Around 0:00 today (July 25), Typhoon "Gemei" landed on the coast of Nan'ao Township, Yilan County, Taiwan Province, my country at the level of a strong typhoon. When it landed, the maximum wind force near the center was level 15 (48 meters/second). It is expected that "Gemei" wil

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Around 0:00 today (July 25), Typhoon "Gemei" landed on the coast of Nan'ao Township, Yilan County, Taiwan Province, my country at the level of a strong typhoon. When it landed, the maximum wind force near the center was level 15 (48 meters/second). It is expected that "Gemei" will pass through Taiwan Island and make a second landfall in the area from Xiuyu to Lianjiang in Fujian from this afternoon to night. Fujian, Zhejiang and other areas will be hit by violent storms, and then it will carry a huge amount of water vapor deep into the storm Inland, it will bring heavy rainfall to North China, Northeast China and other places, and the above-mentioned areas need to take measures to prevent typhoons.

Around 0:00 today (July 25), Typhoon 'Gemei' landed on the coast of Nan'ao Township, Yilan County, Taiwan Province, my country at the level of a strong typhoon. When it landed, the maximum wind force near the center was level 15 (48 meters/second). It is expected that 'Gemei' wil - Lujuba

Big waves appeared along the coast of Fujian.

It may be a rare and powerful "second-hand typhoon"

It is currently predicted that "Gemei" will land on the coast of Fujian again as a typhoon or super typhoon from this afternoon to night. This will be the first typhoon to land in Fujian this year, and also the strongest typhoon to land in my country this year.

Since the first landfall is in Taiwan Province, the intensity of the "second-hand typhoon" that lands in Fujian will be greatly reduced. According to Zhang Juan, a meteorological analyst at China Weather Network, because Taiwan is located on the east side of Fujian, such geographical conditions make Taiwan a natural barrier. Typhoons often land in Taiwan Province first, and then in Fujian and other places. The highest altitude of the Central Mountains in Taiwan is nearly 4,000 meters. When the typhoon's low-altitude circulation encounters the Central Mountains, it is like a galloping horse being tripped. Surface friction causes the typhoon to weaken in intensity. Moreover, on land, the typhoon cannot get a supply of warmer and moist air, so its intensity will naturally weaken.

However, it is worth noting that although the typhoon landing in Fujian is not strong overall, "Gemei" may be a rare and strong "second-hand typhoon". According to the latest forecast, "Gemei" will land on the coast of Fujian at typhoon level or strong typhoon level. When it lands, the maximum wind force near the center will be 12 to 14 levels (35 to 45 meters/second).

The line "turned around" and went in circles

According to Xiamen Radio and Television's Weibo news in the early morning of July 25, Typhoon "Gemei" suddenly made a right-angle U-turn, as if it had brought a ruler and a protractor and walked out of the standard right angle, triggering heated discussions among netizens. Why start going in circles? According to Xin Xin, a meteorological analyst at the China Meteorological Channel, an article said that due to the influence of the topography of Taiwan Island, "Gemei" began to "turn around" and circle.

When Typhoon Kanu made landfall last year, people also heatedly discussed the path of the typhoon because it had made zigzags and turned sharp and right angles.

According to media reports at the time, the factors that affect the typhoon's path are complex and diverse. Domestic scholars Chen Lianshou, Wen Yongren and others summarized several reasons for the sudden change of the typhoon's path as follows: 1. The large-scale circulation system rapidly adjusts or mutates, such as the " "subtropical high" suddenly breaks; 2. The interaction between a typhoon and another typhoon or a vortex system of different scales and different heights. For example, in 2001, Typhoon "Lily" was affected by the double typhoon effect with "Danasi", and on the sea surface It rotates counterclockwise for two or three days; 3. The asymmetric structure of typhoons and the β and γ effects. For example, the position of the maximum strong wind area of ​​Typhoon "Pearl" in 2006 changed counterclockwise, causing it to complete a 90-degree turn from west to north; 4 , The influence of the underlying surface, such as topography, sea temperature and other factors. In 2003, Typhoon "Nari" landed in Taiwan Province. Due to the influence of topography, the route significantly turned south.

