The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical "Mozart on Rock" in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o

entertainment 2227℃

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban

is currently starring in the musical "Mozart on Rock" in Shanghai

Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance

Has to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment

After the incident

Laurent Ban posted on social media

expressed his gratitude to Dr. Chen Yongxuan of the Department of Otology of Ruijin Hospital

"Thank you for saving me"

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

Laurent Ban said

Dr. Chen not only saved him

but also saved the entire show

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

"It's my fault that I can get your help." It's an honor. I am the musical actor who had a fish bone stuck in his throat that you saved yesterday. I want to tell you that you saved me and the show. I can sing again at night. You are very professional. Thank you! "

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

Laurent Ban is a French musical actor and an Internet celebrity on Chinese social media. He is affectionately called "Old Flight" by Chinese audiences. Since its first performance in China in 2005, this "flight" has frequently traveled back and forth between China and France, building a bridge of musical dialogue.

"Old Flight, this is a perfect name, this is a portrayal of my life between France and China." Even though it has been talked about many times, for Laurent Ban, this year has a more special meaning - 2024 This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism. “I have spent almost more time in China than in France.”

Some netizens said

Maybe this is not common in foreign countries

But for Chinese doctors

pulling out fish bones is not a piece of cake

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

The topic "Why are only Chinese doctors

good at taking fish bones"

has even been on the hot search

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

Chinese doctors are amazing The root cause of the fish bone pulling technique is that the Chinese eat too many "fish bones". The Chinese eat a lot of freshwater fish, so they encounter more "thorns". European and American countries eat more marine fish.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

Some people also said that

Fish bone stabbing may seem simple

but it is actually very complicated.

If it is not handled properly, it will have serious consequences.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

There are many "local methods" to deal with fish bones.

But it is not scientific.

Don't be careless.

can be fatal!

Wang Guangbao, deputy chief physician of the General Surgery Department of Pujiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Province, once shared "The Fatal Journey of a Fish Bone" on his personal Weibo:

1. The first place where fish bones are fatal: near the throat

Most fish bones are stuck at the base of the tongue , tonsils, and epiglottis. If it is not removed in time, it will cause infection at the site where the fish bone penetrated and cause local abscess. The posterior pharyngeal wall is connected to the loose tissue deep in the neck, which can easily lead to the spread of infection and the formation of large abscesses deep in the neck. These abscesses can compress the trachea and cause suffocation to death, or they can rupture through the large blood vessels in the neck and be fatal in minutes. .

2. The second fatal place for fish bones: esophagus penetration

If a fish bone penetrates the esophagus, it will only penetrate shallowly at first, and the doctor can remove it under an esophagoscope or gastroscope. At this time, if you use the method of swallowing rice balls, the fish bones will penetrate deeper, and some of them will directly pierce the aorta.

The esophagus and aorta are almost always attached together. Some fish bones pierce the aorta directly. What is the concept of fishbone piercing the aorta? You take a sewing needle and prick a balloon to see if it pops with a "bang" sound. The bleeding from the aorta was worse than a balloon bursting, and there was a danger of death every minute.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

3. The third fatal part of fish bones: puncture the stomach, gastric perforation

Gastric perforation can cause peritonitis, and if not treated with surgery in time, death will occur. Another situation is that after the fish bone pierces the stomach wall, it slowly penetrates, and then is wrapped by the surrounding tissue, and then slowly runs around, even into the liver.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

4. The fourth fatal part of fish bones: puncture the small intestine

Piercing the small intestine can also cause severe peritonitis, which can kill people.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

5. The fifth fatal place for fish bones: appendix

Puncture of the appendix leads to inflammation, and perforation of the appendix leads to diffuse peritonitis. Of course surgery is required to remove the appendix.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

6. The sixth fatal part of fish bones: punctured large intestine

There are many bacteria in the large intestine. After the perforation, the abdominal cavity is seriously contaminated, the intestinal wall is thin, and the blood supply is poor. Therefore, diffuse peritonitis caused by punctured large intestine is very fatal.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

Finally, a reminder

When choosing a department,

keep one thing in mind:

The dental department does not remove fish bones

If the fish bone is stuck, it must be removed by the otolaryngology department

Although the thorn enters through the mouth, under normal circumstances, the position of the fish bone stuck is in the throat and below. For example, the base of the tongue, tonsillar recesses, epiglottis vallecula, etc., these fall under the "jurisdiction" of the Department of Otolaryngology.

The famous French musical actor Laurent Ban is currently starring in the musical 'Mozart on Rock' in Shanghai. Recently, he encountered a fishbone stuck in his throat before the performance and had to go to Ruijin Hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Laurent Ban posted o - Lujuba

Have you ever had a fish bone stuck in your throat? How is


source | Morning News, News Forum, knews, Health Times

Tags: entertainment