Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still

entertainment 8687℃

Author: Nan Zhi, daily Planet Daily

Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth path for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still in the discussion stage as to how to use this new feature and how to combine it with the x platform and more scenarios to bring its true effectiveness into play. odaily will explore the real application scenarios of blinks in this article.

underlying logic explores how

plays a role?

This section only discusses the x platform (Twitter). As a social network platform, the x platform is used by a small number of users to publish project information (such as basic project information, data, progress, etc.) and opinions (such as research reports, Orders, etc.), where most users obtain information and opinions.

In terms of content characteristics, it has

  • high immediacy. What users see on the information flow is generally the latest information, and occasionally early information is evoked by replies from concerned users;
  • has strong fissionability, as long as the project party uses induced forwarding method, which can achieve a wide range of communication, second only to instant messaging applications and short video platforms;
  • is moderately personalized, focusing on users’ self-selection, and the x platform has begun to add content recommendation algorithms, but currently it still relies on self-selection The content produced mainly focuses on the object of attention.

crypto The actions of users can be summarized as "collecting information in real-time information streams that are of personal concern or from fission, as a basis for further long- and short-term investment decisions." Therefore, the author believes that "immediacy" and "promoting the purchase of valuable information" are the real battlefields of blinks.

"immediacy" refers to the user's shortest time on the information side, and the fastest operation through blinks. "Promoting the purchase of valuable information" refers to making readers feel "I need this information" through content, and using blinks to shorten their thinking and operation time to encourage them to place an order. In what link does

play a role?

If the sales of a product are simplified into three steps: reaching new users, converting new users, and waking up/renewing old users, in which link will blinks take effect?

  • Reaching new users: Whether it is self-publication, delivery or fission, it is not the function of blinks itself. Although Meteora and Raydium have specially created commission functions for Blinks to increase the enthusiasm for publishing, due to issues such as security and insufficient information, the author believes that this module should still belong to the platform that Blinks is attached to, and choose what platform to build Blinks on. , obtaining a sufficient user base is the first critical issue.
  • Converting new users: Why can short video platform shopping rise? Minimizing the purchase process after reaching the user's mind is a key factor. After reaching the target user and letting them find that a certain function is exactly what they need, the author believes that blinks can effectively increase the conversion rate by directly arousing wallet payment. What are the Potential cases are addressed in the next section.
  • Awakening of old users: The personalized attention of the x platform combined with the possibility of long-term reach can effectively awaken old users and has a certain effect in small expenditure or non-payment scenarios.

Discussion on potential use cases

divides the operations of crypto users into three categories, investment for profit, consumption, and others. The first two cover a wider range, while others include community governance, decentralized social networking, chain games, etc. , usually completed through its own platform and does not involve the x platform, so we will not discuss it here.

Investment for profit

In this kind of scenario, the information users need may require speed or sufficient depth, and in-depth information often involves large investments, which is difficult to believe without sufficient backing. A link to direct payment, first exclude an option.

And the high speed requirements of information usually correspond to the early meme tokens. Under what circumstances are users willing or dare to buy? In one case, the information source has sufficient credibility, and in the other case, the story has the potential to be hyped, allowing users to see the opportunity to use a small amount to make a big difference.Bome and slerf, which appeared in

html in March, respectively correspond to the above two types:

darkfarms, as an artist who has been building pepe for a long time, has the endorsement of past projects. When it uses blinks to build donation or purchase channels, it can effectively attract user participation. Other similar ones have Credible individuals or organizations can use blinks to promote conversion.

and slerf corresponds to the transformation of hype narratives. Although it is unknown, when receiving high-frequency related event bombardments under the real-time information flow of the X platform, a direct and fastest way to invest and participate is exactly what users need.

However, whether it is an information source with high credibility or a narrative that breaks the rules, the proportion is quite small, and the higher the investment amount, the lower the conversion rate that can be achieved, so the average efficiency of blinks is not high in such situations.


The author believes that consumption is the scenario where blinks can be widely used. Personalized recommendations screen the user group and ensure the potential buyer base, and the cooperation with the content can "penetrate the user's mind" and achieve conversion through the shortest path. , from "click on the little yellow car below the video" to "click on the blinks below the article to purchase." Especially in terms of value-added services, induced purchases and small consumption, examples are as follows:

When a project provides users with valuable information through this form, due to the repeatable reach ability of the x platform, the next time When blinks of the same project appear again, old users can be effectively awakened and paid.

community ideas

@thesendcoin released a series of community ideas on blinks on the


Prediction market

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

Airdrop checker

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

Paid chats (superchats)

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

Community drainage and conversion

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

nft Advanced operation

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba


Multi-sign private messages require multiple parties to verify their identity, and the accuracy of the link still needs to be ensured, which is of little significance.

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

private message sales, the current market has basically no demand for separate premium sales of nft.

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

destroys (useless) nft and tokens, involving too many tokens, and there are doubts about whether value coins will be involved.

Author: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily Last week, Solana and Dialect launched a new feature, Blinks. Some people regard it as an epoch-making new growth avenue for Solana, while others believe that it will do more harm than good and will only bring more fraud incidents. It is still - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment