Red Net Moment News, July 8 (Reporter Li Yiqian, Correspondent Deng Ruilan) In order to solidly promote the three-year action to tackle the root causes of production safety in the industry and trade field, promote the promotion and implementation of the standards for determining

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Red Net Moment News, July 8 (Reporter Li Yiqian, Correspondent Deng Ruilan) In order to solidly promote the three-year action to tackle the root causes of production safety in the industry and trade field, promote the promotion and implementation of the standards for determining  - Lujuba

Red Net Moment News, July 8th (Reporter Li Yiqian, Correspondent Deng Ruilan) In order to solidly promote the three-year action to tackle the root causes of production safety in the industry and trade field, promote the promotion and implementation of the standards for determining major accident hazards and training, and improve the quality of hidden hazard investigation and rectification, in July On the 5th, Changsha Tianxin Economic Development Zone organized a special training meeting on the "Standards for Determining Major Accident Hazards for Industrial and Trade Enterprises". Nearly 50 people, including safety directors of industrial and trade enterprises in the park and enterprise safety managers, participated.

During the training process, the lecturer Huang Rui, deputy dean of the School of Resources and Safety Engineering of Central South University, combined with the characteristics of the industrial and trade enterprises in Tianxin Economic Development Zone, analyzed the background of the promulgation of the judgment standards, the main categories of the judgment standards, and the 19 key inspection items of Hunan Province A detailed interpretation was given on aspects such as "safety management of contracting and leasing units", "certificated employment of special operators", "operation management in dust explosion hazardous locations" and other aspects.

Through this training, the trainees have a deep understanding of the criteria for determining major accident hazards, improved their ability to identify accident hazards, and effectively improved the safety awareness and management capabilities of employees in each production link.

In the next step, the park will tighten the "safety strings", carry out timely and comprehensive safety hazard inspections, strictly carry out safety risk rectification work in accordance with the criteria for determining major accident hazards, resolutely build a strong line of defense for safe production, and help enterprises produce safely.

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