The final path of the typhoon is the result of the mutual competition and extreme pulling of various weather systems.

Affects seven major river basins

Typhoon "Gemei" has a wide range of influence and will affect my country's seven major river basins from south to north, affecting the Xijiang, Dongjiang, Beijiang, and Hanjiang Rivers in the Pearl River Basin, the Minjiang River and Oujiang River in the Taihu River Basin, and Poyang in the Yangtze River Basin Lake system, the Tongbai Mountain and Funiu Mountain areas in the upper and middle reaches of the Huaihe River Basin, the Weihe River, Yiluo River, and Qinhe River in the Yellow River Basin, the Zhangwei River, Ziya River, Daqing River, Yongding River, Beisan River, and Luanhe River in the Haihe River Basin, and the eastern part of the Liaohe River Basin , Xiliao River, the second Songhua River in the Songhua River Basin, etc.

The strong southeastern airflow outside the circulation will carry a huge amount of water vapor and rush inland. Heavy rainfall may affect more than ten provinces including Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. After landing, it may go all the way north, causing strong winds and rain in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning and other places, so precautions must be taken.

Why is the power of "Gemei" so great? This starts with its "body shape" - due to its huge cloud system, "Gemei" is also considered to be relatively large in the typhoon world. Specifically, it not only has strong support from the southwest monsoon, but also has strong support from the tropical ocean. The huge supply of water vapor and heat will help it turn into a "Big Mac".

Comparing its size with another typhoon "Pebian", you can intuitively feel the difference. Take the satellite cloud image on the morning of July 22 as an example. The cloud image shows that Typhoon Gemei ate up all the small typhoon embryos to its east. This has brought about two consequences. One is overeating, some indigestion, and slow strength development. The other one is to turn into a huge giant typhoon. "Gemei" is 5 times as big as "Paibian", and the level of strong wind circle may be more than 5 times, so its disaster risk is very, very high.

Many places are on standby

As of 7:00 on the 25th, all 29,424 people on the fishing rafts along the coast of Fujian Province have been evacuated ashore, including 28,108 laborers, 1,316 elderly, weak, women and children; all 733 fishing boats in the province have entered the harbor to take shelter. All 3,199 people on board were evacuated and disembarked. The province relocated 85,400 cadres and relocated 156,800 people.

As of 7:00 on the 25th, Putian, Quanzhou, and Pingtan in Fujian Province have announced that the entire city (district) will implement "three stops and one rest"; Ningde City, Fu'an City, Shouning County, Fuzhou City, Fuqing City, Changle District, and Yongtai County , Lianjiang County, and Sanming City announced the implementation of "three suspensions and one holiday", that is, suspension of industry (industry), suspension of production, suspension of classes, and market closure.

During the day yesterday (July 24), the wind force along the coast of Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province reached level 6-7, with gusts reaching level 8. As of 6 pm yesterday (24th), all 70 water passenger routes in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, were suspended, and the suspension is expected to last for 2 to 3 days. The Zhoushan Maritime Safety Administration has issued strong wind warning information in advance, and has strengthened surveillance and control of ships.

The State Railway Guangzhou Bureau today (25th) will take measures to suspend some EMU trains passing through the Hangzhou-Shenzhen Line and Meishan-Shantou High-speed Railway. At the same time, 80 additional EMU trains will be opened between Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Chaoshan in areas that are not affected by typhoons or are less affected by typhoons to further meet the needs of short-distance passengers in the province during the summer.

Upstream news comprehensive CCTV network, China Weather Network, Xiamen Radio and Television, Yangcheng School, Voice of Zhejiang, CCTV News, etc.

Tags: entertainment