese Super League started. The Zhejiang team faced Chengdu Chengdu at home. In the first half, Zhang Jiaqi's header was saved, Leonardo scored the first goal, Yang Yiming equalized the score, and Zhang Jiaqi ended the game red. In the second ha - Lujuba

Shortly after the game started, Felipe shot angrily from the left side of the penalty area, and the ball hit the door frame and popped out. Even if the goal was scored, it would be useless. The referee signaled that it was offside. 2 minutes later, Zhang Jiaqi was completely emptied in the penalty area and he grabbed a header. The goalkeeper saved the ball. Jian Tao's save was very effective and the danger was resolved. In the 12th minute, Leonardo sent a scalpel-like through ball in the frontcourt. Cheng Jin pushed in and shot. Goalkeeper Jian Tao once again blocked the ball.

A match in the 20th round of the Chinese Super League started. The Zhejiang team faced Chengdu Chengdu at home. In the first half, Zhang Jiaqi's header was saved, Leonardo scored the first goal, Yang Yiming equalized the score, and Zhang Jiaqi ended the game red. In the second ha - Lujuba

In the 15th minute, Gurfinkel made a pass from the left. Felipe outflanked the goal and headed the ball high. 6 minutes later, Leonardo got an excellent single-handed opportunity. Facing the goalkeeper, he chose to take a shot, but it missed. This shot is really bad. In the 28th minute, the Zhejiang team scored! Wang Dongsheng volleyed hard from the outside, Leonardo stretched out his foot to block the ball, and the ball changed direction and went into the goal. The sudden change of direction left the goalkeeper helpless. Zhejiang team took the lead.

A match in the 20th round of the Chinese Super League started. The Zhejiang team faced Chengdu Chengdu at home. In the first half, Zhang Jiaqi's header was saved, Leonardo scored the first goal, Yang Yiming equalized the score, and Zhang Jiaqi ended the game red. In the second ha - Lujuba

In the 35th minute, Gurfinkel passed the ball from the left and Felipe jumped high to head the ball towards the goal. It turned out to be too high and the goalkeeper saved the ball. 8 minutes later, Chengdu Chengdu equalized the score! Romulo took a set kick. Yang Yiming leaned forward and headed the ball towards the goal. The ball hit the net! This header is extremely difficult! Both sides returned to the same starting line. Near the end of the half, Zhang Jiaqi tackled Felipe, causing him to be sent off after two yellows and one red. The Zhejiang team had to fight with one less person. At halftime, the two sides tied at 1-1.

A match in the 20th round of the Chinese Super League started. The Zhejiang team faced Chengdu Chengdu at home. In the first half, Zhang Jiaqi's header was saved, Leonardo scored the first goal, Yang Yiming equalized the score, and Zhang Jiaqi ended the game red. In the second ha - Lujuba

In the second half, the team changed sides and played again. The Zhejiang team made substitution adjustments. Wang Xuan came on as a substitute and replaced Yao Junsheng. In the 50th minute, Chengdu Chengdu threatened. Yang Yiming's header missed the goal. In the 54th minute, Chengdu Chengdu scored again! Romulo sent a long through ball, Felipe stepped forward and got a single chance. He calmly shot a low shot into the far corner and the ball went in! Chengdu Chengdu leads the score! In the 62nd minute, Gurfinkel broke into the left side of the penalty area and shot angrily. The goalkeeper pushed the ball out of the baseline. In the 73rd minute, Wang Yudong broke into the penalty area and his low shot was blocked. It's a pity not to seize this good opportunity. Felipe scored another goal at the last moment. In the end, the Zhejiang team lost 1-3 to Chengdu Chengdu.

Tags: entertainment