Recommended Reading | After the age of 25, you should learn to force yourself to grow systematically

movie 1912℃

Recently, there is a very hot topic on Zhihu-how to spend the poor and confused years of the twenties?

"If you attribute your confusion to your young age, and expect to be over 20 years old to solve the problem. Then congratulations, when you are 30 years old, you will also be confused."

Faced with "confusion and anxiety", we have to go Break, break, not wait.

Recommended Reading | After the age of 25, you should learn to force yourself to grow systematically - Lujuba

must work hard to know what he is best at.

Many people know that Huang Bo has a good acting skills and is the actor, but they don’t know that he has done a lot of things before he became an actor: forming a band, singing, skipping dancing, running a factory and being the boss... …

In 1993, the 19-year-old Huang Bo walked into the karaoke hall and became the first batch of singers to sing in the karaoke hall. He also formed a group called "Blue Wind Sand", which performed in various parts of the country. Dance coach.

Later, Huang Bo wanted to sign a contract with a large record company, but no one wanted him. In the end, he could only choose to give up and return to Qingdao to set up a factory. During the period, I went through a lot of twists and turns, but also didn't achieve much.

In 2000, by chance, Huang Bo starred in the TV movie "Get in the Car, Let's Go". Unexpectedly, this drama was an instant hit and won the Golden Rooster Award for Best TV Movie.

This time, Huang Bo finally knew what he was suitable for and what he was good at. In order to gain a firm foothold in the film and television industry, Huang Bo, 27, applied for the Beijing Film Academy. He was unwilling to fail the first time, and finally succeeded in the second year.

In 2006, Huang Bo participated in the movie "Crazy Stone" directed by Ning Hao. This film created the myth of a small-cost movie in 2006 and won the Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award and the Best Original Screenplay Award. Huang Bo became an instant hit.

is the same as Huang Bo, many times we have worked very hard, but we still can't see feedback, can't be excellent, can't get promotion. At this time, we might as well think about whether the platform itself is not suitable for us, or we still need to insist on it. Huang Bo only went to Beijing Film Studio at the age of 28 and became popular after many years. It’s not too late to start. Hardworking patience.

Recommended Reading | After the age of 25, you should learn to force yourself to grow systematically - Lujuba

How to make your growth worthy of your efforts

Not everyone can be like Huang Bo. After trying so many careers, they can finally find the one that suits them.

So, is there any way to help us analyze our own strengths and weaknesses scientifically and rationally, so as to quickly find a suitable development direction and achieve rapid growth? Of course


Among the world's top 500 companies, most companies will build a complete talent development system to help every employee match a suitable position and systematically improve their capabilities. It mainly includes the following five aspects:

1, discover their own talents

Everyone has talents, but most people don't know it. If you can’t make good use of your strengths, but use your weaknesses to fight with others, you will waste a lot of time and energy.

2. Make the right choice

Choosing a job is not just a starting point, but also a ceiling. Work will affect your way of thinking, lifestyle, interpersonal environment, etc., and even determine your second half of your life.

3, stop ineffective efforts

, the harder people develop, the better? Don't be silly, invalid efforts are just wasting your time, get rid of the misconception of "defining effort by length of time" and stop your ineffective efforts.

4. Expanding the interpersonal network

As you age and your status improves, hard work is not enough to accomplish one thing. We need to borrow force, and how to borrow force is also skillful, and this is not necessarily related to whether a person's personality is introverted or extroverted.

5, learn to learn efficiently

not all learning is useful, you need to know the correct posture for learning and what to learn.

Recommended Reading | After the age of 25, you should learn to force yourself to grow systematically - Lujuba

Workplace promotion can do more with less by improving academic qualifications.

Workplace promotion is not as difficult as you think. Forcing yourself to grow systematically, improving academic qualifications and workplace skills is the right way.

In life, many people in the workplace use this method to find a breakthrough after encountering a bottleneck.

Chen Yongze works in a real estate company. He came to Guangzhou alone in 1999. Now, at the age of 38, he is already a father with two children.

The burden of life makes this father a little tired, namelySo that the time for rest is not enough, he still insists on studying hard every day, and taking the entrance examination certificate. He wants to set an example for his children and support his family.

Zhou Nan, a boy from an ordinary family, has a younger brother, he became a pillar early at home. In order to dream that he has been to many cities, he finally chose to stay in Shenzhen.

, who has been in Shenzhen for nearly 4 years, realizes the importance of studying hard in this dreamy but stressful city. He still insists on studying and reading every day, just for the college dream in his heart. Stories like


happen every day. In terms of human nature, everyone has a comfort zone and a period of slack. People with a growth mindset never get old. He chose to improve his education. Zhou Nan said: "The purest effort can be favored."

"Last eliminated", "young cadres", and "optimization", these words appear more and more frequently in the Internet circle. The middle age of life has hit the middle age of the company. Maybe it is that you are no longer needed by the Internet. The moment.

Learning is an investment, an investment that may have a long payback period, or even hard to find. But when we turn from passive to active one day and overcome laziness, we will eventually gain the joy of reaching farther shores and the ability to cope with changes in the world.

In the workplace, many people feel confused, but once you find a direction, you will grow up like a rocket. Start early and don't give yourself a chance to make excuses.

Tags: movie